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Welcome to my Prayer Group Page #10

No request is too insignificant
I will post all requests

You will find prayer works

and miracles do happen

Just bookmark this page
and read when you have time
the many thank you messages from those
whose prayers were answered


Add your voice to our prayers
Use the email links to send your prayer requests
and Thank You Messages which
will then be placed on our groups pages
ALL requests and Thank You posts WILL be included as time permits

Submit a prayer request for your needs
or for someone you know in need

Once more - NO request is too insignificant
and all requests will be posted
we pray to ask your diety for
their blessings and protection for
Jody Brooks's grand daughter
who passed Aug 22 2022
Jody is a subscriber to youtubes Outdoor UNIVERSITY

Please join me in prayer for
my neighbors and
myself - we liive on. Caa Coral FL
where hurricane Ian came ashore
We need your prayers and help

police officers
We pray to end the strife and violence
in America and around the world

You can ask for cures for cancer patients you know
or for those who have the corona virus
to finding missing loved ones
and help with finding or keeping jobs

ALL requests will be posted
as time allows
Email me and I will Add your request
and your request will be added as quickly as possible

send email to
or Email Your Prayer Request

You are the

visitor to this page
since I added Page #10
to the Miracle Prayer Group in Dec 2016

We are 10,000 strong and Pray as one
There is strength in numbers

The posts seen on these pages
are from and for people of ALL faiths
seeking divine interventions

Please Join and ADD your voice

All I ask is that you say the prayer daily
and share this Prayer Groups URL on ALL sites you use
Please cut and paste -- -- in your posts


There is nothing to do to join Our Prayer Group except say the prayer
to your higher power

Tap here for a printable copy of the prayer


You can direct the prayer you say
to your own special higher power I have been praying to St Jude
The patron Saint of Hopeless causes since I was a child
askingrequests of those in need
I have had this Prayer Group online
for many years doing the same

In Dec 2018 I was diagnosed with Ureter / Kidney cancer
and asked the group members for their prayers
It worked I beat it and was told I am cancer free

I want to thank all those who prayed with me
and the Higher Powers who granted me my miracle cure

I assure you I still pray everyday for fellow members

There is nothing to do to join
except say the prayer
there is a printable copy of prayer linked later

Anyone can submit a prayer request

NO reason is too insignificant and all requests will be posted
From asking for cancer cures -
to help with finding or keeping jobs


Follow Me ( @ifindthemissing ) on Twitter
by tapping the Twitter Button below
to mending or starting a relationship

This Prayer group was formed in 2006
I have been adding pages regularly to accommodate new Prayer Requests
and I will post prayers for ANY reason
no matter how insignificant it might seem

Page #10 is one of the most visited pages of Our Prayer Group

ALL in need are invited to submit requests
for any type of need

Page 10 offers many requests for Cancer patients
to be cured or given some relief from that dreaded illness

In addition there are many prayer requests
on my pages to help find missing loved ones

There is no fee - we just ask you to raise your voice
to The Powers that be and pray all in need of help receive it

Please visit our Sponsor Pages Here

There are 10,000 members and thousands of prayer requests
and Thank You Messages frsom those whose prayers were answered
on our Prayer Group Pages
Please ADD your voice

You can submit your request
through the email Tabs on this page
Email Your Prayer Request

and your post will be added as quickly as possible


This Prayer Group is for people of all religions
to band together seeking help for any multitude of reasons
by saying prayers to GOD Our Heavenly Father,
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
or any Higher Power or Deity you recognize and Pray To


Your combined Prayers in conjunction
with the Crucifix Icon seen below
are reported to elp overcome illnesses
and seemingly overwhelming situations


Please Pray for Dan McCoy
who is in need
of a Divine Intervention


Wed, Jun 9, at 11:09 PM,
Larry Lamas wrote to
Protection and deliverance from persecutors
forgiveness of my sins healing peace
at home recovery of madrona
llamas overcome job challenges conversion
of Steven gierran jeffrey sardido
christian fernandez Ajay negapatan
theodore allego Jovelyn Susan Nick
Jovan Gabutan Arnel Armero Leah Bejano
Honey Lasola Bella Fabricante
Peter Bunge Deborah Labastida Ann Guzman
for the repose of souls of Fernando Nacasabog Llamas
Mario Nacasabog Llamas
Hilario Opena Llamas Sr Soledad


The Image of Jesus Icon
made by the hand of GOD in nature
and said to provide GOD's Blessings and Protection
to all who have one
mine worked for me -
I was declared
cancer free Sept 28 2019
to read more about this icon


Here are some FaceBook Prayer requests

First from Victoria S.

Dan Bongino


Prayers are requested
by Lisa Bierly


Prayers and Help needed for Jason Hartsoe
read more below

Please Visit Jason's FaceBook Page for
complete details on his desperate situation



From Vickie Hebert
Aug 14 2020
to: The PrayerPage


From Anne hr who needs help with a relationship


From Teresa Lorraine
to The Prayer Group:
Please Add my Prayer Request
Aug 7 2002



From Lynn Marie Morgan
5:00 p.m.



From Francis Bigger Alvarado


From Facebook Friends Grace and Truth
My wife and I have a very important meeting today and I'm asking for Prayer. ....
.We need God's wisdom. favor, and guidance.
Prayers greatly appreciated.
The meeting starts at 10am and
will last about 2 hours.
(details private)


From Carol Soos.......
to The Prayer Group
Aug 7 2020

Good afternoon
I am requesting prayers for my godson James Jimmy Ngsaye
who has been a drug addict for a few years now.
He has been in and out of rehab,
stays clean for a few months and then goes back.
  Right now it's a desperate situation
as he has gone missing for over 3 weeks
He has never stayed away for so long.
When he goes to get the drugs, 
it will be for just a few days>
Thank you in advance.


St Jude you have helped me IN THE past
Please help Jessica K
overcome serious health problems
she is the mother of my children
William T Cape Coral FL

Here is a followup to Carols Request

Wed 26-Aug-20 08:51 AM
Thank God and thank you all very much for your prayers.
James came back home, however,
we still need support in prayer for him
to be totally freed from this drug addiction
and also for him to make the decision
to go to a rehab which has a high success rate.
Attempts were made previously for him to go
but he did not want to because of the very strict rules.
Thanks again
God Bless you.




