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Michelle Parker, Jennifer Kesse
and Tracy Ocasio have gone Missing from Orlando Florida
We believe there are some connections linking these cases
As presented on this page


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to Help Find the Missing
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Visitor to this page since it was placed online Nov 22th 2011
Just days after Michelle Parker went missing



Tap Here
to read more on the Heroin Epidemic
connection to Missing Person cases
and find out who was responsible for
the skyrocketing heroin supply
you will be shocked I am positive


As of

There have been no new updates on Michelle or the other cases For Months

Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

Join Our Prayer Group


We Will Build
a Page for Your
Missing Person Case

HERE are more pages we have built


Before getting to Michelle Parkers details
Now Please take a look at the these next few cases

The Jennifer Kesse case

Jennifer Kesse is also Missing From Orlando FL
Just Tap Here
For more on her on Jennifers case


Sarah Lee Stern is Missing

Tap HERE for the details
and add Sarah Lee Stern to your prayers


Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen



Would using Satellite surveillance OR unmanned drone picture taking technology
help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
Read about that possibility on this page


Ember Graham missing
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details

Help the Family Find Ember


Next is a page explaining How we can Find
Missing women, children and men Safe and Quickly
Using Drones


Next is a page explaining
How we can Find
Missing women, children and men Safe and Quickly
Using Drones

Click HERE To read scenarios
on how we can
Find the Missing
Safe & Quickly
Using Drone Technology

Also See pages I have built
for the missing

Before getting to Michelle Parkers case
I feel it is my duty to
tell the readers of my Missing person Pages
how you can protect your loved ones
With a unique new device


The V.ALRT Multi-Purpose is a personal electronic warning and
notification system

Can be used to find and locate
a lost, missing or abducted person
summon help for a person who needs any type of help
like and elderly or invalid person who has fallen


Limit 2 per order

Is $30.00 too much
to help protect your family and loved ones ?

Get the unique V.ALRT
to proect you loved ones
Click HERE for more Details

Your Loved Ones need this


And Follow me On Face BOOK too

There are no recent Developments on the Michelle Parker Missing Person Case
AS WELL AS on Jennifer Kesse and Tracy Ocasio

Michelle Parker went missing Nov 17th 2011
and has been missing 55 months
as of May 11st 2016
Jennifer Kesse went missing in 2006 AND Tracy Ocasio in 2009

On April 19th 2016 Greta Van Susteren of Fox news Network
rekindled the fires on The Kesse case
by presenting interviews with Drew Kesse ( Jens Father )
Jennifers Mother, and Brother and
Others involved in the case
Why has Nancy Grace not mentioned these cases for FOR years

Seems too busy putting her "Friends" and little angels pictures on TV
and acting as judge and jury on other cases

Click HERE to Send the Webmaster an email with comments or info on
these cases OR ANY case you want to get noticed

Our prayers are with Michelle Parker, Jennifer Kesse, Tracy Ocasio
and all others who are missing
for their safe return

Could their case be linked to others in the area ?
Jennifer Kesse went Missing in Orlando Florida in 2006 and Tracy Ocasio in 2009
with many similarities
see ALL the info, pics and the video below

This page is updated often and
has Information which needs to be shared with as MANY people as possible
Look at the Photos TOO

If we miss anything PLEASE send us your updates

We noticed the similarity of haircuts between the picture of the POI in the Jennifer Kesse case
and Smith the ONLY suspect in Michelles Case

We will post notices of any missing person case
on our main Find the Missing web site's "More Missing Persons Cases" Section seen at


We Will Build a Page for Your Missing Person Case
Examples of the pages we have built


IF you are as tired of hearing about
missing women, children and men and other crimes as I am
You have an opportunity to DO SOMETHING

PLEASE READ and Sign the Petition which presents a solution by Clicking Below
and be informed about our effort to accomplish this
YOU can see to it these crimes are drastically reduced
Victims are rescued and other crimes solved quickly

To sign the petition to help get the proposed solution in Place


We are dedicated to Help Find the Missing and will build a page for any case that is presented to us

Get this unique device
to proect your loved ones
Click HERE for more Details

Families need this


You can find out about the Michelle Parker Case searches and Vigils
online ON the Face Book pages for Michelle Parker from the links below

Our Info has been gathered from HLN TV NEWS, Online Articles and Newspapers
BUT most of THAT info has not been verified



Missing Minorities
In both
English and Spansih
These Cases Need to be solved
Missing Minority Victims
Click HERE
for more Information

Help Solve These Cases



PLEASE SHARE this Page On Face Book by Clicking on the Share Link Below


CUT and PASTE the url -
into your Status Update and News Feed

To Share this Page on Facebook

Orlando Florida Mother
Michelle Parker who operated a "Mobile Tanning Service",
say the mother of three dropped her young twins off with Smith about 3:30 p.m. Nov. 17, 2011,
shortly after appearing on a segment of
The People Court TV Show in which she and the father of her children
appeared to settle a contentious financial Situation.

