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Take A Child By The

Take a child by the hand,
and show him the way.
Lead a child each morning,
into a beautiful day.

Take a child by the mind,
and give him the strength;
to fight every challenge,
and go to great lengths.

Take a child by the soul,
and let God be known;
for it is by his mighty grace,
that so big they have grown.

Take a child by his sight,
and show him wonders galore.
Teach him curiosity and
the need to explore.

Take a child by his smile,
so beautiful and sweet,
and tell him of all the friends,
he will make and meet.

Take a child by his wonder
of the life all around.
Let him savor each flavor
and hear each new sound.

Take a child by his dreams
and say it's alright,
to follow those dreams
as far as he might.

Take a child by the heart
and teach him to love,
for there is no greater gift
from our Creator above.

And after your child
has grown and alone
he now stands.
Watch and enjoy as he takes
his own children by their hands.
Author Unknown

May God Bless You!

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