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Well I finally added Nick to the members section (about damn time!) and I gave the opening page a face lift. Perrotti is in Tallahassee pursuing his bachelors, everyone else is still in North Haven sizzlin'. Skating has been kept to a minimum but when Perrotti comes back home for Thanksgiving it should pick up (for the time he's home at least). Decrosta and Kennedy still skate as much as their schedule allows them, Derek and Jordan have virtually quit, Nick and Joe I am unsure about and Perrotti is tearing shit up in Tallahassee.. on a personal note:   listen to more Cave In.

You see, it's kinduv like a puzzle.. we have the border done but we're a far cry from being finished.
Two words can only describe the NHSC right now: Mass Confusion. Everyone is holding grudges on everyone else, for what looks to be no apparent reason. It seems impending doom is imminent..
Everyone enjoyed themselves.. plain and simple. Tons of people were skating today, but an appearance by Seth made the day that much better. I can't put into words how great it is skating with a large amount of people, and since it is nice weather now, everyone is just learning so much so quickly. Come summer, it will be amazing..
God damn today was fun! The warmer and warmer it gets, the better it's starting to feel, and I think I speak for all of us when I say that. Due to the accident 3 days prior, Decrosta was not able to skate (doctors orders) but can get back in action this weekend. This weekend will now prove to be more amazing than we had planned..
Jordan, Decrosta, and Perrotti all get into a horrible car accident. The taxi is destroyed and everyone is shaken up. No one is hurt (even from the other car), and the officers said "If there was just one person who hadn't worn their seatbelts, there could have been a fatality." I think everyone should enforce the rule, 'No seatbelt, no ride.' It's been a rule since day 1 with Perrotti and will continue to be until the day he dies.
To celebrate Kennedy's birthday, the entire crew and Justin went out to the mall to pick up some ladies. Little does he know, but we let Kennedy win with his total count of thirteen. Milford Amusement was our next stop on the birthday tour, and as per usual, we showed that Top Skater game who was boss; Perrotti coming out on top of course. Back to North Haven where we went to homebase and chilled 'till it was time to depart..
Despite the fact that 30 kids were at the green in their rollerblades, everyone in the NHSC represented. No one landed anything special or new, but let's face it, the winter didn't help much. Scrappy made his appearance this day, and was not greeted kindly. Out of everyone that "skates" in this town (and I use that term lightly), Scrappy is most definately the least liked by any of the NHSC.
After a fruitless hour of searching for the other NHSC members, Perrotti and Decrosta trudged it out to the center for an evening session in the frigid temperature. The imfamous parking block that had provided hours of enjoyment during the summer was retrived and re-waxed. After a short session of that, the "Brandman's curb" was aslo re-waxed. This proved to be the most enjoyable part of the night. Perrotti became antiquated with his new board and new trucks, and quickly got back his skills that were dormant during the past week because of an ankle injury. Also, he learned a new trick, the frontside tailslide. After a little, Decrosta pulled a clean caballeirial over a broken cardboard box, and later in the night learned the backside tailslide, and although never riding it away, he learned the basis of coming of the trick revert, and shuvit off it. After this heated session the two proceeded to Taco Bell, because they are both "Taco Bell core."
5 long, agonizing days without the taxi, but it's back and all tuned up. Plans to take on Rhode Island tomorrow are in preparation.
The NHSC taxi had an unfortunate accident in the rain today because of the limited vision, and the pan that holds the transmision fluid now has three gaping holes. Needless to say, nothing really went down after that happened.
Perrotti sprained his ankle! Way to go jerk!
The green was ours! Scrappy and that little Rat Boy couldn't stop the fury that was NHSC. Even though the green is way too tight, it was still a good day.. props to Gaia, Mother Nature, for granting us a good day.. now if we only get that sand off of the roads.
We went to buy Street Sk8er for the PSX but it got pushed back to Friday.. woe-is-us. What are we to do without Street Sk8er for 3 more days?! Looks like it was real skating for us instead.. BK was shreded and no one landed a damn thing because it was too cold out.