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A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start
Every morning,
Every day I live,
A new beginning,
A fresh start You give.

A clean slate,
A time to start anew,
A brighter horizon,
A lovelier view,

A sweeter song,
A lighter heart,
A happier vision,
Yes, a fresh start.

Every day,
Lord Jesus, my King,
A fresh start
To me You bring.

The woes and worries
Of the day before,
I can let go
In mercies You pour.

Each tear and trial,
Each problem and pain,
I let go to You
Again and again.

For You are new life,
You are joy and peace,
So into Your hands
Everything I release.

New beginnings,
Yes, a fresh start,
I find in Your love,
I see in Your heart.

A clean slate,
A time to start anew,
My sweet Lord Jesus,
I find in You.

Yes, every morning
A fresh start You give.
So every moment for You
I choose to live!
Caroline Gavin ŠApril 2014
Used with permission
All Rights Reseved

2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation. The old has
passed away; behold, the new has come."

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

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