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Booker Prizes  |  Nobel Prizes  |  Book Critics
National Book Award:   Fiction   Non-Fiction  |  PEN/Faulkner Awards  |  Caldecott Medal
Pulitzer Prizes: Fiction |  Biography |  Non-Fiction

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The National Book Award

Awarded annually by the National Book Foundation for the best fiction
in the United States. Go to the
National Book Awards site for biography, science, poetry, children's literature and other literary awards.

1950: Nelson Algren, The Man with the Golden Arm

1951: William Faulkner, The Collected Stories

1952: James Jones, From Here to Eternity

1953: Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

1954: Saul Bellow, The Adventures of Augie March

1955: William Faulkner, A Fable

1956: John O'Hara, Ten North Frederick

1957: Wright Morris, The Field of Vision

1958: John Cheever, The Wapshot Chronicle

1959: Bernard Malamud, The Magic Barrel

1960: Philip Roth, Goodbye, Columbus

1961: Conrad Richter, The Waters of Kronos

1962: Walker Percy, The Moviegoer

1963: J.F. Powers Morte, D'Urban

1964: John Updike, The Centaur

1965: Saul Bellow, Herzog

1966: Katherine Anne Porter, The Collected Stories

1967: Bernard Malamud, The Fixer

1968: Thornton Wilder, The Eighth Day

1969: Jerzy Kosinski, Steps

1970: Joyce Carol Oates, Them

1971: Saul Bellow, Mr. Sammler's Planet

1972: Flannery O'Connor, The Complete Stories

1973: John Barth, Chimera

1973: John Williams, Augustus

1974: Isaac Bashevis Singer, A Crown of Feathers . . .

1974: Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

1975: Robert Stone, Dog Soldiers

1975: Thomas Williams, The Hair of Harold Roux

1976: William Gaddis, JR

1977: Wallace Stegner, The Spectator Bird

1978: Mary Lee Settle, Blood Tie

1979: Tim O'Brien, Going after Cacciato

1980: William Styron, Sophie's Choice

1981: Wright Morris, Plain Song

1982: John Updike, Rabbit is Rich

1983: Alice Walker, The Color Purple

1983: Eudora Welty, The Collected Stories

1984: Ellen Gilchrist, Victory over Japan

1985: Don DeLillo, White Noise

1986: E.L. Doctorow, World's Fair

1987: Larry Heinemann, Paco's Story

1988: Pete Dexter, Paris Trout

1989: John Casey, Spartina

1990: Charles Johnson, Middle Passage

1991: Norman Rush, Mating

1992: Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses

1993: E. Annie Proulx, The Shipping News

1994: William Gaddis, A Frolic of his Own

1995: Philip Roth, Sabbath's Theater

1996: Andrea Barrett, Ship Fever and Other Stories

1997: Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain

1998: Alice McDermott, Charming Billy

1999: Ha Jin, Waiting

2000: Susan Sontag, In America

2001: Jonathan Franzen, The Corrections

2002: Julia Glass, Three Junes

2003:  Shirley Hazzard, The Great Fire

2004:  Lily Tuck, The News From Paraguay

2005: William T. Vollmann, Europe Central

2006: Richard Powers, The Echo Maker

2007: Denis Johnson, Tree of Smoke

2008:  Peter Matthiessen, Shadow Country

The National Book Award

Awarded annually by the National Book Foundation for the best non-fiction
in the United States. Go to the
National Book Awards site for biography, science, poetry, children's literature and other literary awards.

1950: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ralph L. Rusk

1951: Herman Melville

1952: The Sea Around Us, Rachel Carson

1953: The Course of an Empire, Bernard A. De Voto

1954: The Stillness at Appomattox, Bruce Catton

1955: The Measure of Man, Joseph Wood Krutch

1956: An American in Italy, Herbert Kubly

1957: Russia Leaves the War, George F. Kennan

1958: The Lion and the Throne, Catherine Drinker Bowen

1959: Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame De Stael, J. Christopher Herold

1960: James Joyce, Richard Ellmann

1961: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer

1962: The City in History: Its Origins, Transformations & Prospects, Lewis Mumford

