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1 year gone by so fast

Born March 8,1922 - Passed on May 20,1999

A year has passed,since you left me to greeve and suffer with pain of losing you,I will carry you always in my heart,untill I can see you again, my heart feels so empty and sad and wishes you can come back to me ,for just a little while, so I could tell you just how muck I love you and to get a hug ,and to say good-bye to you. I am happy that you are not suffering any more,you went through alot, over 20 operations,the beatings you took from my first step dad (BILL). Then you met Eddie (my second dad) that I loved more than my real dad (donald) who walked out on us ,you supported me since I was 7 weeks old and gave me what you could, you gave me a home ,love, guidance, and a lot more, you made me the best that I could be , and I thank you with all my heart. You went through hell here on earth, you suffered and the pain you went through your whole life. Now I know you are with God and the Blessed Mother in heaven now you have a lot of love and no more pain,for that I am eternaly greatfull for...

Sadly missed by your daughter


Where do we go and is it real

As I think of a grave I think of a very lonely place to be. It's like to me ,you have a lot of people around you ,you don't talk to anybody, you are in the dark ,you are stiff and cold .. Where are you??? Who knows...Is it like sleeping ?? But never wake up, Do you dream or are we all dreaming ?? Nobody knows ,what is life or Death nobody knows ... Who can answer ? Nobody knows.. Where do we go when we die are we here or are we there?? No body knows .. I can see my mom + dad in that lonely grave ,just laying there and saying nothing .. I can't picture my mother just laying there with nothing to say...

March 8,2000

Information:Do you have a phone number for Heaven?

Because today is my mothers birthday and I want to wish her a happy birthday she would have been 78 years old today. Is she going to have a birthday party with Eddie and all of the angels in heaven? I hope so ,my mom is a very special and loving person .
Dear MOM you are gone, but you are always in my heart for now and forever... Happy First Birthday in Heaven, hope you are at peace...

I love you so very much..

Happy Birthday MOM!!!

Love your Daughter
