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Tears In A Bottle

It is I He said don't be afraid
Oh don't you ever fear,
I understand all your hurts,
I keep tract of all your tears.

I put your tears in my bottle
I stay close to you each day;
I hear each and every whisper,
Each time you stop and pray.

I made the moon, sun and stars
I walked upon the stormy sea;
Don't you ever be afraid,
My Child, Stay close to Me.

I hold you each time you cry
I feel your hurt and pain;
I chase all your tears away,
So you can be happy again.

I'm walking with you on your path
I'll never leave or forsake you,
Leave all your tears on Me;
I love you, I love you, trust Me.
B. Ward April 2014
Used with permission

May God Bless You!

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