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to read more on the Heroin Epidemic
connection to Missing Person cases

Would using Satellite picture taking technology help find missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
Read about that possibility on this page


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Hailey Dunn was Missing
from Colorado City Texas
Since Dec 27 2010
It has been reported her body has been found in Feb 2013
Click HERE
To See Hailey Dunn 's Face Book page

On March 21st 2012 Nancy Grace has been reporting a body has been found
in "Big Springs" Texas ( the name of the town is actually "Big Spring"
Big Spring is over 300 Miles from Big Springs
This is not the first gaff Mr Graces "crack" research team has made
send Nancy Grace a message from the media link ABOVE
asking why she makes sio many errors in her reporting
and why she ignores the SOLUTION presented here
To Find the missing......
Be Outraged and Let your voice be heard


David Cisneros
Missing From Colorado Springs CO.


Would using satellite picture technology help find MOST missing persons Like David Cisneros and Jessica Ridgeway
and solve other crimes ?
We believe it can Save Lives while sparing families the paid of dealing with a missing loved one

Please Read the info found on this page

David and Jessica Ridgeway a 10 year old girl from Westminster CO., Colorado are both from Colorado
Jessica Ridgeway 's Body was found on Oct 10th
by Westminster Colorao Police, who are not revealing much info in order to protect the investigation


Gabriel Johnson is missing too see this Page for more on Gabriel Johnson



I am waiting for Info to put on this page


We are dedicated to Help Find the Missing and will build a page for any case that is presented to us

We do NOT use or sensationalize the cases for ratings

We Will Build a page for your case
See Examples of the pages we have built


The following link to the Tabitha Lynn Franklin Case is a sample of the type Of Page
I will build for any Missing person case
And then Place a similar link on my other 80 pages for the Missing

Tabitha Lynn Franklin
Tabitha Lynn Franklin

Tabitha Lynn Franklin Needs to be Found

Contact HLN AND CNN shows through this link

Contact Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER SHows
ask them to help



Dylan Redwine missing since Nov 19th 2012
near 2300 County Road 500 Bayfield Colorado

Please help find him
