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The Narrow Path

The Narrow Path
May we follow carefully
The narrow and blessed Way
Entering the small gate of Life
As our dear LORD did say

For broad is the path
And wide the gate that leads
To destruction eternal
And why our LORD now pleads

How easy to think the broad
Leads to Heaven’s door
As so many souls tread upon it
And each day all the more

Yet Jesus warned that only few
Will find the narrow Way
So may we heed our every step
As we worship, read and pray

Our earthly journey so transient
In the vast light of eternity
How important that we discern
The path where we may be

Seek God earnestly in prayer
In worship and in fasting too
These bring us ever closer
To the Creator of me and you

And ponder the Cross and pain
That Christ accepted and foreknew
For therein is the answer of Life
Yes, in His death, is Life true

The sting of death itself died
When Christ arose triumphantly
His Way leads to Life eternal
Let it be the only one we see

So as a new day unfolds
And the sun does brilliantly rise
Set out upon the narrow Way
Leading to the Crown and Prize

Yes, may we follow ever carefully
The narrow and blessed Way
Entering the small gate of Life
As our dear LORD did say..
© Caroline Gavin
Used with permission
All Rights Reseved





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