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Welcome to the Shirley Temple Polls Page at the Shrine. Please vote below
5-23-03 | New Poll below!
Being Shirley
If you could have one of Shirley's best attributes, what would it be?
I would look like her.
I would have her dancing ability.
I would have her singing voice.
None, I prefer being me!
I'm a guy, so I would date her.

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How did you first find out about Shirley?
Through family
Through friends
Saw a movie with her in it
Saw her biography and picked it up
Don't know

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Okay, it's occured to me that perhaps some people don't know who Melissa Joan Hart is (and this is your lucky day, since I just happened to have some time to kill). Read her profile here.
Bachelor and the Bobby-soxer
Do you think Melissa Joan Hart will do justice to Shirley Temple?
Yes, I think she could do a great job!
Yeah, she could do a fair job.
Maybe, I don't really care.
No, it'll probably turn out pretty stupid..
No way! No one can compare to Shirley!

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Shirley's Peak
When was Shirley at her best in looks and talent?
Ages 3-4
Ages 6-8
Ages 10-12
Ages 14-17
Twenties and up

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Would Shirley of been as popular today?

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Most well-known
What is the most well-known Shirley movie?

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Abc Movie
What did you think of the ABC original movie, Child Star?
There was a movie?
Great! I loved "Shirley Temple"!
It was okay
Historically incorrect- Movies ruin everything!

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