From: Deborah Willis
Date: 8/2/20 4:34 PM
Subject: Prayer Page Request Thank You message

Just found out my dear friend Ron
was taken in an ambulance to the hospital...
he doesn't have Covid but he's really
sick with pneumonia and a heart issue...
they're doing exploratory heart surgery tomorrow
and I'm super worried..

we've been friends for many years and he helps me
alot around my property with odd jobs
and he's a really good person...
please pray for him and a speedy recovery
he can use all the prayers he can get...
thank you in advance


Pray for Enzo


Here is a person in dire need
Please include Jackie's request In Your Prayers

Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 19:38:32 -0400

Like your page says, I came across this page for a reason.

I was searching for prayers for a miracle. Powerful prayers.
My father, the most wonderful, loving, man in the world, is facing jail time.
Simply because he is taking the fall for a business that he owned.
Rather than fight, he is taking his punishment.
He has already lost his job, his retirement, filed bankruptcy, and now,
the attorney general wants to put him in jail for 3 - 7 years.
He killed no one, yet drunk drivers get lesser sentences.
This man is my rock. My husband and I turn to him for everything,
and he is my son's best friend,
we can't lose home for 3 years, let alone 7.

I ask for help in prayer that everyone involved
in this case show compassion and not give him jail time.
I'm asking for some miraculous intervention to occur
and that the judge overseeing his case give him house arrest,
or something lesser. My father has always been the type of man that if
he saw a man on the street without a coat,
he would give up his own to give to that person.
This selfless, wonderful man doesn't deserve this harsh of a punishment.
The only thing that could help now is a miracle.
I turn to God, his angels and saints for this.
Thank you. Something led me to your page.
I'll be making my donation now as well.
You don't have to send me anything, just promise me to pray.
I need my father.
Much love and prayer to all those facing difficulties


Here is Jackies Response to me
after she contributed $25.00 to keep this page online
and I sent her the Image Of Jesus Fish Bone

Subject: Re: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 21:57:43 -0400
Bill, Thank you for the gift of the Crucifix Fish Bone.
It was not necessary to send it
Amazingly, it arrived when my dad was sitting at my table
as we were talking about plans for how to handle situations as they came up.
We are both touched by your thoughtfulness.
With everything going on in our lives,
it's been very hard for our family to keep having faith and believing in good.
Your prayer page, that simple letter and gift you sent,
has done much to restore some of that lost faith in humanity.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
I'm sure God led me to your page for a reason,
and I know we will never forget this kindness you have shown.
May He forever hold you in His hands. You are amazing.
Thank you


I want to thank all those who prayed with me
and the Higher Powers who granted me my miracle cure
I beat URETER cancer -
READ about my battle


I assure you I still pray everyday for fellow members of this group

Once more I ask that you share this URL on ALL sites you use
Please cut and paste http://Wepray4you

Then Follow Me ( @ifindthemissing ) on Twitter

by clicking the Twitter Button below


ALL who participate must say the prayer
found on the following Printable Prayer Page Link

Is the printable prayer
which you need to say to participate with our Group
print it and carry it with you
to say when you have spare moments

The prayer includes all those who submitted
requests through our prayer group pages

By saying the prayer you will be
praying for ALL in need of help


From T Ollis
Please pray for my sister Chris
kids having cancer stage 4 cancer everywhere
she is on her last fight with her cancer,
she is under Hospice care.
Thank you


My next prayer request is for the end to
the violence and strife in America
Please God Help us we beseech you
and we pray you provide protection
to Police officers everywhere
May God watch over them
an average of 100 per year have died
on duty since 1791 - yes 1791
read the stats are



Many requests were received for Conservative Radio Host
Rush Limbaugh who Feb 3rd 2020 announced he has stage 4 Lung cancer
Pray for Rush Limbaugh Please

Again you are invited to submit requests for yourself or others
through the email Tabs on this page
Email Your Prayer Request



From: Ed Deweese
Date: 5/31/20 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: Prayer Page Request
I Need a miracle and found this page
Reading the Thank You messages has given
me hope miracles DO happen
my fiance has stage 4 stomach cancer
and she is 49 with alot of life to live.
She has tumors on her stomach lining,
bowels, and now her lungs,
she's in the hospital with pneumonia right now.
Please pray for amy miracle.
I don't know how this work
but I know God works in mysterious ways. 
Ed D


From: Yvonne Kabere
Date: 6/17/20 4:15 PM
Subject: Prayer Page Request
Please prayer warriors
help me pray for Marion Wacera
that she may come back home safe
and sound to her children


This next request is for my daughter
and her mother who is in a hospital in Ohio
with an "unknown virus"

We ask you to include "ALL in need of cures from any disease"

We hope this next request
is not offensive to anyone
Remember you came here for help
Don't let my views stop that from happening

I ask you to pray for ALL our leaders
so they will move forward and do the things
mentioned in the oath they took


PLEASE bookmark this page and read it at your leisure

Send Your Request OR Thank You


Go back to the section you just came from


I also have been posting
for those affected by the scourge of mass shootings

TAP HERE for those prayers

Now a Thank You Message


Nathan Jenks
To: Prayerpage
Fri, May 8 at 9:42 PM
I ask for prayers for my wife and I. I pray
her heart be opened to me and soften
so our love can be reignited.
I pray that our marriage be saved
and our family restored.
I thank st Jude for answering my prayers.
I also thank anyone that takes
the time to pray for my family. Amen.


From: Jaz O'k

Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 11:14 AM
Subject: Prayer Page Thank You

To members of the Prayer Group.
Hello I am jazzy, and I just want to Thank you for ever and ever
my request for a job was granted because I believed in
and prayed for a miracle
 now I'm hoping and praying for a high School diploma
I'm in school every Saturday and I'm working in healthcare too.
Since May of 2016 I've been with the agency. 
 I help the elderly and sick. I've made friends and money for the work .

