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List by Author

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List by Dateblank space. Lifetime Favorites     Rating Index

List by Author
1998- Present

  1. Ambrose, Stephen - Undaunted Courage.     (History, 1996)  3   11/97  

  2. Albright, Madeline - Madame Secretary: A Memoir.     (Non-Fiction, 2003). 3    03/04     

  3. Allende, Isabel - Daughter of Fortune.     (Fiction, 1999). 3    08/00     

  4. Angier, Natalie - Woman: An Intimate Geography.     (Science, 1999). 4    10/00    Colored dot icon. 

  5. Ansay, A. Manette - Vinegar Hill.     (Fiction, 1994).  2    04/01    

  6. Atkinson, Kate - Behind the Scenes at the Museum,      (Fiction, 1997)  3  9/01

  7. Atwood, Margaret - Alias Grace.       (Fiction, 1996)  3    05/98   

  8. Atwood, Margaret - The Blind Assassin.       (Fiction, 2000)  2    06/02   

  9. Austen, Jane - Emma.     (Fiction, 1816)  4   00/00   Colored dot icon.

  10. Austen, Jane - Northanger Abby.     (Fiction, 1818).  3    05/01    

  11. Bach, Lisa - Her Fork in the Road.    (Non-fiction, 2001), National. 3   03/05  

  12. Ball, Edward - Slaves in the Family.    (Non-fiction, 1998), National.  4   09/99  Colored dot icon.

  13. Bank, Melissa - The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and Fishing.     (Fiction, 1999). 3    08/00     

  14. Barker, Pat  - Regeneration,    (Fiction, 1992)  3   10/98   

  15. Barondes, Samuel H. - Better Than Prozac.   (Non-fiction, 2003)  2   01/04   

  16. Barreca, Regina - They Used to Call Me Snow White...but I Drifted.   (Non-fiction, 1992)  2   04/00   

  17. Barreca, Regina - Perfect Husbands (and other Fairy Tales) .     (Fiction, 1993).  2    03/00     

  18. Benfey, Christopher - The Great Wave,      (Non-Fiction, 2003)   3    03/04 

  19. Berne, Suzanne - A Crime in the Neighborhood,      (Fiction, 1997)   4    11/01 Colored dot icon.

  20. Bishop, Jerry E & Michael Waldholz - Genome.     (Science, 1990).  4    02/01 Colored dot icon.

  21. Bissinger, GH - Friday Night Lights.     (Non-Fiction, 1990).  3    04/05 

  22. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich - Letters and Papers from Prison.       (Non-Fiction, 1945)  3   02/01   

  23. Bowen, Elizabeth - The Last September.    (Fiction, 1929)  3   06/00   

  24. Boyd, Brian - Nabokov's Pale Fire.     (Non-fiction, 1999).  3    12/00     

  25. Boyl, T.C. - Drop City.     (fiction, 2003).  3   03/06     

  26. Brookner, Anita - Hotel du Lac.     (Fiction, 1984).  3    12/01   

  27. Brookner, Anita - Incidents in the Rue Laugier.     (Fiction, 1995).  3    03/04   

  28. Brooks, Geraldine - Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague,    (Historical Fiction, 2001)  11/03
  29. Brooks, Geraldine - Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women,(Non- Fiction, 1995)  07/0Colored dot icon.
  30. Brown, Dan - The Da Vinci Code.     (Fiction, 2003).  3    8/03   

