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bearybipolar's faith journey
an exploration of different paths coming together

Flying goose

Me and Mom, Christmas 1991

Me and Mom,Christmas 1991

Make love to each other, be free with each other,
Be prisoners of love till you lie in the sod,
Be friends to each other,forgive one another,
See God in each other: be beggars to God.

chorus from Beggars To God, by Bob Franke ,copyright 1983.

The Morning

Oh, what a beautiful morning!
What a glorious day to be given.
I awakened this mornind with love in my heart,
And the wonderful feeling of living.

Larks are singing their love songs,
I smell the sweet aroma of flowers,
Of honeysuckle, and roses.
And the morning glorys climbing the towers.

I think I'll go down to the meadow,
and lay me down by the stream.
Chew on sweetclover that grows there,
and lose myself in a daydream.

Robert Collier

copyright by Robert Collier,1999.
Used with permission.

Bob on Internet Archive's Wayback Machine

I am standing on the sidelines but I'm part of this old race,
I read the pain and passion on every passing face,
They are reaching for our water like a cup of healing grace,
All colors,shapes and ages in this ancient human race.

from This Ancient Human Race by Ben Tousley Copyright 1998
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NEW!Mozart takes the midnight train,Beary Bipolar's diary page twelve
Joey's Outta Site!(a memorial/celebration of Joseph Louis Prevost,created with help from the other side of The Veil,april 08,1999,five years after Joey's death)
Reptar's Page(calico activist spiritguideangel speaks her mind!)
Kitty Page(a gallery of kitty photos)
bearybipolar and Reptar's guestbook

The Celtic Connection
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