The 907th amendment
Since 1992, when 907th amendment to the "Freedom Support Act" was passed in the US Congress, my country has been exposed to discrimination. The 907th amendment to the Freedom
Support Act banns direct governmental assistance of the USA to Azerbaijan. It has discriminative and offensive character and undermines traditions of an American democracy.
The high level U.S. officials affirm that Azerbaijan is going to be a strategic ally of the U.S. in the region. Indeed, interests of the U.S. and Azerbaijan in main geopolitical questions coincide. Azerbaijan's rich oil reserves are giving to use of world; it pursues a policy of peace in the region; it considers stability as its own priority in spite of contradictions with some national interests. However, an attitude regarding Azerbaijan bears a double standard. Armenia is a violator of stability, aggressor, infringing the international law. But this country is second in receiving an American aid!
Do you know that:
1. As a result of the war unleashed by Armenia tens of thousands were killed. Hundreds of thousands were injured. More than a million people were expelled from their homes.
2. Armenia has occupied 20% of Azerbaijan's territory and is considered to be one of the countries to be violating the Helsinki Final Act on territorial integrity and state sovereignty.
3. Armenia has ignored UN resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884.
However, no sanctions are being exercised against Armenia, but the 907th amendment remains in effect. Actually this amendment was not enough for Armenian lobby and it continued a company against my country. As a result new nonsense was passed and
4 years ago USA started providing Upper Karabakh separatists in Azerbaijan with
the financial assistance, going round of Azerbaijan. Does it mean that USA don't accept
a territorial integrity of Azerbaijan Republic and support Armenian aggressors?
Some call it "double-standard policy", some - "intrigues of the Armenian lobby", others say it is "Christian solidarity", but first of all it is "unfairness". That's how we call it.
We ask you to do your best and use your authority and influence in the cause of abolishment of this unfair amendment.