  31. Bryson, Bill - A Walk in the Woods (Appalachian Trail).     (Non-Fiction, 1998).  3    03/00   

  32. Burdett, John - Bangkok 8    (Mystery, 2002)   10/05

  33. Burroughs, Augusten - Running with Scissors    (Memoir, 2002)   2/06

  34. Caldwell & Thomason - The Rule of Four    (Fiction, 2004)   11/04

  35. Cambor, Kathleen - In Sunlight, in a Beautiful Garden    (Fiction, 2000)   05/02

  36. Carey, Peter - True History of the Kelly Gang.     (Fiction, 2000).  2    12/01     

  37. Carhart, Thad - The Piano Shop on the Left Bank.     (Non-Fiction, 2001)4    11/03   Colored dot icon.  

  38. Chabon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.     (Fiction, 2000).  4 Colored dot icon.    09/04     

  39. Chang, Jung - Wild Swans.     (Non-fiction, 1991).  4    04/02     Colored dot icon.

  40. Chavarria, Daniel - Adios Muchachos.     (Mystery, 2001).  1    07/02     

  41. Chevalier, Tracy - Girl With a Pearl Earring.     (Fiction, 1999).  4    06/01     Colored dot icon.

  42. Chevalier, Tracy - Falling Angels.     (Fiction, 2001).  4    06/05     Colored dot icon.

  43. Clark, Susanna - Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.     (Fiction, 2004).  2    03/05     

  44. Coetzee, J.M. - Disgrace.    (Fiction, 1999), Booker. 3   01/01  

  45. Coetzee, J.M. -  Slow Man   (fiction,  2005). 3  11/06

  46. Cohn, Nik - Yes We Have NO (The other England).     (Non-Fiction, 1999).  3    04/00  

  47. Colt, George Howe  - The Big House.     (Non-Fiction, 2003).  4    3/04   Colored dot icon.  

  48. Corwin, Miles  - And Still We Rise.     (Non-Fiction, 2000).  4    12/04   Colored dot icon.  

  49. Cook, Michael - A Brief History of the Human Race.     (Non-Fiction, 2000).  3    07/05     

  50. Cronin, Justin - The Summer Guest,    (Fiction, 2004)         09/05
  51. Cross, Donna Woolfolk - Pope Joan.     (Fiction, 1996).  3    02/00    

  52. Cunningham, Michael - The Hours.       (Fiction, 1998), Pulitzer, Faulkner.  4   05/00  Colored dot icon.

  53. Damasio, Antonio - Looking for Spinoza.     (Non-Fiction, 2003).  3    11/03     

  54. Danticat, Edwidge - Breath, Eyes, Memory.     (Fiction, 1994).  3    07/02     

  55. Diamant, Anita - The Red Tent.     (Fiction, 1997)   3    01/03    

  56. Diamond, Jared - The Third Chimpanzee.     (Science, 1982).  3    08/00     

  57. Diamond, Jared - Guns, Germs and Steel.     (Science, 1997), Pulitzer.  4    09/99    Colored dot icon.

  58. Drabble, Margaret - The Millstone.     (Fiction, 1965).  4    01/01    Colored dot icon. 

  59. Dunant, Sarah - Birth of Venus.     (Fiction, 2004).  4    02/05    Colored dot icon. 

  60. Edwards, Kim -  Memory Keepers Daughter,   (Fiction, 2006) 4/07

  61. Eliot, George - Middlemarch.     (Fiction, 1871).  3    06/05 

  62. Eisenberg, Lee - The Number.     (Non-Fiction, 2006).  3    02/06 

  63. Eugenides, Jeffrey - Middlesex.     (Fiction, 2002).  3    04/05 

  64. Fadiman, Anne - The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down(Non-Fic. 1997), Critics' Circle. 4  04/01 Colored dot icon.