This page has the latest information

We Will Build a Page for Your Case at no charge
Examples of the pages we have built


We thank HLN's now defunked show
Issues with Jane Valez Mitchell for presenting
this case for Finding Michelle Parker
While her decorum and tabloid tactics are sometimes questionable,
the bottom line is she got Michelle Parker's face in the public's eye

But why do show hosts
always say "We will stay on this case" --
Then you hear nothing about it again
a good example is the Trenton Duckett case
after Nancy Grace was sued by the mothers family
and the case was settled out of court
nothing more was heard about the missing boy



Michelle Parker, 33, who owned and operated A Mobile Tanning Business,
was last heard from late Thursday afternoon, Nov 17th 2011
when she sent a text message saying she was in
the Waterford Lakes neighborhood, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

The picture below is with the old 2.5 meter limit for zooming

Click Here to see a larger pic of the area


PLEASE READ THE Links to the satellite picture technology
seen elsewhere on this page


Note the difference in the next two pics:
THE FIRST was taken after the 2.5 meter close up limit for zooming in was lifted in MARCH 2012
and lowered to 1 meter
You can see the cars much closer in the first

This is the intersection near where Michelle was last heard from
Click HERE for a larger Pic

and see the Pic below of the same intersection
( How could using this technology be considered an Invasion of Privacy ? )

No New Updates - the most recent are first :

July 20th 2012:
Police have no new leads


Feb 1st 2012:
Diver searching Lake Tyler

WE WERE among the first to report this at noon Feb 1st 2012

JAN. 23RD 2012:
Nancy Grace reported one her Bombshells -
A video of Michelle driving through a KFC at 12:22 P.M.
The logo On her car was clearly visible
AND it was seen in the video on the driver side rear side windows
Grace had reported it was ONLY on the rear window
She did/has not mentioned if it was on both sides


Jan 10 2012:
Michelle's parents say they have not been allowed to see the children
and Smith family has Blocked all efforts for them to do so
Dec 11th 2011:
The Suspect's Father's Extensive POLICE RECORD is released Includes many Drug offenses
The Children are staying with him


Dec 19th 2011:
Grace reported One of her BOMBSHELLS during an interview
with Michelle's Mothers, she told Michelles Mother a body had JUST found
and was being "Fished out of the water as they spoke"
That Body turned out NOT to be Ms Parker AND
it was later disclosed in other media,
the body was recovered in the afternoon,
Grace goes on at 8:00 p.m. LIVE

Dec 10 th 2011:
The Parents of Michelle Parker were allowed to see their grandchildren over the weekend
The courts gave custody to the prime suspect and father of the Children -
He is now living with his Father
The laws governing the protection of Children in Florida Need to be changed


Dec 9th 2011:
Law-enforcement dive teams looking for clues in the disappearance of Michelle Parker
are searching a canal behind a home owned by the father of suspect


DEC 8TH 2011:
Michelle Parkers s Cell phone was Found at the spot shown IN THE PHOTOS BELOW

Dec 1st 2011:
It was made known that Texas Equusearch would be in Orlando to help with the search


Dec 1st 2011:
Judge Grants custody to the Suspect
What was he thinking ?
But its the Law IN Florida

Dec 1st: 2011
Suspect Pushes cameraman on way into court for custody hearing


Nov 29th 2011:
Police are searching Lake Elanor, in the area of Smith's Father's House
and near where her car was found

Also a video was made public of Michelle 's Hummer

The logo seen in the back window which advertized Michelle's "Glow" - "Mobile Tanning Business"
was partially removed when they found the Hummer
So it may OR may not have been on the car the full time it was on the road


NOV 18TH 2011:
POLICE RELEASE Dales Smiths arrest and Military records which show a history of Domestic Violence


NOV 18th 2011:
Michelle Parker's Hummer is found near a Mall NEAR I-4
IT was FOUND near the site where Jennifer Kesse's Car Was Found in 2006
A logo had been removed to disguise the car
BUT We can't find out which logos were removed
Nancy Grace reported the one in the rear window
But why go to the trouble of removing ONLY one of three logos on the vehicle ?


