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Edinburgh & Leith

County Directory

Colinton, 1842/43

Aikman, Robert, carter, Juniper green

Anderson, Mrs., West Colinton cottage

Alison, Thomas, carter, Juniper green

Alison, Wm. P., professor, Woodville, and 45 Heriot Row

Baillie, David, grocer and spirit merchant

Balfour, Rev. Lewis, A.M. manse

Blair, Miss, Woodhall bank, and 12 Hope street

Borthwick, Wm., millwright, Juniper green

Burton, Edward, engraver, Colinton

Burton, Mungo, wright

Cadell, R., esq., Hailes house & 15 Atholl cr.

Cameron, Angus, farmer, Currie muir-end

Carnie (Cairnie), John, boot and shoe maker

Clapperton, A. esq., Spylaw bank

Clapperton, Thos., esq., Oriel cottage

Cleland, Miss, teacher of sewing, Juniper green

Clephan, John, farmer, Woodhall

Cockburn, Lord, Bonally & 14 Charlotte sq.

Cowan and Son, papermakers, Kate's mill

Cowan, James, esq., Kate's mill

Crawford, A., master in the Navy, Juniper green

Davie, Thomas, mill master and mill wright

Dawson, John, mill master

Dea, William, slater, Juniper green

Dick, Thomas, gardener, Colinton house

Dickson, James, flesher, Juniper green

Downie, G., slater & innkeeper, Juniper green

Duncan, John, weaver

Dunfermline, Rt. Hon. Lord, Colinton house

Dinnie, John, farmer, Swanston

Fleming, W., snuff manufacturer, up. Spylaw mill

Fortune, James, Juniper green, --See Appendix

Forrest, Right Hon. Sir James of Comiston, Bart. Lord Provost of Edin. & 12 R. Circus

Forrester, Mrs., merchant, Juniper green

Foulis, Sir Wm., bart. of Colinton, Woodhall

Girdner, George, tailor

Girdwood, David, storekeeper

Girdwood, John, farmer, Torphin

Gillespie, Alex., mill master, Colinton barley mill

Greig, Thomas, esq. Fernielaw house, and 24 Buccleuch place

Grey, James, overseer, Kate's mill

Guthrie, William, factor, Dreghorn

Henderson, John, grocer, Juniper green

Hill, Charles, grocer and spirit dealer

Hogg, John, paper manufacturer, West mills

Hunter, James, surgeon, Juniper green

Hunter, James, millmaster, Woodhall barleymill

Hunter, Robert, A.M. schoolmaster & Postmaster

Inglis, Henry, esq., Spylaw house, and 46 Queen st.

Jenkinson, Thomas, merchant, Juniper green

Johnson, G., innkeeper, Hunter's tryst

Kedslie, Alexander, baker, Juniper green

Kerr, Norman, shoemaker, Juniper green

King, Thomas, millmaster, West mill

Laing, J., farmer, Colinton mains, and Royal Horse Bazaar, Edinburgh

Laing, Robert, paper manufacturer, Woodhall mill

Lane, T., school slate maker, Juniper green

Lawson, Wm., cowfeeder, Fairnie law

Lovell, James, overseer, West mill

Marr, Richard, tailor, Swanston

McAull, James, mill master, Hole mill

McAlpin, William, flesher

McDiarmid, Duncan, esq. west Colinton

Macfarlane, John, boot and shoemaker

McKenzie, John, plasterer, Juniper green

McRitchie, W. D., esq., Colinton bank

McWhirter and Co., paper manufacturers, Mossie mill

Marshall, overseer, Mossie mill

Mitchell, Alex., flesher

Mylne, John, clerk, Mossie mill

Paterson, David, smith, Enterkin's gate

Pearson, James, carter, Juniper green

Penman, Adam, farmer, Bonally

Porteous, John, wine merchant and grocer

Porteous, James, mason, Laverockdale

Rompini, Joseph, esq. Woodhall cottage and 10 Gloucester place

Ramsay, James, machine maker

Reid, John, dairyman, Oxgangs

Rose, Wm., excise officer

Sanderson, George, baker and spirit dealer

Steel, John, farmer, Caledonia

Steven, John, Juniper green

Stewart, John, Colinton farm

Stewart, Robert, builder, Juniper green

Tinnock, Wm., gardener, Spylaw house

Trotter, Alex., esq. of Dreghorn, and 12 George Sq.

Wallace, Wm., innkeeper, Currie-muir end

Watt, James, snuff manufacturer, East mill

Watt, James, farmer, Bloomyhall

Wilson, George, surgeon, Juniper green

Wright, Thomas, wood merchant, Juniper green

Young, William, smith

Young, William, wright