  65. Fatsis, Stefan - Word Freak.   (Non-Fiction, 2001),   3   12/02   

  66. Faulkner, William - As I Lay Dying.   (Fiction, 1932), Nobel.  3   11/99   

  67. Faulkner, William -  Light in August.   (Fiction, 1930), Nobel.  4   10/99   Colored dot icon.

  68. Fergus, Jim - One Thousand White Women: Journals of May Dodd1999 novelized journalColored dot icon. 

  69. Fielding, Helen -  Bridget Jones's Diary.   (Fiction, 1996).  3   01/03  

  70. Flaubert, Gusatve - A Sentimental Education,   (Fiction, 1869),  2/03

  71. Frazier, Charles - Cold Mountain.     (Fiction, 1997), First novel, Nat'l Bk Award. 4     05/99 Colored dot icon.

  72. Funke, Cordelai - The Thief Lord.     (Fiction, 2000),   3     07/03

  73. Gaddis, Eugene - Magician of the Modern.     (Non-Fiction, 2000). 4    08/01     Colored dot icon.

  74. Goodman, Carol - The Lake of Dead Languages.     (Mystery, 2002). 2.5    08/05     

  75. Gladwell, Malcolm - The Tipping Point.     (Non-Fiction, 2000). 4    05/00    Colored dot icon. 

  76. Gladwell, Malcolm - Blink.     (Non-Fiction, 2003). 3    06/05     

  77. Glass, Julia - Three Junes.     (Fiction, 2002). 4    08/04     Colored dot icon.

  78. Goldberg, Myla - Bee Season.     (Fiction, 1997), First novel. 3    06/99   

  79. Golden, Arthur - Memoirs of a Geisha.     (Fiction, 1997), First novel. 3    06/99   

  80. Grafton, Sue - Two Kinsey Millhones.    (Mystery, 1998,99)     3   07/01  

  81. Gordimer, Nadine - The Pickup.    (Fiction, 2001)     3   06/06  

  82. Grafton, Sue - Q is for Quarry.    (Mystery, 2002)     3   07/03  

  83. Graham, Katharine - Personal History.    (Autobiography, 1997), Pulitzer.  3   05/99  

  84. Greene, Graham - The End of the Affair.   (Fiction, 1951)  3   02/00   

  85. Greene, Graham - The Quiet American.   (Fiction, 1956)  4   04/03   Colored dot icon.

  86. Gregory, Philippa - The Other Boleyn Girl.   (Historical Fiction, 2002)  3   10/03   

  87. Hiaasen, Carl - Nature Girl    (fiction,  2006). 3  2/07

  88. Haddon, Mark - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.   (Fiction, 2002)  4   8/05   

  89. Hatfield, J.H. - Favorite Son.      (Non-Fiction, 2001)  2   09/02   

  90. Harris, Richard - Pompeii  (historical fiction,  2004)  3 

  91. Hazzard, Shirley. - The Transit of Venus.      (Fiction, 1980)   4   06/04   Colored dot icon.

  92. Hegi, Ursula - Intrusions.     (Fiction, 1981). 3    07/00     

  93. Hellenga, Robert - The Sixteen Pleasures.     (Fiction, 1994)     3    07/01    

  94. Hendra, Tony - Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Soul,  (Non-Fiction, 2004)  10/04

  95. Henig, Robin Marantz  - The Monk in the Garden.     (Non-fiction, 2000)     3    03/02    

  96. Hesse, Hermann - Demian.     (Fiction, 1917), Nobel. 3    03/01    

  97. Hill, Reginald - Exit Lines  (Mystery,  1991, reissue) 4/06

  98. Hornby, Nick - How To Be Good.     (Fiction, 2001). 3    09/01    

  99. Hosseini, Khaled - The Kite Runner.     (Fiction, 2003). 4    10/04    Colored dot icon.

  100. Hotchkiss, Sandy - Why It It Always About You?.     (Non-Fiction, 2002). 3    07/03    

  101. Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer - Mother Nature.     (Science, 1999). 3    09/00    