Police say Michelle Parker who appeared on "The People's Court" television show
went missing the day her episode aired.


Click on pic

Divers have searched the small canal that runs behind 6806 Chaucer Lane
in the Sky Lake subdivision this afternoon.

Orange County property records show the home is owned by Dale W. Smith.

The property where the current search is taking place is not the same location where a SWAT team executed a
search warrant last month. The earlier search took place at Smith's parent's home on Rose Boulevard.

Neighbors say the home on Chaucer Lane is occupied by the elder Smith's sister

No new developments since Dec 11th


Michelle Parker Is Missing 's Face Book Page should be joined


It HAS MORE photos of
Parker and Parker's car.

Click HERE FOR A closer pic of the area

Yvonne Stewart, Michelle 's mother pleads for anyone with information to call Crime Line at (800) 423-8477.

After Police discovered Parker's abandoned Hummer on the west side of Orlando near Millennium Mall
a day after her disappearance, they were made aware that the Window sign had been altered
and the 'GLOW' had been removed, presumably by whom ever took Michelle, so they would blend in better
at first they believed that she was the victim of a random carjacking

The locale was within 3/4's of a mile of where Jennifer Kesse's car was found - see image on this page
The car jacking theory has since changed and her Ex Fiance is now the prime suspect in her disappearance

After reading the Info on this page about Michelle Parker 's Disappearance Please take a look at the Jennifer Kesse case Just Tap Here


Michelle Parker, the mother of three, who operated a Mobile Tanning Service,
appeared on the court show to settle a dispute
over a $5,000 engagement ring with her
ex-fiance, and the father of her 3 - year old twin Daughters.
The case was decided in neither 's favor and they split the cost of the ring
But they were both compensated by the show.

Smith, who was initially NOT named as a "Person Of Interest" ( Not a Suspect ) in the case,
Smith has an extensive rap sheet, which included a dishonorable discharge
from the service for domestic violence

Smith has refused to take a polygraph on the advice of his High Priced Lawyer Mark Ne Jame

Police immediately investigated Smith as a suspect, and at first said he was NOT a person of interest
NOW authorities believe Smith IS THE # 1 suspect and is NO LONGER ruled out in the case,
according to ABC News.

The tactic of not claiming A POI was NOT a Suspect was used, in our opinion, to mislead Smith and get him to drop his guard.

At first, Parker's Friends said they did NOT believe Smith was responsible for her vanishing.

"If anybody has her and are holding her hostage, please let her go. Let her come home so she can raise her babies,"
Yvonne Stewart, Michelle Parkers 's Mother pleaded early on.

In the first days following the disappearance, Stewart commented "Smith has cooperated,100%, They have found absolutely no evidence that
there's any foul play on his part." she has since changed those beliefs
and once again, IMHO, Stewart made those statements to throw Smith off guard.

Brad Parker Michelle 's Father said ON an HLN show,
he believed Smith was involved from the first
time he found out his daughter was missing.

The Stewarts also say that Michelle Would "NEVER go to someone house she did NOT know for her Mobile Tanning Business
And that any unknown clients were required to come to a beauty salon owned by the Family, for any tanning services"

Over 100 people gathered Sunday evening Nov 27th 2011, for a candlelight vigil to support Parker after spending the day
searching for her, according to NEWS-13.

More vigils and searchers are planned
Visit the Face Book pages for Michelle to be kept up to date on Fund Raisers, Searches and Vigils


IS THERE A connection to the
Jennifer Kesse AND Tracy Ocasio cases,
see more on that below ?

