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As I Sit Here

As I Sit Here!!

As I sit here on the beach
thinking of times gone by
When you and I would
enjoy the ocean waves
washing on the shore
like the sound of music
OH how I long for
those days once more...

Now that you are gone
I sit here all only
and think of you
and I walking on
this beach with the
sun shining bright
then watching the sunset
go down for the night...

For our love will never die.
You will always be in
my heart and on my mined
As I sit here on the beach
thinking of days gone by.
I recall all the good times we had..

The memories will never go away
For you are always here by my side.
sitting here on the beach
watching the time go by
And the waves play their music
just for you and I...
J. Miessau © 4-2009
All Rights Pertacted

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

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