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Name: SkyFrost

User: Evie,

Soulname: Ceren

Age: 105 years

Face: smooth creamy heart shape, with defined cheek bones, deep ruby lips that almost always hold a slight smile.

Height: 4' 4"

Eyes: dark midnight blue, slanted with thick lashes

Hair: very long and straight deep red

Weapons: bow and arrow, large dagger

Skills: hunting, especially tracking, has keen senses

Magic: sending, and shielding (only can hold up until her energy runs out)

Position: Huntress and Tracker

Family: Redhawk (father, deceased), Softglade (mother, deceased)

Bond Info:DeepDrift, a pure white polar bear with bright blue eyes, young and curious he oftens can get himself into trouble.

Clothing: long dark blue fringed tunic that's belted at the waist, fawn colored pants and thigh high leather boots, brown cloak.

Personality/bio: a loyal friend and someone you could turn to when in trouble, but if you get on her bad side she can also become you worst enemy. Persistent and sometimes headstrong but she can be nervous around males and hides it with humor.. She loves the snow and is seen often during White Cold she sliding down on some hill ontop of DeepDrift.

Likes: the hunt, snow, teasing males

Dislikes: being bored, when it's too hot

Place of Den: Within Black Tree

Wants to be remebered: As someone you could always turn to for help.

Favourite Quote: It's hot enough out here to turn a dreamberry sour!