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Okay..okay..I have a new gift pics!! Thanks to ALL that took part in sending DBU one of these !

DBU Banners

The very first one..i ever got..thanks Jess!! *sniffles*

DBU pics..from the all of us..^_~

Mirai Goten..Bra..and Gokuu : by Jess
Bra and Goten wedding pic : by Jess
A sweet pic of Trunks-kun : by Gohan-san
Just a Kiss :by Sydney . o O ( DAMMMN thats..a hot pic of Goten and Bra)
Bikini and Boxer : by Marron
Webmistresses on a ROAD TRIP ! : by Son Piper
Webmistresses Anime style : by Jess
Webmistresses and a Joe(y) : by Jess
Webmistresses : by Jewls-chan
Bikini-chan : By Jess
Bikini-chan anime style
A odd couple faimly pic! : from Miari Genration
Goten and Bra wedding pic in pencial : by Jess
SSj Bikini by Tifa
Bikini as a Kitty by Tifa
Goten N Bura as Saiy-jin Warriors by Sydney * NeW*
SonChan, Boxer, TrunksJr., Allie, and Justin..i dont remember the artist name so if this its your art email me with ur name..