Thanks so much for praying for me. 
I sent in the request for the job on June 2015
started praying and opening up my heart  
 It worked and in my heart I trust and believe it could
not have happened without the sacred miracle

Thank you
I wish my family was closer since I lived in New York for 8 years.
Jazzy 10/2/2019


I have received dozens of submissions from our members
asking for prayers for our country

I have grouped them into one prayer
From: Lila Rodriguez, Mary Allen, Tom Potts, Jack Hale, Bill Jakes
Jo Ann Winkle, Beth Warren, Mark Sominga, Carol Peck, Kate Rollings
Laura Robens, John Reno, Jill Tacas, Sophia Amentoire, Bob Cart
Thomas Drum, Judy Carnes, Lisa Petrovic, Carly Stover,
Pat Locke, Sid Kohl, Mort Kaine, Barry Sybil, Leo Capo, Mary Lou Cunningham
Babs Wilson, Louise MacKann, Litha Parks, Ava Mann

Sent: Aug 3 2019
Subject: Pray for our country

Please join in praying for the victims
and all affected by the recent riots and imjustices
Please God stop the senseless violence and killings
protect all good people
and guide those that are causing the violence
to mend their ways


INCLUDE in your daily prayers

the Police and first responders

We ask that the brave men who protect us be Protected from harm
and the Fallen who gave their lives to protects others
are embraced by the Almighty
and their loved ones are given solace


We also pray for those dying from all violence whether civil or terrorist
please add those victims
AND THEIR FAMILIES to your prayers
Too many are dying


Go back to the beginning of this page

Many cancer patients and their families are members of this Prayer Group
and some belong to Face Book Cancer Support Groups
such as the "Cancer Survivors and Supporters"
and are in need of miracles

These next requests are from such cancer patients
Pray with them and for them

From: Jouvanyi Ibanes jouvany@
Sent: Monday, Aug 3rd , 10:29 AM
Subject: Prayer Page Request or Thank You message

 Good day everyone. my name is Epi and I'm here on this page
to gather people to pray for us
and especially for my brother Harvey..
he is in pain because of colon cancer stage 4
which has spread to his liver.
I am asking everyone to pray that the
tumor on his liver will be reduced
in size by God Yahweh's power and blessing.
and All cancer cells will be flushed out and
 healthy cells will not be harmed but remain good and helpful in his body.
Please Pray God Father will send Saint Michael the Archangel to defend my
brother in his battle against this cancer
Do pray with me for his miracle

God bless us  in JESUS name AMEN always


From: lizntj47
Sent: August 2, 2020 01:43 PM
Subject: Prayer Page Request Thank You message

Healing for me stage 4 cancer,liver kidney thank,you


From: Jessica
Sent: Tuesday, 11:05 PM
Subject: Prayer Page Request Thank You message
I would like to be added to your prayer list for a few reasons.
My fiance has found out he has this rare cancer called sarcoma.
They actually called it an aggressive sarcoma.
He found this out about two weeks ago.
And for the past two nights we have been in the hospital
because he has a bad UTI infection.
He is finally better from the urinary tract infection.
And actually is getting to go home.
We have also found out since being in the hospital
his sarcoma cancer is just in
the one spot and hasn't metastasized.
So that's a plus. Just means we can get it cut out
and hopefully be done with that.
His name is Jerry Craig .

Also my mom (Rose) found out 4 months ago she had lung cancer.
It was just a small spot on her lung
and could possibly just be removed and be good.
Well 3 weeks later when the doctors were
getting things in order to get the procedure done,
they realize it had spread up her lung So now
she;s on radiation 5 days a week and chemo 1 day a week.

Then there is my oldest daughter (Tiffany) age 23.
Her younger sister had done something and got arrested.
Well since her younger sister watched tiffany's
two children ages 2 and 5, while tiffany worked.
CPS came in and took her children. This happened in Feb.
She is finally getting them back in October
when she goes back to court.
But they also could use lots of prayers.

And last (Jessica ) - that's me - I need a lot of prayers
for strength to get through this.
I'm spending more time at doctors
and treatment centers and work.
I'm starting to feel like I'm going to lose it at times.
I've always tried to be strong, so much has been happening this year.
Then I catch myself when I get a moment to myself
crying my eyes out and begging GOD to fix it all
because I just can't take much more.
I've always been told God will only put what you can handle on you.
He must think I'm the strongest person in the world.
But honestly I don't know how much stronger I can be.
Thank you so much! My GOD be with you
and everyone else your in your ( OUR ) Prayer Group

God bless you,
Jessica .


From Lilly Soliman

Go back to the top of this page


From: Jenni Ermino
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 6:11 PM
Subject: Prayer Page Request or Thank You message
Please pray for my complete healing from
stage 3 cancer ánd also for my family's
financial difficulties please pray for
us that this trials and problem is
over and out help us not to stop my
children going to school due to financial
problems please Lord grant me
the strongest mind and heart to get over this situation
Pray for me and bless your soul


Now a Thank You Message from another member
whose prayers were answered
From: Nick Petro
Sent: Monday, March 18, 01:54 PM
Subject: Prayer Page Request or Thank You message

Dear Sir Please convey my deepest thanks to ALL those who prayed
for my relationship to mend
my wife and I are now getting along better than ever
Nick Petro


Now a request from another cancer patients wife

From: Angela Morris
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2019 12:34 PM
Subject: Add my Prayer Request or Thank You message

We belong to the Face Book Group Cancer Survivors
My Husband, Greg Morris whom is only 52 years old
& always a very healthy Man
was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer on May 10, 2019.

After a PET Scan & during Surgery to place a
Port for Radiation & Feeding Tube the Surgeon
made the determination that the Cancer has
spread too far making it impossible to perform Surgery
to remove this very large Tumor measuring 12cm.

Fight on my friends.
God bless us all.

Go to Beginning of the Page


On Apr 30, 2019 2:10 AM,
Aditi Chakraborty wrote:
My only son Rania is a patient of Hodgkin Limphoma..
He is in remession now.
I hoping your prayers should cure him completely.
He is only 24 yrs now. Kindly pray for my son.


More Requests and Thank You Messages are below


ALL who participate in Our prayer group
must say the prayer found on the following
Printable Prayer Page Link

Is the printable prayer
which you need to say if you join our Group
print it and carry it with you
to say when you have spare moments

The prayer includes all those who submitted
requests through our prayer group pages

By saying the prayer you will be
including ALL in need


Go to Beginning of the Page


More requests and thank you messages are found on the
other Prayer Groups Request and Thank You pages
seen at the following links
Our main page is


**********This is a prayer group for those in need

I prefer to direct my prayer requests to St Jude
the patron saint of Miracles and hopeless causes
We pray as one - There is strength in numbers

There iare also a lot
of requests to help find a missing person

I do not ask for money
But Many of those who have JOINED
have had their prayers answered
have asked me if they could send me a contribution
to help keep this page online

I will not refuse

If you are contributing and asking for a request to be added
it will be posted within Hours of my seeing you have done so
It may take a few days if
you have not made a contribution

Once your prayers are answered
it is requested that you publish a thank you message
in some type of public domain
my websites qualify as a public domain

