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For What You Will Be

For what you will be!!
As I gazed up at the mountains
I was awed by their majesty.
I bowed my head and asked myself
Why should He care for me?
I am not beautiful like the mountains
that tower so high above
What is there about me
that God can find to love?

I am not strong like the wind that
makes your tall trees sway.
I cannot sing
sweetly like your tiny birds
will you love me anyway?

But most of all, I am simply me
and often have cause to fear
In spite of all my weaknesses,
do you promise to be near?
With eyes closed tight
against burning tears
I wished He could hear me pray.

Then I felt His Spirit tell me
Child look up, I have something to say.
You are simply you, the spirit I love
a part of my great plan.
I put you here to learn of life
and to return to Me again.

You are more beautiful to Me
than the loveliest mountain ever made.
And your strength far exceeds
that of the winds, so do not be afraid.
I love you not for what you are
but for what I know you will be.

I am always beside you watching you grow
you are very special to Me.
A smile touched my lips; I knew it was true
Father had always been there
Giving me comfort and blessings and
love and my own special talents to share.

So I will do my best to make Him proud.
I am not afraid, for you see;
He loves me not for what I am,
but for what He knows I will be.
Author Unknown

May You always be covered in God's pure love!

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