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bearybipolar's diary page two


Beary with 3 bears, Christmas 1991

Beary and three bears,Christmas 1991


7:30 on a Saturday evening. The barrio is quiet,cold, crisp and full of stars. Luna, in her fullness, shines brightly. I put out the bowl for the porch kitties. Grimilkin eats heartily. My sweet wife has made us an aromatic dinner that is waiting as I write this . Eat,fool,write later. .......................................................................................................................................................................................... feb. 08,1999 8:36pm (ET)El Barrio,New England
ZAP! I don't know what happened,I was adding a new link and somehow I lost my Text Block and Links for this page. Now,I have backed up the entire site in My Documents,My Images,and Frau Wilhelmina kindly put it all on floppy disk. Breathe. I'll be okay page two was the least critical of my diaries. I had bookmarked all but one of the links,and I had written down the email for Julie of Julie's Magical Garden of Make Believe,the page I failed to bookmark. We will all be fine.

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Fat-friendly resources
Largesse:The Network for Size Esteem(educational handouts/resources online)
More Than Just a Pretty Face(watta woman!)
More Than Meets The Eye!(quite an eyefull!)
Lynne Murray Home Page(lady of mystery)
SizeWise(encylopedic resources for people of size)
Julie's Magical Garden of Make-Believe
Full Moon Web(links galore!-from the Netherlands)

DustBunee Family
Animation Library - Over 4000 free animations!!! DustBunees by Tink

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