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OH Trailer

This is the first long-distance investigation PSIG has conducted, so it should be a good example of the limitations of not being able to see what going on for yourself.

Beginning in the summer of 1999, the residents of an Ohio trailer home began to notice abrupt mood swings by the members of the household. They also began to notice little things moving or disappearing from there home. The members of this household consist of the husband, K (35 years old; the wife, R (33 years old); and 2 son, Ta (almost 2) and Ty (8 years old).

After a near death expereince undergone by the wife, the husband began to complain about headaches. After a CT Scan and a MRI (but no psychiatric consultation) the husband was put on a mood-altering drug used in Bipolar patients. The headaches continue.

Just recently, Ta has begun to talk to things that are not seen by the others in the household. He has also been known to stare or watch things that are not there. Meanwhile, Tn has begun to write suicide notes that are not in his writing. In fact, some of the letters in the notes are inverted (Which is unlike TN) Both R and K have both reported seeing manifestations of lights and shadows in the area of their bedroom and bathroom.

Trailer History
The trailer the family inhabits was bought new by K, but has been moved once. The trailer is now situated on K's parent's land. The land also holds the parent's house and a family run shop. K's ex girlfriend J, lived in the house with K, along with J's daughter, for a few years. J was said to have powerful telekenetic ability, but she did not have much focus. She could bend a spoon on demand, but she would also bend all the other spoons in the area. She was also known to subcontiously start random fires. She is also believed to have used a ouija board in the trailer. She reported seeing what she believed what was her spiritual guide in the same area of the house that K and R have seen manefestations. J eventually moved out, and has not contacted R or K sense that can be confirmed. R states that a woman did call a few times for K, and this woman got upset when she was informed by R, that R was K's wife. But nothing else has been heard, and R is not sure if the woman was indeed J.

The only thing recently known about J is that she was (along with her new boyfriend) convicted for the murder of her 3 year old daughter. The little girl was close to K, but lived with J. The little girl fell down a flight of stairs and hit her head, but got right back up and seemed fine, so she was not taken to the hospital and she died in her sleep.

The headaches K is reporting now are also being reported by his father, and it is believed that K and his father have low level psychic ability.