Click HERE
to view a blown up version of this picture


Michelle Parkers s Cell phone was powered off and then Found at the spot shown above and below on Dec 8th

The Cell phone was found near the Nela Ave Bridge seen in both photos above

You may become angry after reading the next link

It presents info on the real time, satellite surveillance and picture taking capabilities and technology OUR military has used for decades,
which they have developed and perfected to astounding capabilities with your money

We have the ability to find the Missing within MINUTES - YES MINUTES of them being reported
and solve MOST OTHER crimes in that same amount of time - MINUTES

BUT the media and our elected officials are ignoring OUR EFFORT to
Adapt the existing system of real time satellite picture capturing capabilities for use by Law Enforcement

Please READ the page educate yourself about this proposed solution
AND ADD your voice to the petition SEEN IF YouThis Link Here HERE


The satellite surveillance technology proposed by us
could provide police with evidence of a crime - WITHIN MINUTES of it being committed -
guilty parties would be seen in pictures committing the acts. Leaving no excuse for police to NOT make an arrest


Please stop at this website to help
Keep my pages on the internet
The Trayvon Martin killing/murder case further points out the need for the system we propose.
All the confrontations and mishandling of the case
could have been avoided IF the system were adapted for use by Law Enforcement.

Click the image above to be taken
to the website for a Printable Prayer to say to
Find Missing Women, Children and men

Please read the article at


And then Sign the Petition to See to it the solution to Solving crime /
saving victims and sparing tens of millions of individuals and families the pain of being crime victims.

And once again it could be used to rescue missing children, women and men Within Minutes of them being reported missing

Sign the Petition by Clicking Below
and be informed about our effort to accomplish this



We need to use the real time Satellite Surveillance Technology we have developed
for our military since the 1970's and adapt it for use by Law Enforcement
to solve crimes and rescue Missing children women and men home Quickly and Safe
and spare millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one

The webmaster's Face Book Group ID IS
" Find the Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing


We fully understand the usefulness of HLN hosts Grace and Mitchell putting the face of the missing on TV
and thank them as they are among the very few that give
exposure to the missing in the mainstream media

We would hope they would consider placing a
Picture in Picture during their broadcasts which would show the missing
We have seen enough of Nancy 's Darling Children



Sarah Lee Stern is Missing

Tap HERE for the details
and add Sarah Lee Stern to your prayers


A newer case I have built a page for is Diana Zacarias
Missing since April 2 nd 2016

But the circumsatnces are clouded :

Diana Zacarias 's Case Needs to be solved
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information

Help the Family Solve this case


If you have a missing loved one
I will build a FREE page
like this one to help find
Diana Zacarias
for your case -- at no cost

Here is the link to my page where you can submit your info
on your loved ones missing person case


I will build pages and post links to other pages with notices of any missing person case
on the main web site's "More Missing Persons Cases" Section seen at

Click to get a page for your case
See pages we have built at no cost


Now here are more of the cases I have helped get exposure


The Jose Caballero case is
Presented in both
English and Spansih
El caso de José Caballero es
en ambos
Inglés y Español

Jose Caballero
since Aug 18th 2016
Help the Family Find Jose

For Jose Caballlero's Info Page
Pulse aquí
para página de información de Jose Caballlero

To get a page
for your case

See pages I have built for the missing


Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

Join Our Prayer Group


We Will Build
a Page for Your
Missing Person Case

Click Above for Examples
of the pages we have built

Diana Zacarias 's Case Needs to be solved
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information

Help the Family Solve this case


Ember Graham missing
July 2nd 2015
Click HERE for more Details

Help the Family Find Ember


Diana's case is also listed on the following links
For the Missing Minority Page I built
and My page for Missing Michelle Parker
she too might be with her loved ones
if she had the device


Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

Join Our Prayer Group


If Abducted or Missing
The Valrt can Save
A loved ones Life
Click HERE for more Details

* Be Safe *

Proteger a su ser querido con el Valrt
Protect Your Loved One with the Valrt


Missing Minorities
These Cases Need to be solved
We will build a Spanish web site too
for Missing Minority Victims
Click HERE
for more Information

Help Solve These Cases


Faltan las minorías
estos casos deben ser resuelto construimos una web española muy
para las víctimas de la minoría que faltan haga clic aquí
para obtener más información
Ayudar a resolver estos casos



Dylan Redwine missing since Nov 19th 2012
near 2300 County Road 500 Bayfield Colorado

Please help find him


Morgan Harrington's Case Need to be solved
Universtiy Of Virginia Area
Click HERE

Help the Family AND Police Solve this crime


Transgender teen
Dashad "Sage" Smith Is Missing

Please help Find Her
Charlottesville, Va


David Cisneros is Missing
Colorado Springs CO.
Click HERE

Find this young man Click Above


Would using DRONE AND
satellite picture technology
help find MOST missing persons
Like Michelle PARKER
Like David Cisneros and Jessica Ridgeway
and solve other crimes ?
We believe it can Save Lives while sparing families the paid of dealing with a missing loved one

