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He Is My Savior

Every moment of every day
He is in my mind and heart.
He is my Savior, My Redeemer,
My Salvation.

There is no way I could
ever repay Him for all that
He has done for me
and for all that I love.

I have aboslutel faith in Him.
I know He lives and that someday
we will see Him and will be like Him.

All that I have I owe to Him, My life,
This beautiful earth we live on,
My family and friends.

My home and every single breath
I take is all because of Him
and my Father in Heaven.
What more can I say?
To Know Him is to Love Him...

Heavenly Father,
thank You for loving me today.
Thank You for Your faithfulness.
I know that You are closer
to me than the air I breathe.
Today I receive Your promises
in faith and choose to cast
all of my cares on You.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May you always be covered in Gods pure love!

Thank you for visiting me! Joan


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