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Wally Wu,orange and white tiger in residence,closeup
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bearybipolar's diary page ten
Beary's diary page eleven
Mozart takes the midnight train,Beary Bipolar's diary page twelve
Beary's diary page thirteen
Beary's diary page fourteen
Beary's diary page fifteen
diary entry: august 18,2000(questions about love)
Joey's Outta Site!(a memorial/celebration of Joseph Louis Prevost,created with help from the other side of The Veil,april 08,1999,five years after Joey's death)
bearybipolar's faith journey(under construction)
back to ~ R E P T A R ' S ~ P A G E
Kitty Page(a gallery of kitty photos)
Beary's family gallery page one(photos)
Beary's banners and text links page one(kewl links)
Beary's banners and text links page two(more kewl links)
Beary's banners and text links page three(even more kewl links,updated frequently)
bearybipolar's internet web rings page one
bearybipolar's mental health web rings page one
bearybipolar's mental health web rings page two
bearybipolar's spirit web rings page one
Beary's Archives and Gifts
Laughing Aliens!
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Counter installed October 12,1999.
Updated July 16,2007.
Ultimate Counter has recycled their pixels. :(