Just send your thank you message to the email link
on this page
And I will post it in due time
If you have contributed I will post your Thank You message
within hours of receiving your email

For each $20.00 of contributions -- get a gift -
the Image of Jesus on Fish Bone
which is called the Crucifish or Crucifix Fish

The legend of this icon tells it brings
Protection from harm and God Blessings
to ALL who posses one


It's The Image of Jesus on a Crucifix Fish skull bone
Made by the Hand of GOD in nature

included with each qualifying contribution
and the Image of Jesus on the Cross Fish Bone
will be the Bonus Legend of the Crucifix Fish display card


to get more info on how you can Contribute
to help keep this Prayer Group Pages on the Net
and get the amazing Image of JESUS crucifix fish bone

Remember those contributing, whose prayers have been answered
will also have their
Thank You Messages Posted on most of our Pages
within a short time of my seeing a contribution has been sent


This prayer request is pressing
and needs Immediate attention
From Rosario


Go to Top of the Page


Now some OF the Thank You posts and requests

stylereplayph wrote:*
Thank you for granting another prayer .
You have been answering my family's requests since I was a little girl.
I hope more and more people recognize how great
of an intercessor you are.
please Publish this thank you message with all those whom you have listened to.


From MS V
First of all I would like to thank you for doing what you do
and for taking the time to hear all those request in need of prayer.
My family and I would like to humbly request and ask you to please pray
for my father Harley who is currently in the ICU on life support
We know that with God all things are possible and were two or more
are gathered prayers are heard and answered.
We can not do this alone and deeply appreciate your time
and dedication to helping people like myself
and my father in need of prayer.
May God Bless you and continue to use you to do this great work.
May your prayers be heard
and answered not only for my father Harley
but also for yourselves and others like me
in desperate need of prayer.
With Gratitude and Thanks MS V


Date: Tue, 09:46:33 -0400
Subject: Prayer Page
From: zacaalex
My daughter Diana Zacarias, had been missing since 04/02/2016.
She went on a trip to Grand Canyon National Park
she was last seen around the South Rim.
Please help.
More info to come soon
this next note is from the Prayer Page Member Webmaster:
If you have any info on Diana Zacarias Disappearance
Email it to him and he will forward it to Diana's Family
and see to it it is posted on his
website built for Diana Zacarias 's Missing person Case seen at

Diana Zacarias is one of many cases added to the prayer page
Missing since April 2 nd 2016

We pray to bring about the demise of ISIS
and all groups or individuals
who's aim is to injure or kill as many God Fearing
innocent people as possible

Again we pray for victims around the world
and the growing number of other locations
and to put an end to the attacks perpetrated
on People by these evil miscreants


This page also has special
requests to help missing persons

Diana Zacarias :

Diana Zacarias 's Case Needs to be solved
Last seen near South Rim of Grand Canyon
April 1st 2016
Click HERE for more Information

Help the Family Solve this case

Update Diana's Body was found


If you have a missing loved one
I will build a FREE page
like this one to help find
Diana Zacarias
for your case -- at no cost

Here is the link to my page where you can submit your info
on your loved ones missing person case


Click the image below to be taken
to the non-denimonational website
for a Group Prayer to
Find Missing Women, Children and men

Join the Prayer Group
for the Missing
Click HERE for more Details

Join Us
Pray for Missing Persons

Now Here are some of the requests for help
and Thank You Messages
we have received - they are in no particular order


From: Debbie Watson Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 10:50 AM
Subject: The Prayer Page TY

Thank you for a sweetie my prayer and coming
To my assistance in getting a job I so needed.
I also need you to keep me successful to be able to permanently work there
Debbie W


From: dominiquelyne@
Sent: Monday, May 8, 9:14 PM
Subject: Thank you

Thank you for answering my prayer.
I found a job where I`m happier and
I was able to leave the job that was making me depressed.


From: Zoila Kirk
Sent: Wednesday, May 1O 4:46 PM
Subject: Missing Person Prayer Pages

PRayer for Anthony Michael Hernandez
Thank You
Zoila Kirk


From: Stacee Edw Sent: Sunday, December 4, 9:05
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page

I know there are far more deserving of your prayers.
I'm hoping some will find the
time to Pray so this couple will reunite
and open up communication again
Destroy every negative influence and obstacle that keep them apart
strengthen their bond.

Pray so every doubt fear and resentment be cast out for good.
Pray no one will come between them.
Pray for Stacees healing, peace,and patience
with the death of her son.
Pray Jay will give her support and devotion


From Agnel40


From: Renuka de silva
To: Crucifix Fish
Sent: Monday, 2016 10:46 PM
Subject: Prayer Page
Renuka de Silva

I am a St.Jude devotee from Sri Lanka.
I am in difficult helpless situation now.
I am struggling since 16 years
with Family and Financial troubles.
I have Debt and lot of Financial difficulties.
Some days i haven't any Money to buy food or pay bills.
I am suffering with Diabetes,
High blood Pressure, Fatty liver Disease,
Obesity and Kidney Protine uria
.I am Praying to daily .
My Parents are in difficult situation allso
.Please pray for st.Jude to get Financial Blessings
for me and for my parents.
Please pray for a lottery Win.
Please send me a reply.
Thank you.
God bless you.


patricia festus (



From: diakbg@iclou
Subject: Prayer Page Thank You or Info
Date: Mon,
thank you most holy apostle st. jude, faithful servant and friend of jesus, for answering my prayer.
My son got his promotion. I promise ,
O blessed st. jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor,
to always honor you as my special and powerful patron,
and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.


Now a request from someone who made a contribution

*********From: agnel40@
Subject: Prayer Request

I request prayer for my wife
Xaverina's emotional, physical and spiritual healing.
She is holding on to some past unpleasant memories and experiences
, which she has not been able to let go.
This has been causing a lot of disruption of peace
, joy & harmony in our married life, family life and family relations.
Please pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation of our strained &
÷broken marriage and strained family relations.
Please pray that my wife be set free from the strongholds &
bondage of the lies of the enemy,
from all evil spirits and demonic influences,
which are haunting & troubling her with those past unpleasant memories &
experiences and filling her heart &
mind with hurt, hatred, vengeance, unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy, pride,
anger, resentment, envy, negative thoughts & opinions,
doubts, misunderstandings, suspicions etc.
Please pray that Almighty God through his Son Jesus Christ
heal her wounded heart with his gentle hands and
restore in her the joys of forgiveness so that she will be able to
forgive all those who might have hurt her,
wronged her or oppressed her.
Please pray for restoration of peace, joy, harmony, unity,
happiness & gladness in our hearts, home, marriage and family.
I ask this prayer in the most precious & holy name
of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.