1963: Henry James, The Conquest of London, The Middle Years, Leon Edel

1964: John Keats: The Making of a Poet, Aileen Ward
1964: The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community, William H. McNeill
1964: Man-made America, Christopher Tunnard & Boris Pushkarev

1965: The Life of Lenin, Louis Fischer
1965: God and Golem, Inc: Where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion, Norbert Wiener

1966: Paris Journal, 1944-1965, Janet Flanner
1966: A Thousand Days, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr

1967: Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: A Biography, Justin Kaplan
1967: The Enlightenment, An Interpretation the Rise of Modern Paganism, Peter Gay

1968: Memoirs: 1925-1950, George F. Kennan
1968: Death at an Early Age: Negro Children in the Boston Schools, Jonathan Kozol

1969: The Armies of the Night: History as Novel, Novel as History, Norman Mailer
1969: White over Black: American Attitudes, 1550-1812, Winthrop D. Jordan
1969: Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima, Robert J. Lifton

1970: An Unfinished Woman: A Memoir, Lillian Hellman
1970: Huey Long, T. Harry Williams
1970: Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence, Erik H. Erikson

1971: Cocteau: A Biography, Francis Steegmuller
1971: Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom, James MacGregor Burns
1971: Science in the British Colonies of America, Raymond Phineas Sterns

1972: Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship, Joseph P. Lash
1972: Ordeal of the Union: The Organized War, 1863-1864, Allan Nevins
1972: Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America, Martin E. Marty
1972: The Blue Whale, George L. Small

1973: Diderot , Arthur M. Wilson
1973: George Washington, Anguish and Farewell, 1793-1799, James Thomas Flexner
1973: Fire in the Lake: Vietnamese and Americans in Vietnam, Frances FitzGerald
1973: The Children of Pride: Georgia & the Civil War, Robert Manson Myers
1973: Judenrat: Jewish Councils under the Nazis, Isaiah Trunk
1973: A Religious History of the American People, S. E. Ahlstrom
1973: The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations, George B. Schaller

1974: Malcolm Lowry: A Biography, Douglas Day
1974: The Shaping of the Historian, John Clive
1974: Life: The Unfinished Experiment, S. E. Luria

1975: Marcel Proust, Roger Shattuck
1975: The Lives of a Cell: Notes on a Biology Watcher, Lewis Thomas
1975: The Life of Emily Dickinson, Richard B. Sewall
1975: The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson, Bernard Bailyn
1975: Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick and Marilyn Hacker
1975: Interpretation of Schizophrenia, Silvano Arieti

1976: The Great War and Modern Memory, Paul Fussell
1976: The Problem of Slavery in Age of Revolution, 1770-1823, David Brion Davis

1977: Norman Thomas: The Last Idealist, W. A. Swanberg
1977: The Uses of Enchantment: Meaning of Fairy Tales, Bruno Bettelheim
1977: World of Our Fathers, Irving Howe

1978: Samuel Johnson, W. Jackson Bate
1978: The Path Between the Seas: Panama Canal 1870-1914, David McCullough

1979: Robert Kennedy and His Times, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr
1979: Intellectual Life in the Colonial South, 1585-1763, Richard Beale Davis

1980: Lauren Bacall by Myself, Lauren Bacall
1980: The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Morris
1980: The Right Stuff, Tom Wolfe
1980: The White House Years, Henry A. Kissinger
1980: The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels
1980: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Douglas Hofstadter

1981: Walt Whitman, Justin Kaplan
1981: Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality, John Boswell
1981: The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections on Natural History, Stephen Jay Gould

1982: Mornings on Horseback: Young Theodore Roosevelt, David McCullough
1982: The Soul of a New Machine, Tracy Kidder
1982: People of the Sacred Mountain: Cheyenne, Father Peter John Powell
1982: Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, Donald C. Johanson & Maitland A. Edey

1983: Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller, Judith Thurman
1983: China: Alive in the Bitter Sea, Fox Butterfield
1983: Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, the Depression, Alan Brinkley
1983: "Subtle is the Lord...": The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Abraham Pais

