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Westend Book Group

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Book Group Books
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Favorite Links:
NYT Book Review
NYC Library
Hartford Library
GH Libraries
Kenyon Street

Year's Best:
'04 Best:  NYT
Publisher's Weekly
NYPL Best of 2004
04 Gr.Hfd: OneBook



Our Book Group started in 1986, thirty years ago.  Most of us come from the neighborhood. Some of us now live out-of-state and come when in town. Our ages span twenty-five years.

We read mostly award-winners and classics, sprinkled with biography and other non-fiction. We plan a getaway every spring, and sometimes we even go.  We have met in the Berkshires, in New York City, in upstate NY, in Marin, in London, in Paris. 

Our only rule: the book has to be available in paperback, which is sometimes broken given the low cost of buying digital.  Each September members are assigned a month to host, and switch if necessary. The host selects the book and provides some wine and goodies.   We meet at 7:30 in the evening, share what's new, and then discuss the book.  

Eight members is optimal.  10-12 members seems to be about maximum for us.  Create your own book group, and let us know what you're reading!  See what we're reading now, under "members".  

Our Past List:  Click for books.     Members: Bulletin board icon.     My List: Click for Greatest Books lists.


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Site Update: 1/5/2016