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Hold On To Jesus

When trials of life assail you
or storm clouds come your way,
Hold on by faith to Jesus
you'll have a brighter day.

When problems of this world
seem to weigh you down
Look up to the Savior,
He can always be found.

The trying of our faith
works patience,
it gives hope in our life,
We have a blessed Redeemer
who took away our sin and strife.

Though circumstances may look bleak
remember, things are not
always as they seem,
For we have a Loving Savior
He is always working behind the scenes.

There is nothing God cannot handle
No problem is to big for Him to work out,
Look up to the King of Kings,
trust fully in Him and never doubt.

Jesus is the door which
leads to life eternal,
there is only one way to God
When we enter through the straight gate,
we find help in this land we now trod.

The enemy may rage
but greater is our God within,
Hold on to the Lord,
storms of life always have to end.
Jo Ann Kelly
Used with permission

May you always be covered in Gods pure love!

Thank you for visiting me! Joan


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