1984: Andrew Jackson & American Democracy, 1833-1845, Robert V. Remini

1985: Common Ground: Turbulent Decade for Three Families, J. Anthony Lukas

1986: Arctic Dreams, Barry Lopez

1987: The Making of the Atom Bomb, Richard Rhodes

1988: A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam, Neil Sheehan

1989: From Beirut to Jerusalem, Thomas L. Friedman

1990: The House of Morgan: The Rise of Modern Finance, Ron Chernow

1991: Freedom: From the Experience of Slavery, Orlando Patterson

1992: Becoming a Man: Society's Homophobic Attitudes, Paul Monette

1993: United States: Essays 1952-1992, Gore Vidal

1994: How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter, Sherwin B. Nuland

1995: The Haunted Land: Europe's Ghosts After Communism, Tina Rosenberg

1996: An American Requiem: The War that Came Between Us, James Carroll

1997: American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson, Joseph J. Ellis

1998: Slaves in the Family, Edward Ball

1999: Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II, John W. Dower

2000: In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex, Nathaniel Philbrick 

2001: The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression, Andrew Soloman 

2002: Master of the Senate: Robert A. Caro

2003: Carols Eire, Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy

2004: Kevin Boyle, Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in 
          the Jazz Age

2005: Joan Dideon, The Year of Magical Thinking

2006: Timothy Egan, The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who 
          Survived the Great American Dust Bowl

2007: Tim Weiner:  Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA

2008:  Annette Gordon-Reed, The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family

The PEN/Faulkner Award

PEN/Faulkner was founded in 1980 by writers to honor their peers, and is now the largest juried award for fiction in the U.S. It is named in honor of William Faulkner, who used his Nobel Prize funds to create an award for young writers.
Go to the
PEN/Faulkner site.

1981: Walter Abish, How German is It?

1982: David Bradley, The Chaneysville Incident

1983: Toby Olson, Seaview

1984: John Edgar Wideman, Sent for You Yesterday

1985: Tobias Wolff, The Barracks Thief

1986: Peter Taylor, The Old Forest . . .

1987: Richard Wiley, Soldiers in Hiding

1988: T. Coraghessan Boyle, World's End

1989: James Salter, Dusk . . .

1990: E.L. Doctorow, Billy Bathgate

1991: John Edgar Wideman, Philadelphia Fire

1992: Don DeLillo, Mao II

1993: E. Annie Proulx, Postcards

1994: Philip Roth, Operation Shylock

1995: David Guterson, Snow Falling on Cedars

1996: Richard Ford, Independence Day

1997: Gina Berriault, Women in Their Beds

1998: Rafi Zabor, The Bear Comes Home

1999: Michael Cunningham, The Hours

2000: Ha Jin , Waiting

2001: Philip Roth, The Human Stain

2002: Ann Patchett, Bel Canto

2003: Sabina Murray, The Caprices

2004: John Updike, The Early Stories

2005: Ha Jin, War Trash

2006: E.L. Doctorow, The March

2007: Philip Roth, Everyman

2008: Kate Christensen, The Great Man

2009:  Joseph O'Neill, Netherland


The Caldecott Medal

The Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English illustrator Randolph Caldecott. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children. Go to the Caldecott Medal site.

1938: Animals of the Bible, A Picture Book, illustrated by Dorothy P. Lathrop; text: selected by Helen Dean Fish

1939: Mei Li by Thomas Handforth

1940: Abraham Lincoln by Ingri & Edgar Parin d'Aulaire

1941: They Were Strong and Good, by Robert Lawson

1942: Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey

1943: The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton

1944: Many Moons, illustrated by Louis Slobodkin; text: James Thurber

1945: Prayer for a Child, illustrated by Elizabeth Orton Jones; text: Rachel Field

1946: The Rooster Crows by Maude & Miska Petersham

1947: The Little Island, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard; text: Golden MacDonald, pseud. [Margaret Wise Brown]

1948: White Snow, Bright Snow, illustrated by Roger Duvoisin; text: Alvin Tresselt

