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Going Home

Going Home

Going Home
I'm on my way home now
I'm ready to take that flight
I want to say goodbye to all
These long and sleepless nights
I've had a good life, done my best
I love how you've loved me.
But now,
I'm taking that journey beyond.
Where my spirit can be free.
I've never thought much about this trip
And I've lived with all my might,
but someone seems to be calling me.
toward a warm and gentle light
Oh yes, I know that I must go
There are Angels showing me the way
I am going to do the best I can
To make it through this day!
Then when I go I won't be far,
just wanted you to know that
that where my spirit has found rest
One day you can also go
I thank you now for loving me.
You know I've loved you too.
That's way it 's hard to say goodbye.
And give up this time with you.
Hold me now one more time
I want to hear you say,
Because I love you so much,
You can leave today!
By Yolanda Cohen

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by Yolanda Cohen
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