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Love Your Life Through

Love is the only undying thing
in this world and, perhaps, beyond.
Love for our nearest kin
and then for all mankind.
Love saturates all human effort.
It seeps into the beauty of flowers,
the song of birds, and in fact,
All nature.
The great trees whisper it to one another,
and the silent clouds against
the blue of the sky intermingle.
It is tossed from star
to star in the firmament

Everything beautiful in this life
is seasoned with Love,
the Love between each other,
and the Love of God.
Without Love this world would flounder.
There would be no meaning to anything.
There would be no hope
to which to cling.
You can't see Love,
But it is forever present
where the human heart beats
to the rhytm of all life.

Love is eternal.
It changes individual lives,
for it is a guiding force
that is from everlasting to everlasting.
Love is never wasted,
It wraps itself in garments
of the purest gold.
It gives light to all the world.
Love your life through and
you will have proved immortality!
And also...Happiness.

Love can always find it's way.
It lives in the light
and doesn't know darkness.
Wherever Love is manifest,
there are stationed refreshments
for the soul.
Every phase of Love is
spread out for our mental,
physical and spiritual good.
We can be assured in all
that we do if we will
Love our way through.
How easy it is to scatter Love
along life's main highways!

May God Bless you!
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