From: Chelsea Brown
To: ""
Subject: The Prayer Page TY Thank you so much St. Jude for opening up your heart and hearing my prayer!
I know with your help that I will be reunited with my dog Reese very soon!!!!
I'm forever grateful to you St. Jude for all you have done
and continue to do for me!!!! I love you St. Jude!!!!


Date: Sat, 19 May 2016 17:47:10 +0200
Subject: Re: Prayer Request
I want to thank you for prayers. I received an interview this coming Thursday 23 March
at 11:30. Its a role of group it manager.
Getting this job will change the state of my family
and open doors I could only dream off.
Please pray for me. So I can get this job.
Thank you


From: lisa.quirke

Subject: From the Prayer page
I wish to ask for a request for my son Michael
who is not recovering as quickly as he should be
from his surgery.
Please pray for my boy to be well quickly
..thanks to St Jude and the people praying here
who have never let me down.
.I pray for you all everyday
and ask that you do the same
now for my son now who is 13
Thank You so much
Lisa Quirke


Dina Nap ( 10:39 AM
To: Please pray for the healing and restoration of my marriage.
I pray for my husband and I to have mutual love and respect for each other,
and to be faithful, loyal and honest to each other,
and to be happy together for the rest of our lives.


The Prayer Page
Dest Destinee wrote:
My sincere prayers request - for a crusifix fish skull bone for my family
and mortgage payments for our dream home
, a call from my agency for myself to start work ,
family prayer , blessings in our finances
for our phones bill payments ,
medical bill payments , love of God in our home
, peace in our minds , for traveling with each other safely
, future travels , physical continence, strengthen our health ,
siblings potentials discovered , holidays reunions .
Thank you SAINT Jude pray for me amen.
Saint Jude Pray for Us Amen.


Date: 08:59:26 +0000
Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page
Please pray for me. I have been trying to conceive for 2 months with no luck
i have been married since 1.5 yrs I’ve been praying on and off but
I feel I need help from others.
Whatever may be the obstacle to have a child,
please Lord take it away from us right away,
with the power of Your precious blood and Your precious name.
Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus, we thank You,
we praise You and we glorify You.
Your devotee


Date: Thu, 19 May
Subject: Prayer request St. Jude
From: martignappi
Please pray for a couple Nick C. and his wife Susie B. pray for their conversion and repentance.
Please pray for them!They need many prayers
Please pray for me too. I'm the owner of a shop and things are not going well.
Thank you



Use your Zoom Option to read this Request
From tombisana khaidem


13:10:13 +0530
Subject: From the Prayer page
O Lord. I need your help. My husband has lost his job.
Please bless him with a suitable steady jobHe has categorized it as being a Stage 4.
We have been told, Chemo is his only option now to
try & prevent the Cancer from spreading any further & to give him the best quality of life
& prolonging his life, as much as possible.

We are praying for a Miracle that only God can provide.
We met as Teenagers & have now
been married almost 33 years.

We have 3 Beautiful Daughters. He is a Man of Faith &
the kindness most giving, loving Man I’ve ever known.

Please I ask all here to join us and ask God give us
this Miracle so Greg's enormous Tumor can
be removed & his Cancer be completely healed.

Please also pray for myself & our Daughters
that God give us the strength we so desperately
need to support & care for my precious Husband.

We Thank you all from the Bottom of our Hearts.

In Jesus Christ Name, Amen

God Bless,
Angela Morris


Now a request from another
Face Book group Cancer Survivors and Supporters member
- Toby McClellan:
Prayer Warriors: Please Pray for
Retired Trooper John Webb we all know God
can do anything and he can change any situation
so please pray for my friend
and fellow Retired Trooper Webb Tony McCellan
Thank you.


Frome Laross Ferns
Please pray for a miraculous recovery
from cancer for me too


Go to Beginning of the Page


From: Nicholas-Crystal Reggiani
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2019 10:43 AM
Subject: Prayer Page Request or Thank You or Info
Please pray for good biopsy results,
peace, calmness, and healing for me.
Thank you


An urgent request was received On May 12, 20:09
lynde s+++++( wrote:
I have been diagnosed with throat and stomach cancer
Surgery on the 28 May.
Please add me to your prayer list.
Blessings Lynde


Dawn Hicks
an online friend who has been fight
ing cancer
she is in need of a miracle
Please include ALL those seeking cures as well


From: Jude B Sent: Friday, April 26, To:
Subject: Request or Thank You
Good Morning,
I am writing for a prayer request to St Jude Thaddeus
This is for my nephew Joseph and
the difficulties he is encountering fighting cancer recently.
Please pray for him with me.
My mother named me Jude St Jude - after a difficult birth with me,
Patron Saint of Impossible causes, please help me pray.
Thank You,
Jude B


Pray for another cancer patient
Search for Jay McKenny's Face Book posts
and wish him Well


On Mar 8 2:09 AM,
Ramon wrote:
Please pray that my test for my health will
have favorable results and that I continue
to be healthy always. Also please continue to grant good health
to my husband and son and to the rest of my family.
Amen Elisa


Please pray for this next request
Dorothy Holston Gaskill
Cancer sucks. My eldest sister passed this evening
after a valiant fight with breast cancer.
She had her mastectomy the same day I started my chemo
for metastatic colorectal cancer. I'm still here.
It's so unfair.
My apologies for being such a downer tonight
but I had to tell som soon.
Thank you Lord. I am eternally indebted to you.


Cindy Schul 5:35 AM
Please pray, God my daughter is making bad decisions and
she has been taking drugs for awhile now.
God please giver her the strength to overcome this addiction for good.
God please reunite her witb her two lovely boys
that need her and her family.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Susan Hawthor
( hanra hanaddesign@)
Date: Thu, 19 May
My request is to rebuild my life & bus.
After horrific events.
Also to find my Soulmate & husband.
Sent to St Jude Prayer Group


Go to Beginning of the Page


Tue 28 May 09:09 AM
Hello Everyone
I did a really wreckless thing at work. I am afraidI will be let go.
It was unintentional. I am 78, self supporting and I work full time, plus.
Please everyone please pray for me, that I will. Retain my position.
My life depends upon it.
I have been a devout believer of St Jude and his assistance ov er the biggest part of my life.
I just think maybe he could use a little assistance this time around.
Thank you for all your prayers.


