The following have achieved the great distinction of me liking them. I realize that this distinction means nothing in the real world, since it is really all a matter of personal taste. However, I also realize that if you wanted to look at a website with a purpose, you wouldn't be looking here. So, without further ado...
(Drum roll please....)
Here they are, the best of Dragongrrl's Universe:
Dragongrrl's top 10 musical artists (in no particular order)
Although I also enjoy all sorts of classic rock, modern rock, techno and electronica, metal, new wave, oldies, etc. etc.
Favorite comedy group: Monty Python
And now for something completely different: Dragongrrl's favorite comedy group, Monty Python. They have a tv series (Monty Python's Flying Circus) and Three movies (The Holy Grail, The Meaning of
Life, and The Life of Brian)For the Monty Python webiste, the Daily Llama, click here.
Favorite TV series: Highlander, the series
This is Highlander. First there were the movies (now there are four of them) with Christopher Lambert
as Connor MacLeod. Then there was the TV series with Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod. Dragongrrl has (sadly) seen every episode. It's about immortal people who run around cutting each other's heads off. Cool huh. For a site about Methos, the best character on the show, click here. For the official Highlander site, click here.
Favorite Book:The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Glaxy, by Douglas Adams
It's actually the first book in a five
book trilogy including The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life, the Universe, and Everything,
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless. They're funny, they're scifi - who could resist?
There are the five books, a radio program, and an EXTREMELY low budget BBC tv series.
Click Here for the real Guide to the Galaxy.
Favorite Actor: Rupert Everett. Pictures speak louder, 'nuff said.
Favorite Arist: Salvador Dali
This is the Hallucinogenic Torreador, a painting by Spanish painter Salvador Dali. You can see lots of his other
stuff at the virtual gallery Here
Favorite school: Boston College
Perhaps I'm biased, but I love Boston College. This is Gasson Hall, on the quad
at BC. You can go to their website by clicking Here
Dragongrrl's top 20 favorite movies (in no particular order):
Truth be told, there are very few movies I don't like. I enjoy all sorts of film, and I don't really have any taste, as I am sure you figured out from the rest of this :)
Favorites Website: This one (obviously)