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Help Me to Be Like Jesus

Help me to always be humble
To reach out to the poor
Help me to know simplicity
To meet it at the door.

Help me to always be worthy
To be what I should be
Help to me to have the patience
To see what I should see.

Help me to always be honest
To often speak your name
Help me to gently hasten
To give you all the fame.

Help me to be a servant
To always do your will
Help me to quietly listen
To hush up and be still.

Help me to be assertive
To calm the angry tongue
Help me to fight adversity
To glorify your Son.

Help me to show my courage
To stand up and be strong
Help me to be the missing key
To sing a different song.

Help me to touch your garment
To make me lily white
Help me to spread the gospel
To lost souls in the night.
ByMarilyn Ferguson ©2005

May God Bless You!

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