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The "Sista's" ROCKED West Point!!!!!!!!!! all started off as a simple little road trip to West Point, truly was all to be innocent...just a few girls who talk online...getting together to meet....

Hmmmm....apparently...SOMEONE...{who shall remain nameless}...called ahead to West warn them that the Sista's were coming...Imagine??? They CLOSED the gate!!!!!!!!

If only this quaint little town knew what it had in store for it...with Orchidspetal, Innie, Oriental Rose, Lixa, and Mangy all there to rock the house {Mangy, of course isn't pictured here...damn sneak}

The five of us before all hell broke loose...from the left is Lixa, and Innie...on the left from the front is Mangy, Rose and Orchidspetal...the cameraman was Innie's son...{poor boy...he survived this}

This one is a little hard to explain....but we affectionately call this the "Before"

Ok...well...if you have a "Before" pic...then obviously you have to have an "After" pic...ROFLMAO...OMG...ya'll really don't want to'd be looking at brownie's in a whole new light..{ROFLMAO@da sista's}

This is one of the first...and very few pics that you will see of Mangy....omg...ya just gotta love her....and believe me...she takes NO lip from her and she'll give ya "the look" LMAO

This is Lixa....with that ever so famous "who me??? I'm innocent" look on her face

Hmmmm....Orchid and Innie...who were named the "BOOby Sista's"....can ya guess why??? And I honestly didn't think there was ANYONE who could compare in the "snort" truly must be sista's through and through...LMAO

Now these two are quite a pair....Big sis and Baby Sis!!!!!!

Hmmm....Innie....not at her best....made the trip with a bad back...and survived the visit on coffee and pills...but DEFINITELY worth the trip!!!!!!!!!!

Orchid and couldn't ask for better friends!!!!!

These are the lovely women that put up with our loud laughing, snorting, and can you believe it??? Singing!!!!

All of us standing outside with the SSH sign....omg...we were so lucky that no one stopped to ask what we were would we ever explain that????

This was the whole crew...on our way out the door...{bet those waitresses were glad to see us go!!!}

The time that we spent together was WAY too short...but I will say that there were no phonies here...we all are what we portray ourselves to yes...NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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