Overnight sensation . . .

Everyone has always made fun of Sandra Ferris. She's gawky and shy, and people always whisper about her everywhere she goes. But the Wakefield twins step in and change Sandra's life by giving her a new look - hair, clothes, make-up, the works!
Suddenly, the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan, and that means trouble for Jessica. Now Sandra is getting all the attention. And even worse, Jessica discovers that Sandra is running against her for Sweet Valley's sixth-grade Citizen of the Year . . . and it looks as if she might win. Jessica has to find some way to tame the monster she has created - and her time is running short.

The plan backfires

All morning long people had been talking about Sandra Ferris. Of course Jessica had explained to all her friends that the entire make-over was her idea. But no one seemed to care very much. They were much more interested in gossiping about the new Sandra - how pretty her hair looked, how boys who had never noticed her were stopping in the halls to talk to her.
Jessica felt left out. If it hadn't been for her, Sandra's make-over never would have happened. But Sandra wasn't telling anyone that. She was just lapping up all the attention. It wasn't fair!

Is Jessica serious about becoming a famous actress? Jessica on Stage