Chapter Thirty

"Rok?" He whispered entering the pitch black bedroom. "Brian?" Still nothing. "Brian Thomas Littrell!"
"Bone?" A voice murmured from beneath a pile of blankets.
"Rok! Oh sweet Jesus!" Alex approached the bed quickly yet cautiously.
"I. Am. Fine. Alex." Brian frowned. In truth Brian was anything but fine, Courtney had informed AJ on the whole Brian situation and forced him to come to Florida ASAP. Brian had not moved from the guest bedroom in her home in two weeks, he didn't eat and hardly slept. Sometimes he woke up screaming in the middle of the night and Courtney would rush into the room but he always locked the door at night and Courtney knew he had took the key from her room.
"I wanna know Brian, when did you become such a liar?" Alex smirked he and Sarah had devised a scheme to turn Brian back into Brian.
"When the lord let me down, not once, not twice, but three times."
"Brian we all miss Kevin, but you can't change the past. I miss him everyday. I think about him all the time, everytime I look at little Scott keying the ivories on our grand piano, I miss him." Tears filled Alex's eyes. He had never shared his feelings with anyone, not even his wife. "I never got to tell Kev how much he change my life for the best. He was like the father I never had, the father I had longed for for so long. I loved him like a father and brother. We lost him too Brian."
"He was my cousin." Brian choked as tears filled his eyes as well.
"He was my brother, I know you don't feel like that matters, but it does. You are my brother too and I care about you. I love you." Alex went back to the day the found Kevin dead. Howie was never the same, he never goofed off anymore and was so drawn back from the world, everyone suffered from some disorder.
"I'm sorry Alex. I love you too. I miss him so much it sometimes, hurts so bad. And god when I lost Leighanne. Why her too? I love her so much."

"Brian," Alex frowned as his tears stopped. "You signed the divorce papers too." Brian's eyes turned from sad to fiery as he glared up at Alex. For the first time in his life, Alex was scared of his 5'7" friend.

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