Please Read the info found on this page

David and Jessica Ridgeway a 10 year old girl from Westminster CO., Colorado are both from Colorado
Jessica Ridgeway 's Body was found on Oct 10th
by Westminster Colorao Police, who are not revealing much info in order to protect the investigation

James Joseph Martin Was Killed by a hit and run driver in Apopka Florida
Here is the info on James Marin Hit and Run case
which could have been solved using The technology we present on our pages

CLICK Here for a large version of the poster



Click Here to sign the Petition to help find Derricak Henagan



Where is Derrick Henagan ?

Please help his family find Him


Here is The Heather Nicole Broadus Murder Case - Long Beach CA. Aug 2010

Send the Webmaster and Person responsible for this page an email with comments or info on another case
I fund my effort myself and NEVER ASK for any Money

I hope the police have checked the gas in the tank and when Michelle and Jennifer Last bought gas,
Most people buy gas at the same station and
it is NOT hard to figure out how many miles were driven IF they know when and
how much gas was Purchased, and how much was still in the tank when it was found,
especially with a vehicle that gets as low gas mileage as the Hummer.


Here is more on the Jennifer Kesse Case
Drew Kesse -
Jennifers Father is convinced she has been abducted for human sex trafficking
There are many similarities to The Michelle Parker Case
Here is a video showing the POI in The Kesse Case
please watch the end of it


Tracy Ocasio Has Been missing from Orlando Florida since 2009

Click Here to get the details and

Please help find Tracy Ocasio



Help Find Christina Whittaker Young
Her Page is HERE


Here are six other cases which have occurred
within a few hundred MILES of each other Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky,
some as close as 30 miles apart
Note the similarities in appearance of the victims
Is the Knoxville Area Next ?

Dover TN is near the middle of all these disappearances
are there any crime reporters who live in that area
who might be involved ?
who better would have access to police info / progress

Again: Criminal Profiler and
frequent commentator on HNL shows Pat Brown
says there is NO CONNECTION ? Others disagree



16 year Old Antoinette Garrison was Missing
From Fort Collins Colorado
She has been found
Click Here for details



Hailey Dunn is Missing
from Colorado City Texas
Since Dec 27 2010
Click HERE
To See Hailey Dunn 's Face Book page
On March 21st Nancy Grace has been reporting a body has been found
in "Big Springs" Texas ( the name of the town is actually "Big Spring"
This is not the first gaff Mr Graces research team has made
send Nancy Grace a message from the media link ABOVE
asking why she ignores the SOLUTION to use drones presented here
To Find the missing......
Be Outraged and Let your voice be heard


Update on Karen Swift
Missing from Dyersburg TN =

Her Body was found Dec 10th 2011

NO SUSPECTS - BUT her HUSBAND IS POI ( Person OF Interest )

CLICK HERE for more of the latest details
and satellite pics of the area where her body was found

Karen Swift ( Karen Johnson Swift )
went missing from her Dyersburg Tennessee Home Oct 30th

Click here for a larger satellite view of Karen Swift 's home

click on the following pic to see a zoomed in Satellite Image of the area where the car was found -----

Click here for a larger satellite view of the area where her car was found



Katelyn Markham

Kate Markham has gone Missing
from Fairfield Ohio

Please CliCK THIS link and Read the Face Book Page
info to help Find Katelyn Markham

Click on pic

for a Close Up satellite view of the location Katelyn Markham was last seen


Holly Bobo
Country Singer Whitney Duncan's cousing is missing


AND Help
Bring Holly Bobo Home Safe
There is a reward fund
For Ms Bobo But I do Not Post that info here
Google "Reward Fund and add any of the names you see in this section to
see if there is a fund for that case and PLEASE donate


Lauren Spierer

Click Here For Info on Lauren, We need to Find Lauren Spierer

Click On the satellite picture above
For a blow up version of the last place Lauren Spierer Was Seen


Paige Johnson

Paige Johnson NEEDS to be found
Please Visit this Link for more info on Paige Johnson 's Case



Jacque Sue Waller

Click Here For Details on Jacque Sue Waller

Missing from Cape Girardeau, Missouri June 1st 2011
The family of Jacque Sue Waller, a missing mother of young triplets from Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
said today she was a victim of domestic abuse. The family believes her estranged husband,
whom police have identified as a person of interest,
is involved in her disappearance.


