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(My mother was my whole life)

Since I was young, she had to have my grandmother raise me. My grandmother did a very good job, but when she died, I lost a mother, then my real mother took over I was 24 years old my third child was not even 4 months old, before my grandmother died, she told me to let my mom be my mom, my mom was more of a sister and a best friend. We stayed best friends till the end. My mom helped me through good times and some bad times as a true friend would do. When Eddie died (the only Dad I loved) I saw him in the hospital lying there, my heart was so hurt, but I thought how am I going to tell my mom that her husband is gone? I had to be stong for her and myself. I told her that Eddie didn't make it, that GOD has taken him to a better place. Eddie was so good to my mom, he was her angel on earth. He took care of her for 4 years even though he was sick himself. He had congenital heart failure and his legs were turning black from his knees down, but that never stopped him from cooking, cleaning, shopping and laundry. He would walk to do the laundry and shopping every month. He went shopping and paid the bills the day before he passed away. God told him your coming home now. He passed away in their kitchen. I stayed with my mother from March 5th 1999 until April 5th 1999. I went back and forth from my house to hers. I stayed with my mom at night until one morning she cried out for Eddie, I asked her what was wrong!? She was all bloody I called 911. They took her to the hospital. She came home a week later. Six weeks later she tried to get up she was so week. I called 911 again. I went to the hospital with her. The tests showed she had kidney stones and a tumor in the pancreas, so they operated on her. She ended up in the I.C.U for 7 weeks. I still stayed at her house at night so her cats wouldn't get lonely. She LOVED her cats. I have 4 of the 7 cats that she had. I went up to the hospital to see her, she had so much trouble breathing. They put her on life support because I panicked. I wasn't ready to let her go. Then her heart would beat so fast that they had to give her medicine to get it back down, then her kidney stopped functioned, then her bladder! She had a trachiotomy in her throat. 7 weeks I didn't hear my moms voice. If I can hear her voice once more. I took good care of my mom until she passed away. I told her every day that I loved her so many times. When she died I went up to see her, she was at peace, her face was happy, my dad came and got her. I SAW HIM THE MORNING BEFORE SHE DIED IN MY DREAMS, HE HAD ON A VERY FANCY SHIRT HIS HAIR WAS COMBED NICE AND A SMILE ON HIS FACE. I should have known he was going to take my mom. You'll never know how much your mother means to you until she is gone. My heart hurts every day for her. Wishing I could talk to her and hold her one more time, and to tell her I love her even more. My mom was an angel, her heart was so good. Never wait to say "I love you mom", you may miss out on a good thing. Time goes so fast. Start loving your mom. I feel my mother here with me. THERE IS A KNOCK ON THE DOOR, WE OPEN IT AND NO ONE IS THERE, KNOCK ON THE OTHER DOOR, NOBODY THERE, DOGS BARKING AT THE DOOR BUT STILL NO ONE THERE. My mom and my dad are here , I get cold chills and then warm again. I am not scared. I have a lot of my mothers things in my room. I feel them sometimes. I don't remember my dreams because my doctor has me on a small pill at night, so I can sleep and not cry all night. Sometimes I want to go with my mom and dad, then I think what will my children and my grandchildren do with out me? I have to be here for them, because I know how they would feel if I was not there.