1949: The Big Snow by Berta & Elmer Hader

1950: Song of the Swallows by Leo Politi

1951: The Egg Tree by Katherine Milhous

1952: Finders Keepers, illustrated by Nicolas, pseud. (Nicholas Mordvinoff); text: Will, pseud. [William Lipkind]

1953: The Biggest Bear by Lynd Ward

1954: Madeline's Rescue by Ludwig Bemelmans

1955: Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper, illustrated by Marcia Brown; text: translated from Charles Perrault by Marcia Brown

1956: Frog Went A-Courtin', illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky; text: retold by John Langstaff

1957: A Tree Is Nice, illustrated by Marc Simont; text: Janice Udry

1958: Time of Wonder by Robert McCloskey

1959: Chanticleer and the Fox, illustrated by Barbara Cooney; text: adapted from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales by Barbara Cooney

1960: Nine Days to Christmas, illustrated by Marie Hall Ets; text: Marie Hall Ets and Aurora Labastida

1961: Baboushka and the Three Kings, illustrated by Nicolas Sidjakov; text: Ruth Robbins

1962: Once a Mouse, retold and illustrated by Marcia Brown

1963: The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats

1964: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

1965: May I Bring a Friend? illustrated by Beni Montresor; text: Beatrice Schenk de Regniers

1966: Always Room for One More, illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian; text: Sorche Nic Leodhas

1967: Sam, Bangs & Moonshine by Evaline Ness

1968: Drummer Hoff, illustrated by Ed Emberley; text: adapted by Barbara Emberley

1969: The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship, illustrated by Uri Shulevitz; text: retold by Arthur Ransome

1970: Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig

1971: A Story A Story, retold and illustrated by Gail E. Haley

1972: One Fine Day, retold and illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian

1973: The Funny Little Woman, illustrated by Blair Lent; text: retold by Arlene Mosel

1974: Duffy and the Devil, illustrated by Margot Zemach; retold by Harve Zemach

1975: Arrow to the Sun by Gerald McDermott

1976: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears, illustrated by Leo & Diane Dillon; text: retold by Verna Aardema

1977: Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions, illustrated by Leo & Diane Dillon; text: Margaret Musgrove

1978: Noah's Ark by Peter Spier

1979: The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses by Paul Goble

1980: Ox-Cart Man, illustrated by Barbara Cooney; text: Donald Hall

1981: Fables by Arnold Lobel

1982: Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg

1983: Shadow, translated and illustrated by Marcia Brown; original text in French: Blaise Cendrars

1984: The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot by Alice & Martin Provensen

1985: Saint George and the Dragon, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman; text: retold by Margaret Hodges

1986: The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg

1987: Hey, Al, illustrated by Richard Egielski; text: Arthur Yorinks

1988: Owl Moon, illustrated by John Schoenherr; text: Jane Yolen

1989: Song and Dance Man, illustrated by Stephen Gammell; text: Karen Ackerman

1990: Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China by Ed Young

1991: Black and White by David Macaulay

1992: Tuesday by David Wiesner

1993: Mirette on the High Wire by Emily Arnold McCully

1994: Grandfather's Journey by Allen Say; text: edited by Walter Lorraine

1995: Smoky Night, illustrated by David Diaz; text: Eve Bunting

1996: Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann

1997: Golem by David Wisniewski

1998: Rapunzel by Paul O. Zelinsky

1999: Snowflake Bentley, illustrated by Mary Azarian; text: Jacqueline Briggs Martin

2000: Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, by Simms Taback

2001: So You Want to be President? illustrated by David Small. Text: Judith St. George (Philomel)

2002: The Three Pigs by David Wiesner

2003: My Friend Rabbit by Eric Rohmann

2004: The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein

2005: Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes

2006: The Hello, Goodbye Window illustrated by Chris Raschka and written by Norton Juster 

2007: Flotsam by David Wiesner

2008: The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

2009:  The House in the Night, illustrated by Beth Krommes, written by Susan Marie

Booker Prizes  |  Nobel Prizes  |  Book Critics
National Book Award:   Fiction   Non-Fiction  |  PEN/Faulkner Awards  |  Caldecott Medal
Pulitzer Prizes: Fiction |  Biography |  Non-Fiction

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