  102. Hulme, Keri - The Bone People.     (Fiction, 1983), Booker, First novel. 3    07/99  

  103. Hurston, Zora Neale  - Their Eyes Were Watching God,   (Fiction, 1937)

  104. Hyde, Catherine Ryan - Pay It Forward.    (Fiction, 1999)  2   11/00  

  105. James, Henry - The Wings of the Dove.   (Fiction, 1930)  3   02/98   

  106. Jin, Ha - Waiting.     (Fiction, 1999), National. 3    12/00    

  107. James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw    (fiction,  1898). 3  2/07

  108. Johnson, Diane - Le Divorce     (Fiction, 1997)  3   03/99   

  109. Johnson, Diane - Le Mariage.     (Fiction, 2000).  3    11/00      

  110. Jones, Edward P. - The Known World.     (Historical Fiction, 2003).  4    10/04      Colored dot icon.

  111. Juska, Jane - A Round-Heeled Woman.     (Non-Fiction, 2003).  4    05/04      Colored dot icon.

  112. Kaplan, Justin - Mark Twain and His World.     (Non-fiction, 1974). 3    08/01     

  113. Kennedy, Caroline - A Patriot's Handbook.     (Non-Fiction, 2003). 3    07/03     

  114. Kidd, Sue Monk -   The Secret Life of Bees    (Fiction,  2002). 3  01/06

  115. Kidder, Tracy - Mountains Beyond Mountains.    (Non-Fiction, 2003)  4   08/04 Colored dot icon. 

  116. Kidder, Tracy - Home Town    (non-fiction,  1988). 4   1/07   Colored dot icon. 

  117. King, Dave The Ha-Ha. (Fiction, 2005)4    7/05 Colored dot icon.

  118. King, Stephen On Writing. (Memoir, 2000)3    1/03

  119. Kingslover, Barbara - The Poisonwood Bible.     (Fiction, 1998).   3    07/99     

  120. Kingslover, Barbara - Prodigal Summer.     (Fiction, 2000). 3    01/04     

  121. Krakauer, Jon Under the Banner of Heaven. (Memoir, 2000)Non-fiction, 2003)3    5/06 Colored dot icon.

  122. Lamotte, Anne - Operating Instructions.    (Fiction, 1993)  4   12/97 Colored dot icon. 

  123. Landvik, Lorna - Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons.    (Fiction, 2003)  3   03/05   

  124. Larson, Erik - The Devil in the White City.    (Historical Fiction, 2002)  3   5/04  

  125. Lethem, Jonathan - As She Climbed Across the Table.     (Fiction, 1997).  3    02/01     

  126. Lethem, Jonathan - The Fortress of Solitude.     (Fiction, 2003).  4    12/03    Colored dot icon. 

  127. Levy, Andrea  - Small Island,  (Fiction, 2004)    3  05/05

  128. Lahiri, Jhumpa - Interpreter of Maladies,  (Fiction, 1999), Pulitzer.   4     04/02 Colored dot icon.

  129. Lahiri, Jhumpa - The Namesake,  (Fiction, 2003), Pulitzer.   4     02/04 Colored dot icon.

  130. Lawson, Mary  - Crow Lake,  (Fiction, 2002)   05/04  (not read)

  131. Lovell, Mary S. - The Sisters: the Saga of the Mitford Family,  (Biography, 2002)   3     09/02

  132. Lindbergh, Anne Morrow - Gift from the Sea.     (Non-fiction, 1955).  4    06/01    Colored dot icon.

  133. Maguire, Gregory - Wicked: The Life and Times of he Wicked Witch of the West   (Fiction, 1995)  1/06

  134. Makine, Andrei - Dreams of My Russian Summers,  (Fiction, 1998)  4   01/02 Colored dot icon.

  135. Makine, Andrei - Requiem for a Lost Empire,  (Fiction, 2001)  4   05/05 Colored dot icon.

  136. Marks, Leo - Between Silk and Cyanide,  (Non-Fiction, 1998),   3   12/04  

  137. Marshall, Megan - The Peabody Sisters   (Non-Fiction, 2005)  10/05

  138. Martel, Yann - Life of Pi,  (Fiction, 2001),   3   09/04  

  139. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - One Hundred Years of Solitude,  (Fiction, 1970), Nobel.  3   05/01 

  140. Mattison, Alice -  The Book Borrower    (fiction,  1999).- 02/07     3

  141. Mayes, Frances - Under the Tuscan Sun.     (Journal, 1996). 4    06/99     Colored dot icon.

  142. McBride, James - The Color of Water.    (Biography, 1996)  4   03/98  Colored dot icon.

  143. McCall Smith, Alexander  - The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency.     (Fiction, 1998). 4    1/04  Colored dot icon.   

