Edinburgh & Leith
County Directory, 1861/62
Anderson, Peter, shoemaker
Anderson, R., Woodbine
Belfrage, George, farmer, North Gyle
Blackie, Walter, lodgings, Janefield
Bonnar, Mrs. teacher
Brown, A., smith, Lenney park
Brown, Major David, of Park, Preston Lodge
Buchan Matthew, Birchwood mains
Buist, Robert, Featherhall
Burns, Rev. Dr., Estherville, (F. Church of S.)
Chisholm, Mrs., grocer
Cochrane, William, Lenney park
Cook, John, innkeeper
Cowan, Hugh, agricultural implement maker
Craig, Wm., Woodhall cottage
Craig, Miss Gibson, Hermiston house
Cumming, William, shoemaker
Currie, Mrs., grocer
Dixon, Mrs., Three-mile house
Downie, Hay, saddler
Dunlop, George, Gogar house
Dunlop, John, farmer, Clermiston
Dunlop, Wm., Redheughs
Dunn, James, baker
Dunsmure, Misses, Dunsmure lodge
Elder, William, dairyman
Fowler, Wm. Chalmers, M.D. Corstor. cot.
Gibb, George, Janefield
Gillespie, John, smith
Girdwood, Robert, Fixby
Girdwood, William, Fixby
Grant, John, lodgings
Greig, William, shoemaker
Grant, George, lodgings
Harper, James, innkeeper
Hector, Alexander, Woodbine place
Henderson, Andrew, wright
Henderson, John, Corstorphine Hill house
Herbert, Thomas, Meadowhouse
Horne, Rev. David, manse
Jack, Robert, farmer, West Craigs
Lawrie, Andrew, merchant
Lind, James, baker
Macfie, William, of Clermiston
Macfie, Claud, merchant, Gogar burn
Manson, George, schoolmaster
Marshall, Miss, lodgings, Janefield
Martin, James B., Broomhouse
Melville, James M., W.S., Hanley
Millar, George, Braefoot Cottage
Morrison, James, dentist
Muir, Mrs., grocer
Muirhead, Claud, Gogar park
Neil, Robert G., farmer, Gogar mains
Oliver, Robert, farmer, Milburn cottage
Paterson, Archibald, farmer, and assesor under the Lands Valuation Act,
Paterson, John, mason
Paterson, Miss, Preston villa
Pearson, Wm., inspector of poor
Porter, John, tailor
Reid, Mrs., lodgings
Rodger, James, lodgings
Scott, James, dairy
Scott, William, Melville terrace
Simpson, Mrs., grocer, Elm Cottage
Smith, Thomas, spirit dealer
Stenhouse, James, farmer, South Gyle
Stenhouse, William, spirit dealer
Stewart, W., farmer, Corstorphine bank
Thompson, Archibald, wright
Thomson, David, farmer, Gogar
Thomson, J. & R., gardeners
Thomson, Robert, gardener, Ferrybank
Tod, John, Lennie park, Corstorphine
Wallace, Tho., Four-mile hill
Watson, Mrs., dressmaker
Weston, John, smith, Gogar
Whiteford, Edward, shoemaker, Lenney park
Whiteford, John, shoemaker
Whitewright, Jn., smith and implement maker
Williamson, R.C., Beechwood house
Wright, Andrew, flesher and cattle dealer
Young, Matthew, wright, Lower Gogar