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Parochial Economy

The following is a list of the clergymen of the parish since the Reformation, viz. Mr. Walter Cowper, reader, died in November 1570.—


1. Mr. Andrew Forrester, son of Mr. Alexander Forrester, minister of Tranent, admitted between 1587 and 1591, and transferred to Tranent in September 1598.

2. Mr. William Arthur, appointed to preach during the vacancy by the presbytery on 19th September 1598; admitted minister of Corstorphine and Gogar, in consequence of a call of the people, on 7th June 1599.   He was appointed by the General Assembly of 1602, to visit the kirks in the west country.  He is last noticed in the presbytery register, in August 1603.

3. Mr. David Bassillie was minister in February 1631, and died about 1684.

4. Mr. Robert Hunter was elected by the heritors, elders, and whole parishioners, without one dissenting voice, and admitted 11th April 1655; he was ejected for non-conformity on 2nd October 1662.  After which the kirk was vacant till the appointment of,

5. Mr. Thomas Mowbray, who was received to the ministerial function on 13th March 1665, by collation of the Bishop of Edinburgh, with consent of the heritors.

6. Mr. Archibald Chisholm, was presented to the living by James Lord Forrester, the patron, ratified by collation of George Bishop of Edinburgh ; and admitted on 7th December 1666.

 7. Mr. John Pringle was presented and admitted in the same way on 24th July 1670.

 8. Mr. George Henry was presented by Lord Forrester, and, in absence of all the heritors, admitted on 9th May 1672; he was expelled for refusing to proclaim William and Mary on, 10th May 1689.

 9.  Mr. Archibald Hamilton, admitted in 1692, and died on 30th April 1709.

10. Mr. George Fordyce, chosen by a majority of the heritors and elders as patrons, under the Act 1692, and admitted on presenting their call with an adherence thereto by the people, on 18th October 1709, and died on 30th August 1767, aged eighty-five.

11. Mr. John Chiesley, a Fife parson, " who had been very serviceable to Mr. Alexander of Clermiston, in his canvass for the Anstruther burghs,'' was by his influence translated hither, and admitted on 23rd November 1768; he died in June 1788, “not much regretted by the parishioners.”

12. Mr. Thomas Sharp was tutor in the family of the patron; he was afterwards settled in the south of Scotland, and translated hither, and admitted on 15th October 1789, he died in July 1791 (i).

13. Mr. James Oliver, formerly minister of Ancrum, was admitted on 5th July, 1792 (ii).

14. Dr. David Scott, was ordained and admitted on 17th November 1814, elected Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of St. Andrews in 1833.

15. Mr. David Horne, formerly minister of Yester, was admitted on 28th November 1833.

i. Wood's MS.
ii. See the remarks on the state of religion in the parish in the last Statistical Account, Vol. xiv. pp. 461 and 463, written by Mr. Oliver as a specimen of his views. He seems to have been a sounder politician than a divine.

Statistical Account