This is the end of those six cases

Agian Is there a Connection ? Pat Brown Does Not thinks so BUT others do


Now another high profile case
Michelle Parker
Missing from Orlando Florida
Click Here for a Page for the Michelle Parker Case

Michelle, who runs a "Mobile Tanning Service" went missing after a segment of People Court
in which she and the father of her children appeared to settle a contentious financial Situation.

Police say the Florida mom who appeared on "The People's Court" television show went missing the day her episode aired.

Michelle Parker, 33, was last heard from late Thursday afternoon, Nov 17th
when she sent a text message saying she was in
the Waterford Lakes neighborhood, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

We plead with anyone with information to call Crimeline at (800) 423-8477 IF you have any info about Michelle Parker

Click Here to see a larger pic of the area

The HLN Nancy Grace Show has also presented the Michelle Parker case and is Urgently requesting help with Finding Michelle Parker


Grace reported a body was found and was being "Fished out of the water as I speak" one night on her show
That Body turned out NOT to be Ms Parker.

Now More cases which need attention


Find Lindsey Baum

and PLEASE PLEASE look at the Lindsey Baum FACE BOOK PAGE AT
This link


Here is the Mitrice Richardson Case
Which happens too often
and her Father - Michael Richardson's fight to get justice for his daughter

Why do parents and loved ones of the missing have to endure such pain and agony

Police need to cooperate fully with families of the Missing
The solution presented in the petition seen on this page
would make it easy for police to solve these crimes
PLEASE READ THE petition HERE and ADD Your Voice


Susan Powell is still missing in Utah


Please Read about the Karen Swift Case

Click Here
Her Body was found Dec 10th, after she went misiing Oct 30th in Dyersburg Tennessee
Police need tips from anyone who may have seen her car IN THE AREA.


Now More Cases

Here is The Heather Nicole Broadus Murder Case - Long Beach CA. Aug 2010

== Breaking News
New Cases - Mickey Shunick ( Lafayette, LA Louisiana ) ~~~ Jerry Walker ( West Oakland California ) and Kristi Merrill from Carmichael California
and Jacquline Jax Whittington

You are also asked to Like the Face Book Pages for these missing loved ones IF linked on the pages

Michaela 'Mickey' Shunick
----- Jerry Walker -----
----- Kristi Merrill -----
Petition For Kristi Merrill Case
Mickey Shunick ( Michaela )----- Jerry Walker ------ Kristi Merrill is MissingPetiton for Kristi Merrill Case

Jacqueline "Jax" Whittington
Jacqueline Jax Whttington

Here is a Link to Mickey Shunick's Face Book Page
Please Like it


And here are the Links to The Pages I have built for the missing
Again contact me IF you need a page

Jason Allen Ashley
Colton Barrera
Rosemary Day
Hailey Dunn
Jason Allen Ashley Cotton BerraraRosemary DayHailey Dunn
Tabatha Lynn Franklin
Tabatha Lynn Franklin

Joanie Hall
Gabriel Johnson
Patricia Lalonde
Finding Joanie HallGabriel JohnsonPatricia Lalonde

Lori Jean Lloyd
Jennifer Marteliz
Kristi Merrill
Stacy McKinney
Latasha Nevitt
Michelle Parker
Lori Jean LloydJennifer MartelizKristi MerrillStacy McKinneyLatasha NevittMichelle Parker

Rebecca Rusty Porter
Susan Powell
Tom Ray Starkel
Venus Stewart
Karen Swift
Jacqueline "Jax" Whittington
Rebecca Rusty PorterSusan Powell Thomas Tom Ray Starkel Venus Stewart Karen SwiftJacqueline Jax Whittington

--- Alex Vasquez ---
--- Alex Vasquez ---


Next are sites with info about our effort to stop these crimes
We have a solution presented in the Petition ( furthest on the right )
and need Your Help Getting the attention of those who can implement it

Our solution is based on the facts: We have the satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
and IF Adapted for use by Law Enforcement it would
Drastically reduce crime and spare tens of millions of families
and individuals the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
or being a crime victim

Educate yourself then share the info you find with everyone == any way and anywhere you can

Our Main Website
Read How Technology Would Work
40% of Missing are Minorities
ADD Your Voice
Our Efforts Main Web PageHow the system Would WorkFind Missing MinoritiesSign The Petition HERE


