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BB's diary page eighteen

BB's ramble 03/13/2001 5:56am(EST)

Happy Birthday,Linda and Louise!

Linda's nick is TimeTraveller.
Let me travel with you thru the pathways of my mind at this moment.
Met Linda(TT) around the time i launched this website,january 30,1999.
my dad died on february 19th,1999.things get a little blurry after that.

it's a jumble i have been trying to sort out for over two years.
the second anniversary of dad's death flew right by me.
haven't been keeping real tight track of birthdays,holidays,
important anniversaries since he went on The Other Side.

been focusing more on stuff like: when did i take my last set of pillz?
when's the last time i had something to eat?
is it time to feed the kitties?
do i need a nap?

all the deadlines and details of these crazy team competitions.
sending out reminders.
which one of my ve's needs what change done *now*.

my "manic mailings ministry". . .
as grandiose as it sounds it keeps me alive and
may help a few others.

why this constant need for applause?

linda is a very private person.
strangely enough most of us web page creators are.
even me,i suppose.

no,diary fans,i won't tell you everything.
there's always a veil.
there's always more layers to this onion.

talk to you later.

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