  144. McCall Smith, Alexander  - Tears of the Giraffe.     (Fiction, 2000). 4    3/04  Colored dot icon.   

  145. McCall Smith, Alexander  - Morality for Beautiful Girls.     (Fiction, 2001). 4    5/04  Colored dot icon.   

  146. McCall Smith, Alexander  - The Kalahari Typing School for Men.     (Fiction, 2001). 3    6/05 Colored dot icon.   

  147. McCall Smith, Alexander -   The Full Cupboard of Life    (Fiction,  2003). 3   01/06

  148. McCall Smith, Alexander -   In the Company of Cheerful Ladies    (Fiction,  2004). 4   03/06Colored dot icon.

  149. McCarthy, Cormac - All the Pretty Horses.     (Fiction, 1992), National. 3    08/00    

  150. McCourt, Frank - Angela's Ashes,    (Autobiography, 1997), Pulitzer.  4   10/97  Colored dot icon.

  151. McCullough, David - John Adams,    (Biography, 2001), Pulitzer.  4   4/03  Colored dot icon.

  152. McEwan, Ian - The Cement Garden.     (Fiction, 1978). 2    07/99     

  153. McEwan, Ian - Amsterdam.     (Fiction, 1998), Booker. 3    06/99    

  154. McEwan, Ian - Enduring Love(Fiction, 1997).  3  07/01

  155. McEwan, Ian - Atonement(Fiction, 2002).  4  12/02  Colored dot icon.

  156. McEwan, Ian - Saturday(Fiction, 2005).  3  7/05  

  157. McGahern, John - By the Lake,    (Fiction, 2002), Booker shortlist. 09/04

  158. McKay, Matthew - Self-Esteem(Non-Fiction, 2000).  3  07/03

  159. Marks, Leo - Between Silk and Cyanide(Non-Fiction, 1998).  3  12/04

  160. Member favorites - Poetry Selections,   01/88   

  161. Menand, Louis - The Metaphysical Club.    (Non-Fiction, 2001)  3   05/03   

  162. Miller, Alex - Conditions of Faith.    (Fiction, 2000)  3   06/01   

  163. Moehringer, J.R.  -   The Tender Bar  (fiction,  2005). 3   06/07    

  164. Moggach, Deborah - Tulip Fever.    (Fiction, 1999)  3   12/01   

  165. Moore, Judith  - Fat Girl  (non-fiction,  2005). 4  11/06  Colored dot icon. 

  166. Moore, Lorrie - Anagrams.    (Fiction, 1997)  3   03/00   

  167. Moorehead, Caroline - Gellhorn: A Twentieth-Century Life.    (Non-Fiction, 2003)  3   01/05   

  168. Morrison, Toni - Beloved.    (Fiction, 1996), Pulitzer, Nobel.  3   11/98 

  169. Mortenson, Greg - Three Cups of Tea    (Non-fiction2006). 3   07/07

  170. Munro, Alice - Friend of My Youth.    (Fiction, 1990)  3   12/98   

  171. Munro, Alice - The Love of a Good Woman.   (Short Stories, 1998), Critics' Circle. 4   03/01 Colored dot icon.

  172. Munro, Alice - Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage.   (Short Stories, 2001),  4   01/03 Colored dot icon.

  173. Murdoch, Iris - The Sea, The Sea (Fiction, 1973), Booker.  12/99  

  174. Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich - Pale Fire.   4  (Fiction, 1962) 12/00  Colored dot icon.

  175. Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita.     (Fiction, 1963). 3    02/00     

  176. Nabokov, Vladimir - Transparent Things.     (Fiction, 1972). 3    12/99     

  177. Nafisi, Azar - Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books,    (Non-Fiction, 2003)  4  4/04  Colored dot icon.
  178. Naipaul, V. S. - The Enigma of Arrival.     (Fiction, 1987). 2    11/01     

  179. Northrup, Christiane - Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom.     (Health, 1998). 3    08/99     

  180. Newman, Renee - Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald Buying Guide (Non-fiction, 2000).  3   07/01

  181. O'Connor, Flannery - Everything that Rises Must Converge.     (Short Stories, 1956). 4    10/00    Colored dot icon.

