Post Office: Corstorphine,
Andrew Henderson, postmaster.
Letters from all parts arrive (from Edinburgh)
every morning at half past seven, and afternoon at half past three and
are despatched thereof at eight in the morning and evening at six.
Gentry & Clergy
Brown, Major David of Park
Burn, Rev. George of Corstorphine
Dalgleish, Miss, Corstorphine
Dixon, Mr. James, Corstorphine
Dunsmure, The Misses Margaret & Helen,
Fowler, William C., surgeon, Corstorphine
Henderson, Mrs., Corstorphine
Horne, Rev. David, Corstorphine
Laing, Rev. John, Gogar
Leishman, Mr. James, Corstorphine House
Smith, Mrs. Jane, Corstorphine
Thomson, Mr. William, Corstorphine
Professional Persons (including schools)
Bonner, Mary, mistress of parochial school
Duncan, Elizabeth, school, Gogar
Fowler, William C., surgeon
Manson, George, master of parochial school
Belfrage, George, North Gate
Binnie, John, West & East Craigs
Chapman, Mrs., Corstorphine
Dickson, John, Saughton Mains
Lawrie, John, Meadow House
Martin, James, Old Saughton
Neil, William R., Gogar Mains
Nimmo, James, Sighthill
Paterson, James, Meadowfield
Stewart, William, Corstorphine
Thomson, David, Gogar
Vintners & Spirit Dealers
Adam, James, Corstorphine
Cook, John, Corstorphine
Harper, Agnes, Corstorphine
Stanhouse, William, Corstorphine
Thomson, Archibald, Corstorphine
Shopkeepers & Traders
(In Corstorphine, when not
otherwise stated)
Blackie, Alexander, grocer
Brown, William, Contractor
Cowan, Hugh, smith
Cumming, William, boot and shoe maker
Dunn, James, baker
Gillespie, John, smith
Grant, Jane, dressmaker
Greig, William, boot and shoe maker
Henderson, Robert, baker
Hutton, William, tailor
Lyell, George, wright
Mackie, Thomas, gardener
Martin, Thomas, gardener
Samuel, Francis, builder
Simpson, John, grocer
Smith, James, miller, Saughton Mills
Smith, Thomas, grocer & wright
Thomson, Archibald, wright
Thomson, John, gardener
Walker, Robert, smith, Parkhead
Wallace, John, wright, Gogar
Wallace, Walter, wright, Parkhead
Weston, John, wright, Gogar
Whitewright, John, smith
Wilson, George, baker
Wright, Andrew, flesher
Conveyance by Railway on the Edinburgh
& Glasgow Line
Station at Gogar:
Matthew McMillan, station master