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Dunt You

Dunt You

Well how did that happen
I'VE never heard Of One falling up hill
ALL I wanted was an apple.
Apples are sooooo sweet .
I just love apples.dunt you?

We make sweet apple sauce in the fall.
I love the fall dunt you
The gold and crimson of the leaves
in the fall glisten their message
come listen one and all!

Guys and Gals soon the snow will fall.
As it covers the valleys and hills'
with a beautiful coat of white snow.

We'll be getting ready for Christmas
Children will be playing out doors.
Silding and making snowman
I love the winter dunt you?

For it will be over before you know it
Then it will be spring again
I love spring dunt you?
With it's beautiful flowers
and all the birds do sing.
Dunt you just love the spring?
For I love all the seasons
Dunt you??????
By Bonnie Ray & Joan Miessau@ 2014
All rights reserved

May you always be covered in God's pure love!

Thank you for visiting me!!


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