Edinburgh Suburban Directory
Cadigan, Mrs. Mary,
85 Belgrave road
Cairns, W. Craig,
music teacher, 1 Chalmers crescent
Cameron, Duncan,
Noremac, 50 Hillview road
Cameron, Rev. D.,
13 Belgrave road
Cameron, John,
1 Ladywell road
Cameron, J. Erskine,
C.A., Lunan, 19 Traquair park East
Cameron, J. Maxwell,
Stoneygate, 31 Kaimes road
Cameron, Mrs. John,
Lochbroom, 30 Featherhall crescent North
Campbell, E., Cruachan,
44 Gordon road
Campbell, Hugh,
42 Gordon road
Campbell, J. H.,
26 Glasgow road
Campbell, M., 7
Sycamore terrace
Campbell, Miss
Agnes, St. Margaret's house, Drum brae South
Cant, Henry, S.S.C.,
30 Clermiston road
Carrie, George
K., 6 Craigs road
Carrigan, J., Oak
Inn, St. John's road
Carruthers, James
M., 27 Meadowhouse road
Catton, Mrs. Allison,
4 Corstorphine Hill crescent
Chalmers, Andrew,
26 Forrester road
Cheyne, Miss Christina,
7 Glebe grove
Chirnside, Andrew,
mason, 3 Castle avenue
Clark, Alex., Roselea,
45 Clermiston road
Clark, Francis,
Dunvegan, Craigs road
Clephane, James,
Rosegarth, 22 Corstorphine Bank terrace
Cochran, Robert
M., Springbank, North Saughton road
Cockburn, Mrs.
Erngarth, 307 St. John's road
Commercial Bank
of Scotland, 239 St. John's road
Connelly, E., 10
St. Ninian's road
Cook, Charles Latto,
commercial traveller, Elrig, Pearce avenue
Cook, Chas. Wm.,
L.R.C.P. & S. (Ed.), Willowbank, Saughton road North
Cook, James, Maybury
Garage, Maybury road
Cook, J. L., 39
Craigmount park
Cooke, Mrs. C.,
newsagent and confectioner, 127 St. John's road
Coote, F., telephone
engineer, 38 Hillview crescent
Cormack, John &
Co., chemists, 96 St. John's road; house Murray place
Cormack, Ernest
A., M.B., Ch.B., The Cedars, 199 St. John's road
Cormack, Mrs. John
A., Moorlands, 16 St. John's road
Cowie, Isaac J.,
Durrisdeer, 30 St. John's road
Cowper, John, E.B.,
Gogar house
Cowper, Macknight
C., The Farm house, Gogar mains
Craig, Andrew D.,
24 Forrester road
Craik, Lindsay,
52 Turnhouse road
Craik, T. Preston,
Teriodin, 1 Castle Avenue
Cramb, Robert,
Mossgiel, 31 Clermiston road
Creighton, Henry,
Gowrie, 36 Featherhall crescent North
Crockett, J. M.,
6 Corstorphine Hill gardens
Crockett, Samuel,
Threave, 40 Hillview Terrace
Cross, Mrs., Gogar
Crow, David H.,
(H. M. Customs and Excise), 22 Dovecot road
Cruickshank, Miss
H. B., 4 Hillview terrace
Cumming, W. G.,
19 Corstorphine Hill gardens
Cunliffe, B., 22
Belgrave road
Cunningham, Mrs.
J., 12 Forrester road
Daniel, Lawrence,
20 Craigs road
Davidson, James
I. & Robertson land valuators, Saughton mains, Saughton road
Davidson, James,
(hairdresser, 8 West Maitland street), 38 Craigs road
Davidson, Mrs.
Jean, 3 Corstorphine Hill crescent
Davidson, Mrs.
Glenisla, 21 Belgrave road
Deaken, Leonard
W., Cestria, 13 Barony terrace
Deas, Miss A. P.,
17 Craigs crescent
Denniston, John,
10 North Gyle road
Department of Agriculture
for Scotland, Seed Testing and Plant Registration Station, East Craigs,
Craigs Road
Dick, Robert, Son
& Partner, slaters and plasterers, 48 Manse road
Dickson, R. &
J., taxi hirers, Braefoot garage, St. John's road
Dodds, William
& Co., seed and bulb merchants, 70 St. John's road
Dodds, Mrs. D.
W., 10 Glebe gardens
Dodds, Mrs. J.
Dickson, 11 Corstorphine House avenue
Dods, A. S., commercial
traveller, Dalhousie, 25 Templeland road
Donaldson, Geo.,
newsagent, stationer, tobacconist, 92 St. John's road; house, 17 Featherhall
crescent S.
Donaldson, Miss
Alice, 3 Belgrave terrace
Donovan, G. T.
W., 6 Craigmount avenue
Dorrat, James,
23 Craigs crescent
Douglas, A. B.,
17 Corstorphine Hill gardens
Douglas, John,
30 Craigs road
Douglas, Mrs. Rebecca,
Durward, 19 Old Kirk road
Douglas, Mrs.,
23 Belgrave road
Dryburgh, Mrs.
D., 9 Craigs crescent
Duff, Rev. James,
14 Craigmount park
Duguid, Robert,
4 St. Ninian's road
Duncan, David M.
& Son, builders, Dewarville, 6 Glebe road
Duncan, John W.
& Son, cabinet makers and upholsterers, 128 St. John's road; house,
Beaverbank, 26 Featherhall crescent North
Duncan, Andrew,
Engelberg, 62 Clermiston road, Corstorphine
Duncan, George,
74 Belgrave road
Duncan, R. Arnott,
S.S.C. (Ronald & Ritchie, W.S., Edinburgh), Auldearn, 72 Belgrave road
Dunlop, James,
8 Belgrave gardens
Dunlop, Miss J.
G., M.A., B.Sc., Windyedge, 99 Glasgow road
Dunn, John, cashier,
41 Corstorphine Hill gardens
Dymock, Thomas,
42 Belgrave road