  182. Niffenegger, Audrey - The Time Traveler's Wife.     (Fiction, 2003). 4    11/05    Colored dot icon.

  183. Ondaatje, Michael - Anil's Ghost.    (Fiction, 200) 3   11/01   

  184. Orlean, Susan - The Orchid Thief.     (Non-Fiction, 1998). 3    01/01      

  185. Otsuka, Julie - When the Emperor Was Divine.     (Fiction, 2002).     4    09/05    Colored dot icon. 

  186. Patchett, Ann - Bel Canto.     (Fiction, 2002).   Pen/Faulkner   3    09/02      

  187. Pearl, Mariane. - A Mighty Heart.     (Non-Fiction, 2003). 4    12/03      Colored dot icon.

  188. Pink, Daniel H. - Free Agent Nation.     (Non-Fiction, 2001). 2    07/02      

  189. Pipher, Mary - Letters to a Young Therapist.     (Non-Fiction, 2003). 3    01/04      

  190. Pollak, Jane - Soul Proprietor.     (Non-Fiction, 2001). 3    01/02      

  191. Pollan, Michael - The Botany of Desire.     (Non-Fiction, 2001). 3    01/02      

  192. Power, Samantha - A Problem from Hell.     (Non-Fiction, 2003). 3    02/04  Pulitzer      

  193. Powers, Richard - The Gold Bug Variations.     (Fiction, 1991).  4    07/01    Colored dot icon. 

  194. Powers, Richard  - The Echo Maker   (fiction,  2006). 3  1/07

  195. Proulx, Annie - Brokeback Mountain, (Novella,  1999) 5/06
  196. Reichl, Ruth - Tender at the Bone,    (Fiction, 1998)  9/06
  197. Ridley, Matt - Genome.     (Science, 2000). 3    03/01     

  198. Roberts, Cokie - Founding Mothers.     (Non-Fiction, 2004). 3    12/04     

  199. Robinson, Marilynne - Housekeeping.    (Fiction, 1997) 3   10/01   

  200. Roth, Philip. - The Human Stain     (Fiction, 2000). 3    02/04     

  201. Roth, Philip. - The Plot Against America     (Fiction, 2004). 3    04/05     

  202. Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.    (Fiction, 1997) 4   01/00   Colored dot icon.

  203. Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.     (Fiction, 1999). 3    04/00    

  204. Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.     (Fiction, 1999). 4    04/00   Colored dot icon. 

  205. Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire     (Fiction, 2000). 3    01/01     

  206. Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix     (Fiction, 2003). 4    06/03  Colored dot icon.   

  207. Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince     (Fiction, 2005). 4    07/05  Colored dot icon.   