Subject: --- St Jude Thank You
Date: Thu, 19 May
Thank you St Jude for your intercession
,my son Raymond can now have his liver operation
,we still have to pray
but so Thankful his treatment has gone this far.
I will honour your power and always encourage devotion to you. AMEN

I formed this Prayer Group in 2009 to Pay it Forward
for blessings I had received
I had no idea I would need help in myself the future

Go to Beginning of the Page

From: leahgreene2004@
Subject: The Prayer Page TY
praise Jesus!am requesting for a prayer to God,for finding favor to the people I will approach
to join my network business,am tired of working for other people and am planning to quit
before end praying to get six people in the first month after I join which is next
week.if its his will,may it be done.


My name is Richa Rose Bhatt
Please pray that i get success and blessings in my new job and also that my colleagues and
authorities are understanding and cooperative towards me so that I can work in peace
and grow successfully by God's grace


Date: May
Subject: Prayer Page
From: accinspiration
Please pray for dgc, kac, acc for God to bless us, protect, guide, heal,
surround us with live, peace,joy, true friends, billions of guardian angels
,good luck, happiness, make our hopes and dreams come true
.Help pay dgc debts off in full asap in Jesus Christ name
.God help us to make much needed major repairs
on moms house asap.
You are the One we trust and hope in. Amen.


Subject: From the Prayer page
Date:04:56:28 -0500

Please I'm asking for a prayer request I'm in financial difficulty and I want to come out of it
I to start having money instead of living from pay cheque to pay cheque having no money.
and it would make me so happy to pass it would be a stepping stone in my life
something my daughter would be proud of me for thank u for this prayer request.

God bless


Marjorie Reagan (m.reagan@gmcom)
Hello I am in urgent need of prayer for God to give me a good full time job w benefits.
My deepest desire is Andreas will buy the house in Laurel Springs and
ask me to marry him quit drinking and turn to Jesus have a full conversion
and we can returnreturn back to the church community there.
I am personally in deep need of a financial blessing till I get my job
and healing for my teeth my body muscles and joints and healing from arthritis.
God bless you with your hearts desire please also pray for Bridget
to return her mothers love w kindness and sweetness and attention.


Next is a urgent request from a friend of the prayer group -
Please consider helping Michael Pot in - contact him if you have a job.
He lives in the Illinois Area and is in desperate need of work
Date: Mon
Subject: I need a miracle BIll
Date: Mon, 31

Good Morning and I hope you are well.
I unfortunately lost my very well paying job last week in a very surprising move,
and I am 3 months away from complete and utter destitution.

Further, not only will I be in the streets, but so will my 3 kids and my ex-wife,
as they rely almost completely on me.

Would very much appreciate you putting my plight up on the prayer page;
unfortunately, my girlfriend Kim Stotsky, never came back to me :
( (so I have to move on from that)...

Getting the right thing and within 2 months is supremely important.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
(815) 354-6784


From: channel30@
Subject: From the Prayer page
Date: Sat, Please pray for me please.
Im in a very desperate situation I've been put through excessive suffering In the house
where I live the council have made me suffer
and I have a appeal on the 20th August for reconsideration has im disabled
if im successful the council will offer me another place to live
if not my depression will carry on deteriorate,
more please let the 20th August for my appeal be successful
Rachel Kingsley
Sent from my Windows Phone


Here is a request from a man in need of help with a relationship

Michael Potvin michaelcpotvin@
Bill/To whom it may concern:
I have contacted this site before begging for help in a relationship I have,
which I have not seem to be able to have gotten right for quite some time.

My love and I broke up after a 5 minute conversation where she accused me of
not respecting her feelings, nor her dreams. Unfortunately,
her dream is to move to California, and if I happen to be there...
We had been trying to build a life together or so I thought.

We have gotten back together/broken up many times since July '11
and this has always been one of the main reasons.
This is a 41 year old woman who broke up with me by
returning my personal effects and giving me a note with her disappointment
in how I treat her feelings/dreams (especially the dream of moving to California)...

I am at a complete loss of what to do and I have never felt more despair
, anxiety, stress, and loss in my life...
I have buried both my parents, lost multiple jobs, been divorced,
lost my home, I don't see my children everyday...and nothing,
I MEAN NOTHING, destroys me than
when I fight with this woman, we break up and weeks
and almost months go by before we speak again.

This time I fear it may be in final.
I am desperate for help and to see if I should try to
continue to pursue this, wait for her to return and call me...
See I am convinced (and I was told by now ex-Girlfriend),
that my deceased Mother guided her to me.
My ex-gf would not normally say something like this,
yet in the beginning, she swore she "saw my Mother"
in the bathroom of her home and that my Mother told her to
"go to and be with him"...
In my heart, I feel I am supposed to be with this Woman,
yet we cannot get it right...
I am so struggling with this that I do not know what else to do...
Lord, please help and guide me;
St. Jude, please answer my prayers
to reconcile once and for all...

Michael Potvin


Here is another request and Thank You from Michael Potvin
Sent Nov 15 2016


Good Evening and I hope you are well...long time no speak.
What a difference a year makes...I have been gainfully employed for almost 1 year now and
have not been happier in a job in quite some time. You may not remember, but within the
span of 3 months, my longtime GF Kim Stotsky broke up with me, my children became estranged
from me (one even spoke of committing suicide), I lost my job and was diagnosed with an
irregular heartbeat...By September of last year, I was near destitute, lost the love of my life
after 4 years together, lost the lights of my life in my children had all of these health issues.

Then, slowly but surely, I was able to come back from it all through the grace of God and
praying to St. Jude. 2016 has been a kind of "redemption" tour for me in that I have not only
been blessed with a great job, but I had a procedure to correct my heart, my kids and I have
never been closer, and my financial situation, while not perfect, should be back on track in
the next 6-9 months.

. I want to send a big thank you to let you know how much the page and this prayer group has meant.

One area which has had no closure is with my (now) ex-GF, Kim Stotsky .
We have been broken up for over a year now and it is killing me because
I still am madly in love with her, and I know that unless she was lying the entire time
, there is no way that she doesn't still have a ton of feelings for me.
Up until we broke up we had been doing better than we ever had.
Then, as always, she brought up moving to California again, we got into an argument...
she returned my stuff in a bag with a note 3 days later breaking up with me,
and I haven't heard from her since. I tried to reach out last September (2015),
to no avail...I let her go as much as I could and just recently,
I have been asking for signs as to whether or not there would
still be something there between us.