Please sigh this petition to Help
The family of Murder Victim Nicole Ayres
change the laws regarding sentence for Murderers



Please Help And
Share This Page on Facebook - Click HERE



Click Here


You may become angry after reading the next link

I hope it builds a fire under you to join our effort

We are doing everything we can
to assure these crimes are stopped
and the missing are found quickly and safe

We present info on the real time, satellite surveillance and picture taking capabilities and technology
OUR military has developed, perfected and used this technology and system
for decades to protect our troops and provide vital information on our adversaries
We as taxpayers have paid for it
This Technology should be adapted for use by Law Enforcement to find Missing Children, women and men QUICKLY and SAFE
and drastically reduce ALL other crimes

We have a page with Scenarios of how the system would work at
This Link Here HERE


All the details on this capability can be found
THE Main page for our effort to get our leaders to adapt the
picture taking technology


Our pages for Karen Swifts, Michelle Parkers, Jennifer Kesse And many more missing men children and women cases
are also listed in the "More Missing Persons Cases" Section on our main web site
as well as on our other missing person page

Step Up AND see to it the
proposed solution is adapted by Law Enforcement to help them
Do their jobs more effectively and to better ends
Educate yourself to the facts: wE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to find the Missing WITHIN Minutes of them being reported
and solve MOST OTHER crimes also within MINUTES - YES MINUTES

BUT the media and our elected officials are ignoring attempts to
Adapt the existing system of real time satellite picture capturing capabilities for use by Law Enforcement

Please READ the linked pages to educate yourself about this proposed solution
AND ADD your voice to the petition

Share the info you find with ALL others and HELP the effort
to implement the solution to the scourge of crime and Missing Children, Women and Men cases
which sweeps our nation

We can spare families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
Plus all the other benefits this would provide to everyone

Again: Please See and sign our petition at
This link here for more on the possible solution to Finding The Missing
WITHIN Minutes of them being reported

We need to use the real time Satellite Surveillance Technology we have developed
for our military since the 1970's and adapt it for use by Law Enforcement
to Bring Missing children women and men home Quickly and Safe
and spare millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one

The webmaster's Face Book Group ID IS
" Finding Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing


We fully understand the usefulness of HLN hosts Grace and Mitchell putting the face of the missing on TV
and thank them as they are among the very few that give
any exposure to the missing in the mainstream media
BUT We can NOT understand why they refuse to tell their viewers about the petition and allow those viewers to decide
if it is something they would like to see in place

We would hope they would reconsider at least mentioning the petition

We have also been ignored after asking, why don't they show Picture in Picture during their broadcasts which would show the missing
We have seen enough of Nancy 's Darling Children

I repeat, Please Please Sign the Petition


to ask the media to educated the public about the technology
and help get the System put in place



Click Here


Dawn McQueeneys Page on Face Book
Found Safe - Please Stop and Share


Above is one more way I can help others
If the Back Ground is Yellow there is an active Amber Alert
which means there is a child missing or abducted
Please see my page
To Find Missing and Abducted Women and Children


Susan Powell is still missing in Utah - is Steven Powell a Suspect or Not - the Cox Family wants to know SUSAN Cox Powell

Jennifer Kesse and Tracy Ocasio are still missing from Orlando Michelle Parker
Is Missing from Orlando Florida after appearing on the People 's Court TV show,
the hln Nancy Grace Show Today Show Yvonne Stewart
Jennifer Kesse Tracy Ocasio Orlando Sentinel
Huffington Post ABC CBS

Use unmanned drones and satellite images to find the missing

Michelle Parker Body Found ? no she is still Missing from
Orlando Florida after appearing on the People 's Court YV show,
karen swift case dyersburg Tenn the hln
Nancy Grace Show Today Show Yvonne Stewart
Jennifer Kesse Tracy Ocasio Orlando Sentinel Huffington Post ABC

Michelle Parker Is Missing from Orlando Florida after appearing on the People 's Court YV show,
the hln on the Nancy Grace Show Today Show Yvonne Stewart associated connected to Jennifer Kesse Body Found Tracy Ocasio Body Found
Body Found in Orlando ? No The ORLANDO Sentinel reaD THE Huffington Post ABC CBS
Karen Swift dyersburg TN Tennessee

Nancy Grace Breaking News Bombshell Show