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One of God's Angels

A letter from one of God's Angels
An earth Angel I once was.
But,God called and told me
not to fear, that everything would be brief.
For it was time for me to go to sleep.
He needed another precious Angel, you see.
And I said to God Dear Lord Jesus help me.
And God said, I will give you relief.
Just keep the faith, and believe.
Now rest my child,rest.
For you have done your very best.
And as He said this,
God wrapped His arms around me
And took me home.

Now I'm truly one of God's little Angels.
Way up in the heaven's above.
I live in God's manision, filled with love.
A place where there's no pain or tears.
I'm with God and all of our loved ones,
that have been here through the years.
And there's men, women and children
from all over the world, of every religion.
They're all singing God's words of cheer.
OH, how heavenly it is to my ears.
And as we sit by the fountain
I can smell the sweet jasmine
That flows down from the mountains.
While thought's of you,
float through my mined.
May God fill your heart,
and let you know that I'm at peace.
For God and the Angels,
have brought me to a place of paradise.

My Dear,
I want you to know while I had to go,and
you remain know that I will live on.
Dancing in a different measure.
That you can not see.
But, one day God will call you.
And then,we can be together again.
Until then, live your life trusting God.
and when you need me, say a prayer.
Call my name with a whisper
And I will be there.
God's little Angel by your side.
And with all my heart I say to you always
, together in the heart We shall never be apart.
So I'm home at last And in heaven I will be.
Preparing a place for thee.
A beautiful place, filled with God's love.
For Eternity. God loves you, and so do I
With love and little hugs, God's little Angel.
Keep the Faith, and keep on believing.
By Donna Minnick 2003
Donna thank you for letting me use your poem!

May God Bless You!

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