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Bad Taste

Bad Taste


Stars: Peter Jackson, Terry Potter, Peter O'Herne, Craig Smith, Mike Minett, Doug Wren.

Director: Peter Jackson.

Plot: "Oh No, The Bastards Have Landed" states one of "The Boys" in this horror comedy. It's a simple plot about aliens who kill humans and take them back to their planet to turn them into food for a fast food market. The only people who can stop them are "The Boys" from the organization A.I.D.S.. This is a group of four guys who are the best of the best. It includes Derek(Peter Jackson), Ozzy(Terry Potter), Barry(Peter O'Herne), and Frank(Mike Minett). They'll stop at nothing to kill these bastards. That includes using uzis, rocket launchers, chainsaws and any other type of weapon. When they arrive in the deserted town where the aliens are rumored to be, there aren't any people to be found. Probably because they've already been killed. Derek meets up with some of the aliens and puts up a good fight with them using his uzi, but unfortunately, he's not that lucky. You see, one of the aliens that he tied to a cliff, Robert(Peter Jackson again), reaches up and throws Derek off the end of the cliff landing on rocks. Obviously, we'd think he'd be dead. Wrong, he gets up and the only injury that he has is that part of his brain keeps on falling out of a open wound on the back of his head. In order to solve this dilemma, he ties his belt around his head so that the brains don't fall out and continues to fight the aliens. There's also Giles(Craig Smith), who was going door-to-door selling his product unaware of the aliens that had taken over the town. He gets captured by the aliens who plan to turn him into fast food. The leader of the aliens is played by Doug Wren. It's "The Boys" duty to find the aliens' hideout and stop them before the kill the whole population.

My Thoughts: This is one of my favorite movies and also one of my favorite Peter Jackson flicks. Like his other gorefest Dead Alive, this movie is supposed to be funny instead of scary. He pacts in so much gore, decapitations, and deaths, that it becomes hilarious. It was shot on camcorder for only $250,000 and it shows in the movie but the low quality makes it even better. When Derek continues to have to place part of his brain back in his head, it's hilarious. There's probably not one scene of drama in this movie which makes it really fun to watch. When the guys finally find the hideout, it's so funny watching them maul down like 100 aliens with their uzis and shotguns and other assorted weapons. The characters themself are also really goofy. For example, Derek also has spit that stays on his chain and he never tries to wipe it off and it's on his face for the entire time. Though this isn't as disgusting as Dead Alive, there are many gross scenes. For example, one of "The Boys" goes undercover and pretends to be a alien and joins in one of the meetings. At each meeting, the leader makes Robert vomit in a punch bowl and then they pass it around and all the aliens drink out of it. When he vomits, around two gallons of green puke come flying out of his mouth like a waterfall. Then when the human has to drink it, it's really funny and disgusting at the same time. If you like to be grossed out, I would highly recommend this and Dead Alive as a back-to-back grossout fest.


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