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Please Follow Me on Face Book And Twitter
and share the word about this Effort
to Help Find Missing Persons
by clicking the Buttons below

First is the Face Book button - just tap on it

Now to follow me on Twitter


This page not only presents a few
different options to help reduce the numbers of Missing Person cases
But at the bottom of the page you will find
some missing person cases

Please take the time to read all the info here
and then watch the demo video for the V.ALRT

For under $50.00 you can help protect your family

How much does your loved ones safety mean to you ?

The V.Alrt is a device which can notify you a loved one is in trouble, lost or being abducted

If you use Face Book
you know there are thousands of posts
about missing women, children and men posted each and every day
those posts can be significantly reduced and the cases solved quickly

With thousands of unsolved missing person cases each year
the number of cold case files
for people going missing for extended periods of time is growing

There are ways we could reduce abductions
and missing person cases --
saving victims lives and sparing families
the stress of dealing with a missing loved one

Watch the video below and consider protecting your loved ones
with a V.ALRT

The 2 for 1 V.ALRT offer seen IN THE VIDEO is no longer valid

but how can you ignore this ?


The V.ALRT is designed as a wearable help button
which can be carried discreetly in a pocket or bag,
worn on the wrist with included wrist band
around the neck or on a keychain with included fob
and activated quietly
this is imporant because it has beem shown
in abduction cases that the
perpetrator usually takes cells phones away
from their victims at the first chance
The victim can easily push the Button on the V.ALRT and activate the "Help" calls

The V.ALRT can be found at
This Link HERE

Make sure you read the product info to be sure
you understand how the device works
Both Parties need smart phones.

The following video presents info on the V.ALRT system
which can help find a loved one who may have been abducted
needs some other type of help

Send a question to me
if you are not sure how this works



There are also links to info on other ways
to find the missing in a link further down on this page
as well as a link to a petition to sign
to implement available Technology

Now the Link to another solution to Finding Missing Women Children and Men - quickly

YOU can see to it these crimes are drastically reduced
and most other crimes are solved quickly

To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place

Next is a page which presents scenarios on how
The drone technology presented in the above petition can be used
Click here to be educated about
how we can find missing women children and men quickly


Ember Graham missing
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details

Help the Family Find Ember

Ember Graham Need to Be Found


If Diana Zacarias had the device shown in the video
she might be at home with her family right now :

Diana Zacarias 's body has been found
but Case Needs to be solved
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information

Help the Family Solve this case


Diana's case is also listed on the following links
For the Missing Minority Page I built
and My page for Missing Michelle Parker
she too might be with her loved ones
if she had the device

Missing Minorities
These Cases Need to be solved
Missing Minority Victims
Click HERE
for more Information

Help Solve These Cases


Michelle Parker -
Missing Orlando FL 2011
Click HERE for more Details

Help the Family Solve this case


We Will Build a Page for Your Missing Person Case
Examples of the pages we have built



I received this plea for help on
Tue, 10 May 2016
I immediately added links to Levoy Taljit on my
Prayer Group For The Missing pages seen HERE
And on some of my other Missing Person Cases Pages

Subject: Prayer Page
Good night
I read your Group Prayers Site for the Missing
and I'm asking your help
in praying for my son Levoy Taljit
Lavoy went missing since December 2012.
I am desperate for answers and hope your prayers help
Thank you.

Read more about this case HERE

Taljit's abandoned Toyota Raum
was found on a trail about 20 miles
off the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.


Missing Minorities
These Cases Need to be solved
Missing Minority Victims
Click HERE
for more Information

Help Solve These Cases


Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons
Kathy La Madrid
is Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Help The Family Find Her

Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

Join Our Prayer Group


We Will Build
a Page for Your
Missing Person Case

Click Above for Examples
of the pages we have built


I build Missing Person PAGE


The Next links offer
How we can Find
Missing women, children and men Safe and Quickly

Click HERE To read scenarios
on how we can
Find the Missing
Safe & Quickly
Using Drone Technology

The Time has come to Use All tools

If Abducted or Missing
The Valrt can Save
A loved ones Life
Click HERE for more Details

* Be Safe *

Protect Your Loved One with the Valrt

IF the satellite or drone imagery capturing and transmitting system

which we propose in our petition seen IF YOU CLICK HERE

had been in place
There is a good chance many of the Missing
would not be missing today


Get the unique V.ALRT device
to proect your loved ones
Click HERE for Details

You Loved Ones need this