Whether her Mom or Dad's name would show up (which are unique names
- Joyce and Conrad / Connie, respectively),
the number of her b'day (4/24) or something only I would know
would show up and make me say "hmmmm" about 2 months ago,
I tried to reach out to her via phone for the first time in months
and realized that she wasn't blocking me
(which she has been doing for about a year)...
This went back and forth until finally one day about 1 1/2 months ago,
she called me very late at night and did not leave a message.
I tried again to reach out to her only to seemingly be blocked,
then unblocked and then again and again...

I know when we have spoken in the past you have said, rightly so,
"if it is meant to be, it is meant to be"...
I am trying very hard to come to grips with that; however,
too much was said and done by her towards me and "us"
for her reaction to be this way. It is almost as if she doesn't want to contact me at all,
because we would (in her words) continue on our merry go round;
we were never able to say to no to the other.
Yet I am trying to understand how someone could try and reach out and then block me.
Why would they do that and what did they want?

At the end of the day, I guess what I am asking for and needing is closure,
one way or the other. I feel in my heart that she will come back,
but it won't be anytime soon and I can't wait around for her.
This is absolutely killing me! I have buried both my parents,
lost it all and got it back again (twice), got divorced,
lost multiple jobs, was abused and beaten when I was younger, etc, etc.
..nothing hurts or has affected me anywhere near as much as this has.
In the last couple of days I have started saying the Novena again,
hoping that St. Jude and our Lord Jesus would guide her back to me
in order for us to be able to speak, or at the very least for me to find closure.
I have asked that they soften her heart because obviously after 4 years,
to end as abruptly as we did, makes no sense.
Perhaps I will never speak with her to get the closure I need, but I need
to find it somehow so I can move on one way or the other.
If I am to ever to get over this, I either need her back or I need closure
to be able to move on, so that I am able to love as fiercely for
someone else as I have for her. Hopefully this makes sense and I am not rambling...
but I am confused and heart and sickened as to how we are here.
She said and did way too many things for us to be in this situation and
I can't seem to let it go.

Thanks Bill and any thoughts or ideas you have would be very helpful.

Take care and God bless...


From: ic911 @
Sent: Monday, November 21
Subject: Prayer intention
Dear prayer Group,
Greetings. I just gone thru your site. Lately I am very troubled.
Please help me pray that Michael will reconcile with me
and contact me asap and we get married before Christmas 2016
if God's will or for this intention to find a good husband asap.
I know this is an impossible request. V>But God is impossible and with your prayers.
Thank you God bless


Subject: A prayer for unmerited favor
Date: 19:55:08 +0000
Dear all,
I am really thankful to God that I found this page.
My name is Sandra from Nigeria.
Pls do help me pray the novena for a miraculous breakthrough
in every area of my life especially the area of job.
I am presently unemployed and I need a job to sustain myself
and support my family. Thank, God bless.

*************My Requests and THANK YOU MESSAGE Pages do not list the requests
or Thank You Messages in order by date

Many of the postings on the lists are From those who contributed to keep this page online

By request and from a suggestion of someone who is a member of the St Jude Prayer Group Pages
and who received an answer to her prayers
I have added a gift to anyone who contributres to this page

It is not hand made But made by the hand of GOD in nature

It is the Crucifix Fish Skull Bone
with the Image of Jesus on the Cross


On Sunday, November 15
, Kathryn Haley wrote:


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Nelson thegha
Subject: Request for special prayers
Glory to GOD!I am asking for prayers for the success in education
inorder to pass with the flying colours the final 4th years of the
Bachelor of Accountancy exams so that I may be appointed as a
university lecturer &also be awarded the scholarship to do the Masters
in Business Administration.


Payer Request for Mr. Piotr Siedlaczek poor eye vision
wife Agnieszka Siedlaczek , two daughters , one older Emilia , one daughter new born , in
jesus christ name ,


Diana Rwehumbiza (dinahrwehumbiza56 )
My name is Diana from Tanzania.... my fiance Kym Patrick Hunter is going through very hard
time, he lost his job due to his illness.. am writing this to ask St. JUDE to give him
courage and wisdom to go through this toughtest times in his life and also grant him another
job.Pray this in Jesus name.


Here are more requests and Thank You Messages
Send Your Request OR Thank You to St Jude HERE

Contact me with your prayer request or Thank You Messages
and you will be includef in all our collective prayers

I will post it as quickly as time permits me, with the many others I receive DAILY
Read some of the other requests which have been submitted to me
many of which have been answered with Miracles further down on this page

HERE is the page with most of the older requests


And don't forget to have me post your Thank You TO St Jude after your needs are met

Again: Click Here for a the Printable version of the prayer

Now here are more requests and Thank You posts from Group members


Subject: From thee Prayer page

Please pray for the HEALING OF TIMOTHY BOYETTE. Thank you.
God bless you all!!


Here is an example of a person in true need
Please include Jackie's request In Your Prayers

Subject: Please add my request to The Prayer Page

Like your page says, I came across this page for a reason.

I was searching for prayers for a miracle. Powerful prayers.
My father, the most wonderful, loving, man in the world, is facing jail time.
Simply because he is taking the fall for a business that he owned.
Rather than fight, he is taking his punishment.
He has already lost his job, his retirement, filed bankruptcy, and now,
the attorney general wants to put him in jail for 3 - 7 years.
He killed no one, yet drunk drivers get lesser sentences.
This man is my rock. My husband and I turn to him for everything,
and he is my son's best friend,
we can't lose home for 3 years, let alone 7.