  208. Roy, Arundhati - God of Small Things.   (Fiction, 1997), Booker.  3  06/98  

  209. Rubio, Gwyn Hyman - Icy Sparks.   (Fiction, 1998)  2    02/02  

  210. Rushdie, Salman - Midnight's Children.   (Fiction, 1980), Booker.  3  01/02  (not finished)

  211. Rybczynski, Witold  - A Clearing in the Distance.   (Non-Fiction, 1999),   4   06/01 Colored dot icon. 

  212. Sacks, Oliver - Island of the Colorblind.    (Science, 1996)  4   02/99   

  213. Sacks, Oliver - Uncle Tungsten.   (Non-fiction, 1998)  4    02/02  Colored dot icon.

  214. Salzman, Mark - Iron and Silk.   (Non-fiction, 1986)  3    05/04  

  215. Santmyer, Helen Hoover - "..and ladies of the club".    (Fiction, ~1930)  2   09/97  

  216. Sayers, Dorothy L. - Strong Poison.     (Mystery, 1930).  4    10/01     Colored dot icon.

  217. Sayers, Dorothy L. - Have His Carcass.     (Mystery, 1932).  4    10/01     Colored dot icon.

  218. Sayers, Dorothy L. - Gaudy Night.     (Mystery, 1936).  4    9/01     Colored dot icon.

  219. Sayers, Dorothy L. - Busman's Honeymoon.     (Mystery, 1937).  4    9/01     Colored dot icon.

  220. Schlink, Bernhard - The Reader.     (Fiction, 1995).  4    07/00 Colored dot icon.     

  221. Sedaris, David - Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.     (Humor Stories, 2004).  3    11/04      

  222. Seierstad, Asne -  The Bookseller of Kabul   (non-fiction,  2002). 4 11/06  Colored dot icon. 

  223. Seymour, Miranda - Mary Shelley.     (Non-Fiction, 2000).  3    7/02     

  224. Sher, Barbara -  I Could Do Anything If Only I Knew What It Was.  (Non-fiction, 1994).  3    06/01   

  225. Sher, Barbara - It's only too late If You Don't Start Now.     (Non-fiction, 1998).  3    05/01     

  226. Shields, Carol - The Stone Diaries.     (Fiction, 1993). 3    08/04     

  227. Shields, Carol - Larry's Party.     (Fiction, 1997). 3    06/00     

  228. Shreve, Anita - The Weight of Water.     (Fiction, 1997) 3    01/99   

  229. Shreve, Anita - Body Surfing.     (Fiction, 2007) 3    07/07   

  230. Sijie, Dai - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress    (fiction,  2000). 3

  231. Slovo, Gillian - Red Dust,     (Fiction, 2001)  11/04

  232. Smiley, Jane - Duplicate Keys.    (Fiction, 1984)  3   09/98   

  233. Smith, Zadie - White Teeth.     (Fiction, 2000). 2    10/02     

  234. Sobel, Dava - Galileo's Daughter.     (Non-Fiction, 1999). 3    01/01     

  235. Stegner, Wallace - Angle of Repose.     (Fiction, 1971), Pulitzer. 4    01/00    Colored dot icon.

  236. Stegner, Wallace - Crossing to Safety.     (Fiction, 1987). 3    12/99     

  237. Szymborska,Wislawa  - Poems New and Collected.     (Poetry, ?). 3    04/05     

  238. Thurman, Judith - Secrets of the Flesh - a life of Colette,    (Non-fiction, 1999)   03/02
  239. Undset, Sigrid - Kristin Lavransdatter.    (Fiction, 1928), 3   Nobel. 09/00  

  240. Vaillant, George  - Aging Well.      (Science, 2002)  3   11/02  

  241. Viscott, David  - The Language of Feelings.      (Non-Fiction, 1977)  3   07/03  

  242. Von Arnim Elizabeth  - The Enchanted April.      (Fiction, 1923)  3   04/99  

  243. Vonnagut, Kurt - Slaughter House Five.     (Fiction, 1959). 3    01/00     

  244. Vonnagut, Kurt - Breakfast of Champions.     (Fiction, 1973). 3    01/05     

  245. Vowell, Sarah - The Partly Cloudy Patriot.     (Essays, 2002). 4    10/02    Colored dot icon. 

  246. Walls, Jeannette - The Glass Castle    (memoir2005). 4  07/07 Colored dot icon. 

  247. Weber, Katherine - Triangle   (historical fiction, 2006)  2 7/07

  248. Weiner, Jonathan - The Beak of the Finch.     (Science, 1994). 4    05/00     

  249. Winchester, Simon - The Professor and the Madman.    (Non-Fiction, 1998)  4   04/03   Colored dot icon.

  250. Winn, Marie - The Red-Tails in Love.    (Non-Fiction, 1997)  3   07/00   

  251. Woolf, Virginia - Mrs. Dalloway.    (Fiction, 1932)  4    04/98  Colored dot icon.

  252. Woolf, Virginia - To the Lighthouse.     (Fiction, 1927). 3    04/00   

  253. Wullschlager, Jackie - Inventing Wonderland.     (Non-Fiction, 1995). 3    05/03   

  254. Zafon, Carlos Ruiz - The Shadow of the Wind  Carlos Ruiz Zafon (Fiction,  2001). 10/05   Colored dot icon.


* - Unless otherwise attributed, all linked summaries are taken from the publisher's summary.  All linked comments are original material.

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2- Just OK, could have skipped it.
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