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Falcon X-C Comment & Log Book
That log has been replaced by this Falcon X-C log (as of 11/6/06). Post here
Cross country flying has a certain mystique
attached to it that tends to inhibit many pilots from adding that extra
dimension to their flying. With x-c jaunts added to your flying, now you
will get to enjoy not just hours and altitude but a trip to some new
place as well. So, how does a pilot get started on the x-c adventure?
For many of us, the leash was broken by
simply taking up a thermal to sufficient altitude that we were able to blow
over the back of a 500 ft. ridge and making it safely to a landing area
while not getting hit with rotor. Wow!!! I went x-c!!! How far?
Subjective experience was what mattered. The actual number for me on my
first one was maybe a couple of miles. For Alegra my wife, her first x-c
was in a meet. When feasible, we love to take new x-c pilots with us for
their first cross country flight. That way, we may even have an in the air
dialog about the new landing area that they will be evaluating and
vicariously experience again that first x-c flight. In practice, that
rarely happens so if you don't happen to be able to attach yourself to
somebody going, don't let it stop you. Just be at safe altitude and in
decent conditions for the task you will set for yourself. That task is
simply to go and land in a new place.
Preparation for that first x-c has
presumably been done already with learning good approach and landing skills and
some questioning of pilots who have flown from the site you will fly from. It pays to know
in advance what pitfalls can await you in your first exodus from the fold. If you haven't talked
to anybody about your proposed trip, the main concerns are "Always be within reach of an
acceptable landing area" and "Stay out of controlled airspace". A third item can make life more comfortable,
"Land near a road where it will be relatively easy to hitch a ride".
Always give yourself enough altitude that you will be able
to reach a field
that you are sure will be acceptable and have time and altitude to evaluate
the field, wind direction and to set up for landing into the wind.
Flying downwind, you will be surprised at the distances that you can travel and
ultimately you will use that new, experience based, brain computed, flatter
glide path
to comfortably add miles
to your flight
but ---------AAS Always Anticipate Sink and don't take my word
for that "flatter" downwind glide. Learn it by taking conservative stepe.
What has to be considered in the choices for
landing field?
- 1) Size and orientation towards the expected wind direction:
Don't casually assume that the wind will be in the same direction where you
land that it was at launch but if the fields are not large, pick ones where
the geometry favors that direction. If there are no visual clues as to wind
direction, test the local direction by passes or 360s that will let you find
where the wind is actually coming from.
- 2) Hazards both around the field and within it:
a)If there are buildings near it, hunt for power lines going to them. Spot
phone poles and know where the lines go. Don't expect power lines to simply
run along roads. I was once surprised by lines running diagonally across a
field in my early x-c days. No longer.
A few years ago I was very concerned in the air
when I saw poles along a beautiful field without visible wires. I worked to
avoid the invisible wires on approach only to discover that prisons don't have
wires above ground. It looked like an industrial complex from the air. Another
prison looked like a country club. This brings up the matter of the benefits of
asking pilots/people what interesting places are around the place you are
flying. I mention the prisons more as entertainment than as a standard cross
country flight hazard.
b) Fences or ditches within the field: You will generally be warned of ditches
by color. Fences almost always have poles. Electric fences will have very small
posts but they can usually be spotted either as establishing a pattern or you will
see differences in color in the field where the fenced animals have been eating
within the fenced area.
c) Slope in the field can screw up the best planned approach and often the
slope can't be seen until you are too low to make any drastic changes. My
personal solution is to plan my approach so that I can always turn 90 degrees
when on final and land at least across the slope. I usually try to pick fields
where I think that I can land up hill. It's great insurance.
- 3) Crops: To somebody who doesn't farm, grass, hay, green things are often
simply "stuff". To the farmer that grew them, they are money and often survival.
There are a host of color hints as to the nature of the field. Learn what
fields look like from the air with the concept of "what is in them?". If you
screw up and land in a crop field, do as little damage as possible on your way
to the edge and then try to find the owner and plead for mercy, offering to pay
for the damage you have caused.
Ok, to date, you have always landed in "the" landing area for the sites
you have flown. Today, you have worked up and over or along a ridge and having
always stayed within reach of a field that you have conservatively considered
to be suitable for landing, you decide to break the leash. It doesn't matter
how far away from launch it is, what matters is that it is new and not within
sight of launch. Do it! You will find a euphoria almost matching that of your
first flight and find yourself wondering why you didn't do it sooner. Come on,
let's go!
Falcon X-C Comment & Log Book
That log has been replaced by this Falcon X-C log (as of 11/6/06). Post here
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