I ask for help in prayer that everyone involved in this case show compassion and not give him jail time.
I'm asking for some miraculous intervention to occur
and that the judge overseeing his case give him house arrest,
or something lesser. My father has always been the type of man that if
he saw a man on the street without a coat, he would give up his own to give to that person.
This selfless, wonderful man doesn't deserve this harsh of a punishment.
The only thing that could help now is a miracle.
I turn to God, his angels and saints for this.
Thank you. Something led me to your page.
I'll be making my donation now as well.
You don't have to send me anything, just promise me to pray.
I need my father.
Much love and prayer to all those facing difficulties


Here is Jackies Response to me after she contributed $25.00 to keep this page online
and received the Image Of Jesus Fish Bone

Subject: Re: Please add my request to The Prayer Page

Bill, V Thank you for the gift of the Crucifix Fish Bone.
Amazingly, it arrived when my dad was sitting at my table
as we were talking about plans for how to handle situations as they came up.
We are both touched by your thoughtfulness.
With everything going on in our lives,
it's been very hard for our family to keep having faith and believing in good.
Your prayer page, that simple letter and gift you sent,
has done much to restore some of that lost faith in humanity.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
I'm sure God led me to your page for a reason,
and I know we will never forget this kindness you have shown.
May He forever hold you and your wife in His hands. You both are amazing people.
Thank you


Now here are some requests that are very pressing - PLEASE include them in your special prayers


From: roxanne.boucaud@
Subject: From the Prayer page

My friends Lisa and Junior son Krys-Anthony is missing. J
ust asking God for his safe return
and to comfort his family at this time.


-------Original Message-------
From: hypnotiqboo6@
Subject: please pray to stop a divorce asap

please pray my spouse drops this divorce please (he took both of my kids)
i really need a miracle
and please pray the judge does not put me in jail for missing a court date
please help me please my life has fallen apart


From: Rick Drie
Subject: The Prayer Page
My mother Mary has been in Hospice several
months and was stable but not really improving.
She got worse 5 days ago and they told us
she's now in the final stages of life. Doctors say
she has no life threatening illness keeping her
from improving but she's just lost the will to
live and given up trying to get better.
Her family is praying for a miracle, standing by her
and doing everything humanly possible to
encourage, support and urge her to eat and fight
harder but her spirit isn't willing.
She's always been a fighter and taught us all to never,
ever give up while there's the smallest chance
of life left so we're doing just that because she
truly has so much to live for.
Today, Sunday 2/2/2014, they told us she's not responding and
won't wake up and it could be 24 hours to a week is all the time she has left.
Urgent prayer is our only hope now and faith that
God will heal her mind, body and spirit.
Please pray for her life to be saved with a full
recovery and to return to her the belief she has
everything to live for and the will to live and work
to get her life back.
Thank you for all your prayers and may God bless.



Kindly help me to pray for finding another job opportunity ,
currently I am looking for a new job..
please help me to pray..

I Jesus name we pray amen..

Nilric N. Adlaw
Consolidated Contractors Intern'l Company
Barzan Onshore Project


Subject: The Prayer Page
From: Dianne --
Good evening Bill,
I have had prayer requests in the past, and the miracles that have come to life for me
and my family will forever be engraved in our hearts.

I have yet another prayer request for a divine intervention from my savior, Jesus Christ, and the wonderful St. Jude.
My fiancee, Jose, has been fighting a child support case for the last 17 years.
He was allegedly named the father of a young boy,
and without any tests he took on the financial obligation of this child.
Jose has paid support, but has also had some horrible kidney issues of his own,
and also lost a few jobs here and there. The childs mother is relentless.
She does not care about his circumstances at all.

She recently got in contact with the court and made a lot of false accusations as far as his past and present work history,
which has brought him back to court tomorrow.
The judicial system does not see or care to see Jose's struggles over the years, even though,
during hard times, he always manages to pay something.
He pays the minimum right now, but that's because of what unemployment pays him weekly.

I am asking for a what seems like a miracle. Jose does not want to go to court, but he has to.
He has to show them he is trying his best.
Please, everyone, pray for Jose to have the strength to go tomorrow,
and help the judicial system see it too.
Help them see that he's a good person, who is giving what he can right now.
Please allow him to come home tomorrow and not face incarceration.
Also, please, grant all of those seeking spiritual intervention now and in the future.
I really appreciate it, may GOD bless each and every one of you.
O:-) Dianna


now another request from Dianne

Dianna wrote:
Hello Bill,
I am seeking out a spiritual intervention from the glorious St. Jude once again. Jose and I have been
experiencing some great problems recently.

Let me start from the beginning. 2 years ago on March 30, 2013, my father passed away.
At that time Jose lived about 20 miles away from me with his family,
and I lived with mine here in my parents home. Jose decided to move into our home and rearrange his
life to help us while we mourned the loss of a great man. He lived here for a little over a year.
We tried very hard to adjust to this new living arrangement, however, my mother did not like the way
things were working out. She ultimately wanted him and I to stay in her house, and live permanently;
while Jose and I were talking about moving out and starting a new chapter of our relationship on our
own. As luck would have it, Jose lost his job, so our planning was put on hold, and that led my mom to
believe that we would be staying. We assured her over and over again that this was not going to be the
case, however, she continued. As days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, living here in our house
started to become close to impossible. We were not allowed to do anything if it did not include cleaning
or paying some of the bills. If we were outside, she was angry. If we were in bed early, she was angry.
She talked about us on facebook to her friends, calling us lazy and rude; which was never the case.
Because of this treatment, I tried to avoid her at all costs. Avoiding an argument became close to a full time job.
I started to not attend family functions, and some holidays, as to avoid the humiliation from my
family and friends. Easter Sunday was the breaking point for Jose. She blamed him for me not attending
Easter dinner, and he finally gathered his stuff and left, for good.

We have tried to stay together for the past year,
but our time is always spent away from each other.
I normally only see him on Mondays, as that is his day off, and he comes over when my
mother is not home, again, to just avoid an argument.

After an entire year has just about past, I recently found out that Jose had been seeing someone else.
Of course, I am heartbroken; however, I did nothing to try
to save our relationship over the past year. I thought we were content in our "arrangement" so to
speak; this was not the case. After finding out the details of this alleged situation, of course I began to
doubt how he really felt about me. It has been 3 weeks, and I am still not ok, but my heart is healing
more and more everyday. During this 3 week period, I have managed to sabotage our entire
relationship. All of the questions, and assumptions are literally killing us day by day.
I will say that I do feel partially to blame for his unfaithful ways, only because
he stayed here in our house for me.

So today, I write to you pleading for help from the glorious St. Jude and my lord savior, Jesus Christ;
to assist in helping Jose and I find the love that we once shared. Please help me find peace and strength to
overcome what he has done, and help me to forgive and move past this. Jose is my best friend, and my heart
is completely in shambles knowing that I played a part in our demise. Please save us from any evil and
negative thoughts and desires. Help make us strong again, as one, together as a couple. I beg of you
St. Jude, please help bring Jose and I back to where we should be;
together. I will forever and ever be grateful. Amen.


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Papa pp -- Cancer heroin



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