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This is another project of mine, and while it is not a top-priority at the moment (Hannah and I are just finalising all the characters and writing a few trial chapters), I can tell already that I'm going to care deeply for this story . . . ;)

Basically, it's an autobiography and it's not. It's based on certain people we know, mainly our friends, with names changed to protect the innocent. In brief, it's a coming-of-age story *ignores the groans from the crowd*, but what makes it different from all the bad ones you've seen/read is that this one is COOL! We've got interesting character which you can relate to, and I'm sure at least one person out there is familiar with a person in our story! So, whet your appetite with a few trial chapters!

| Madeleine Leyton | Francine Lovett | Eryn Orenson |

| Isobel Ryden | Alisa Price(NCE) | Kimberley Smith(NCE) |



"The Year That Changed Everything" and "TYTCE" is Copyright 2000 M. Lees and H. Blackwell. Any duplication of these works is illegal without the express permission of the author(s). Failure to observe this will result in prosecution.