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connection to Missing Person cases

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Missing Person Case
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Visitor to this page since it was palced online June 21st 2012 11:01 a.m.


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The text and info for the Heriberto Ocasio case presented on this page has been edited somewhat
It is as close to the original emailed info as possible
I am waiting for the family to send me their edited and corrected version

I also apologize for the poor quality of the photos But
They are what I was sent


Anyone who may have been in the jail
at the same time as Heriberto Ocasio
or who may have seen after his release -- Please contact the family below

If you are Heriberto Ocasio and are afraid for some reason to contact your family
Contact the webmaster and architect of this page



The info to contact the Family is: Juanita Ocasio is looking for her father - her email is ( (484-426-6365)

Heriberto Ocasio

was last seen in 1990 when he was release from Huntingdon County Prison in the Philedelphia Area

he was from Allentown PA. He is a light skin latino with tatoos on arm AND chest

He was 33 when last seen and is now 55 yrs old,

He did not attend his mother's or brother's funeral. He lost contact AND that is not like him not to contact family.

My name Juanita Ocasio my email is ( (4844266365)

if anyone knows him to give him fone number,let him know his dauter AND his family are trying to find him,

please make a facebook with photo also put on ur page, and website for missing ppl,

i greatly appreciate it

Heriberto Ocasio is now 55 yrs old and may have salt and pepper hair

My mother died never knowing what happened to her son

Again my name Juanita Ocasio email, Phone is 4844266365 Thanks

that's my mom in photo with him he was 24 in 1981
thank you Mr Bill for all you Do


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Jerry Walker
Jerry Walker


I Received this message from Nancy Smith through Face Book

She asks about existing technology which could solve crimes quickly
Below the info on her Daughter Heather Nicole Broadus 's Murder case
we present links to the technology she mentions

Dear Sir:
Why is this technology you present on your pages not being used? Why doesn't NASA or the government already do this?
I tried the time-line on google earth but it doesn't have every day let alone every second of every day.
If I could see satellite images of August 30 2010 I could see who murdered my daughter,
Heather Nicole Broadus at 355 E 56th St., Long Beach CA.

She was found outside on the sidewalk so it would be seen from a satellite.
I have signed your petition to the president. Is there anyone else at NASA or overseeing them that we can contact?

I recently saw a TV show about a dumping ground where they found several bodies,
and they showed satellite images of the area which shows the ground changes over time and its obvious
that as each body was buried there you could tell from the satellite pictures when the next body was "planted".
Yet no images of some one burying them. Why wouldn't they see that as well? BTW Thanks for your efforts!
Nancy Smith,
Heather Nicole Broadus 's Mom

Click ON the pic for more details on the Heather Nicole Broadus case below

Here is Heather Nicoles Broadus's Face Book Notice

- Please friend Nancy Smith ON Face Book too


Now we present the info on the technology Nancy Smith was talking about to solve crimes


Next are sites with info about our effort to solve these crimes
We have a solution presented in the Petition ( furthest on the right )
and need Your Help Getting the attention of those who can implement it

Our solution is based on the facts: We have the satellite picture taking and transmitting technology
and IF Adapted for use by Law Enforcement it would
Drastically reduce crime and spare tens of millions of families
and individuals the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
or being a crime victim

Educate yourself then share the info you find with everyone == any way and anywhere you can

See examples of my pages built for missing person cases at the end of this page


Our Main Website
Read How Technology Would Work
40% of Missing are Minorities
ADD Your Voice
Our Efforts Main Web PageHow the system Would WorkFind Missing MinoritiesSign The Petition HERE



Click Here


You may become angry after reading the next link

I hope it builds a fire under you to join our effort

We are doing everything we can
to assure these crimes are stopped
and the missing are found quickly and safe

We present info on the real time, satellite surveillance and picture taking capabilities and technology
OUR military has developed, perfected and used this technology and system
for decades to protect our troops and provide vital information on our adversaries
We as taxpayers have paid for it
This Technology should be adapted for use by Law Enforcement to find Missing Children, women and men QUICKLY and SAFE
and drastically reduce ALL other crimes

We have a page with Scenarios of how the system would work at
This Link Here HERE


All the details on this capability can be found
THE Main page for our effort to get our leaders to adapt the
picture taking technology


Our pages for Karen Swifts, Michelle Parkers, Jennifer Kesse And many more missing men children and women cases
are also listed in the "More Missing Persons Cases" Section on our main web site
as well as on our other missing person page

Step Up AND see to it the
proposed solution is adapted by Law Enforcement to help them
Do their jobs more effectively and to better ends
Educate yourself to the facts: wE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to find the Missing WITHIN Minutes of them being reported
and solve MOST OTHER crimes also within MINUTES - YES MINUTES

BUT the media and our elected officials are ignoring attempts to
Adapt the existing system of real time satellite picture capturing capabilities for use by Law Enforcement

Please READ the linked pages to educate yourself about this proposed solution
AND ADD your voice to the petition

Share the info you find with ALL others and HELP the effort
to implement the solution to the scourge of crime and Missing Children, Women and Men cases
which sweeps our nation

We can spare families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
Plus all the other benefits this would provide to everyone

Again: Please See and sign our petition at
This link here for more on the possible solution to Finding The Missing
WITHIN Minutes of them being reported

We need to use the real time Satellite Surveillance Technology we have developed
for our military since the 1970's and adapt it for use by Law Enforcement
to Bring Missing children women and men home Quickly and Safe
and spare millions of families the pain of dealing
with a missing loved one

The webmaster's Face Book Group ID IS
" Finding Missing " Please like us for more on the Missing


We fully understand the usefulness of HLN hosts Grace and Mitchell putting the face of the missing on TV
and thank them as they are among the very few that give
any exposure to the missing in the mainstream media
BUT We can NOT understand why they refuse to tell their viewers about the petition and allow those viewers to decide
if it is something they would like to see in place

We would hope they would reconsider at least mentioning the petition

We have also been ignored after asking, why don't they show Picture in Picture during their broadcasts which would show the missing
We have seen enough of Nancy 's Darling Children

I repeat, Please Please Sign the Petition


to ask the media to educated the public about the technology
and help get the System put in place



Click Here


Now the pages
I have built for
Abducted and Missing Persons Cases

Jason Allen Ashley
Colton Barrera
Rosemary Day
Hailey Dunn
Jason Allen Ashley Cotton BerraraRosemary DayHailey Dunn
Tabatha Lynn Franklin
Tabatha Lynn Franklin

Joanie Hall
Gabriel Johnson
Patricia Lalonde
Finding Joanie HallGabriel JohnsonPatricia Lalonde

Lori Jean Lloyd
Jennifer Marteliz
Kristi Merrill
Stacy McKinney
Latasha Nevitt
Michelle Parker
Lori Jean LloydJennifer MartelizKristi MerrillStacy McKinneyLatasha NevittMichelle Parker

Rebecca Rusty Porter
Susan Powell
Tom Ray Starkel
Venus Stewart
Karen Swift
Jacqueline "Jax" Whittington
Rebecca Rusty PorterSusan Powell Thomas Tom Ray Starkel Venus Stewart Karen SwiftJacqueline Jax Whittington

--- Alex Vasquez ---
--- Alex Vasquez ---



Dillon Redwine missing since Nov 19th 2012
near 2300 County Road 500 Bayfield Colorado

Please help find him


Above is one more way I can help others
If the Back Ground is Yellow there is an active Amber Alert
which means there is a child missing or abducted
Please see my page
To Find Missing and Abducted Women and Children


Contact HLN AND CNN shows through this link

Contact Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER SHows
ask them to help
