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Tap Here
to read more on the Heroin Epidemic
connection to Missing Person cases

Would using Satellite picture taking technology have helped solve this crime
and assist in finding missing persons and reduce other crimes ?
Read about that possibility on this page



With crimes like this hit and run murder and over 2000 Americans Reported missing EACH DAY,
I am determined to stop the need for NEW missing person notices and crime notice in the future seen online and on Face Book

The time would be well spent, If those who post those notices would take a few extra minutes a day
helping educate others about the online petition
to get our elected officials to adapt existing real time military satellite picture taking and transmitting technology to Help find the Missing
and drastically reduce other crimes within MINUTES of the crime being reported

By adapting the technology for use by Law Enforcement the
Existing REAL TIME satellite picture taking and transmitting technology our military has developed and used for decades to protect our troops
WE Can save victims and spare tens of millions of families the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
or being a crime victim in the future
AND SAVE billions of dollars on the over 800,000 searches done for the missing
and many more tens of billions spent investigating crimes EACH year

Until then we must continue to post the notices and Pages like this one

Please sign the petition seen on this page and ADD YOUR VOICE to the cause


You are the

visitors to this page since it was put online July 4th 2012 12:30 a.m.



IF you are the hit and run driver who hit James Joseph Martin on June 20th 2012
and are afraid to come forward
Please Contact the webmaster/author of this page
I will help you tell your side of the story

Please Send a message HERE
And Put I am the Driver in the Subject line so I don't over look it

James Joseph Martin
Killed By a hit and run driver
Apopka Florida

On June 20th 2012


Do you know someone who WAS IN THE AREA OF Apopka FL.
between 12:30 a.m. and 3:40 A.M. ON June 20TH 2012
AND had ANY damage to their car
even if they offered a feasible explanation
Please Contact police and let them question the owner of the car

Contact The Florida Highway Patrol at (407) 737 2213

We need to Solve these crimes and put the offenders away for a long time

If we were using all the tools we have available
Most crimes could be solved within MINUTES - YES MINUTES

Please sign the petition to see to it the existing technology
is adapted for use by police and put in place

Educate yourself
Then Please share the info with everyone you come in contact with
Post it on your Face Book Status / News Feed and tweet it
CLICK HERE TO Add Your Voice


Please Help And
Share This Page on Facebook - Click HERE


* ++++++++++++++ *

HERE are more pages about James Martins Hit and Run case FOUND ON Google


Contact me IF you need a page for your case ( Missing person or Crime Victim cases )

I have over 40 pages online

We are dedicated to Help Find the Missing
and help solve other cases
we will build a page at NO COST for any crime that is presented to us
WE WILL ALSO PLACE LINKS TO Existing pages on our various missing person pages
and submit your page to major search engines for maximum exposure

Click on the link directly below

We Will Build a page for your case

See More Cases HERE


Click Here To Contact Us



Now A FEW More Cases
Click ON the pic for more details on the cases below


Morgan Harrington's Case Need to be solved
Universtiy Of Virginia Area
Click HERE

Help the Family AND Police Solve this crime


Kara Rose Alongi is Missing
Clark New Jersey - Click HERE

Find this Woman Click Above

NOW - two missing women from the Same small town Carmichael, California
Are there more girls missing from the area ?

Kristi Merrill and Linnea Lomax

Kristi Merrill Carmichael CA
Petition For Kristi Merrill Case
Linnea Lomax
Carmichael CA.

More Info on Linnea Lomax

Kirsti MerrillPetition To Find KristiLinnea LomaxAnother page for Linnea Lomax

~~~~~~ Now before we get to more cases - Our Solution ~~~~~~~~~

Our Main Website
With the Solution

Read How Technology Would Work
40% of Missing are Minorities & Ignored
ADD Your Voice
Our Efforts Main Web PageHow the System Would WorkFind Missing Minorities NOWSign The Petition HERE

Lori Jean Lloyd
Jennifer Marteliz
Stacy McKinney
Latasha Nevitt
Michelle Parker
Lori Jean LloydJennifer MartelizStacy McKinneyLatasha NevittMichelle Parker


Please sigh this petition to Help
The family of Murder Victim Nicole Ayres
Change the law on prison terms for Murderers

AND Please visit and support the Family OF Nicole Ayres on Michael Lando's Face Book Page




Click Here to sign the Petition to help find Derrick Henagan
Missing from Michigans Upper Peninsula
Police have dropped the ball on this case



Here is the Mitrice Richardson Case
Which happens too often
and her Father - Michael Richardson's fight to get justice for his daughter

Why do parents and loved ones of the missing have to endure such pain and agony

Police need to cooperate fully with families of the Missing
The solution presented in the petition seen on this page
would make it easy for police to solve these crimes
PLEASE READ THE petition HERE and ADD Your Voice



Where is Derrick Henagan ????
Derrick Henagan is missing from Michigan

Please help his family find Him


The Webmaster of this page is found on Face Book as "Finding Missing"
His group is "Find the Missing"
Please friend and Like them

Need a page for your case

See The pages we have built


Please stop at the following link and educate yourself about how we
can EACH do something to assure our youth
Make the right choices
The effort was founded by the highly respected Activist Jamie McWilliams, President/CEO of PECC.
She was responsible for getting laws passed for higher penalties for hit and run Drivers

Click HERE TO Get the info


Contact CNN AND HLN shows through this link

Contacxt Nancy Grace - Jane Mitchell - ALL THE OTHER SHows
ask them to help

Susan Powell is still missing in Utah - is Steven Powell a Suspect or Not - the Cox Family wants to know SUSAN Cox Powell

jAmes Joseph MARTIN JENNIFER Martilez missing

James Joseph Martin killed by hit and run driver Apopka Florida -

We need to find that driver and send him to jail - James Martin s Family needs to get justice -

Apopka FL Need a page for missing person case JENNIFER Martilez missing Tampa Florida

Casey Anthony Orlando FL., USE Existing technology to solve crimes every tool satellites Photos