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The Man Of My Life

The man of my life!

I was fifteen and he was twenty one
Fifty years ago on that faithful night
he took his life..
When the gun rang out I lost the love of my life..
He had diebetes but that was no reason.
They told him We could not get married..
They said we were not ready
We could only go steady.
They told him he could'nt drive
so he had no car He had broken the law
when he was young The law said no to him
What ever he asked to do something.
The man of my life
I loved him more then life
When He took his own life
on that faithful night he took
my heart with him.
He comes to me in my dreams
to tell me I'm still his everything..
The man of my life..
Now his my Angel up above
Watching over me with his love.
Some day I'll be with him
in paradise
He waits for me in that place above.
When the Lord says we are ready
that day we will walk
together in Paradise.
The man of my life..
"I still Love him so"
By Joan Miessau
Feburary 10 2004
Alrights protected

Clarence 6-1932---5-1954

My sweet Clarence
It's been 60 years now sent you lefted me
I'm still waiting for
that day to be with you again.
I stopped by your grave last week.
cleaned off you stone.
God only knows how much I miss you.
I'm sending my love up to you.
Love you with all my heart and soul.

It's been 61 years now
I stopped by your grave last week
I still miss you As the days and years pass I still miss you As the pain of grief softens I still miss you As new memories are made I still miss you As I smile and laugh I still miss you Today and everyday I still miss you
Sending all my love to you!

May you Always be
covered in God's pure love!
Thank you for visiting with me! Joan

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Josephine Wall, Artist
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