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A Little Info and Fun

I'm sure some of you don't recognize some of the people or the names here. But some of us...{who shall remain know who you are}, are here at all hours of the day and night. Which is in some ways a good thing. {See how I justify being here?} This gives the opportunity to meet more people. This room is truely a family. We've shared new jobs, lost jobs, new babies, lost loved ones, birthdays and holidays. Some of the people here have been lucky enough to meet their soul mates, and some of us, friends that touch our soul. You can almost guarentee that if you come in the room, not quite yourself after a bad won't take long before you forget what made it so bad. Maybe it's relaxing in the hot tub with friends. {Who, by the way, wear a wide variety of things in there. Ranging from getting thrown in fully clothed, to bikini's and thongs...right down to nuthin'!!} Or maybe it's the jello fights...or the water fights {keep an eye out for the Enforcer!!} There is always a place to sit by the fireplace, just pull up a beanbag. The fridge is always full, and the bar is always open. Depending on the mood, you might even see a little dancing naked!! Whatever your reason for stopping in...we're glad that you did. Because without each and every one of you....the room wouldn't be what it is today!!!!!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We'd like to thank Lixa_R for a little added bonus to our below and check it out!!!!!

Take a little trip and see what some of us are really like :) Thanx Lix!!!!!!!
Click here and see what chat is really all about
