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Have Faith

Sitting here thinking of you today,
I wonder what I can do or say,
To reassure you of God's wonderful light.
Of all His wonders and His might.

All the ways He shows us His grace,
That He has prepared a place.
A kingdom pure without evil or sin.
On this earth over satan we will win.

He grants us everlasting life,
He will lift us up out of this world of strife.
We were born here in satan's relm,
But it's God that controls the helm.

Do not allow satan to take you to his doom,
For our Lord is coming to take you from this gloom.
Have faith in His word that He is here,
Watching over us that He holds so dear.

God grants you life eternally,
If you believe and live for Him faithfully.
Yet you scream to Him, "Why"?
As you look up at a darkening sky.

"Why did you let this happen to me"?
As the Lord looks down on you tenderly.
His love for you coming down from above.
Can you not repay Him with your faith and love?

He gave us His only son in the flesh,
To save us from this mess.
Can you not give Him a little faith in return?
That's all he asks of you
He is not that stern.

May God Bless You!

Thank you for visiting with me!!


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