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Well, you must know me or else you wouldn't be here. My name is Erin English and I am a junior at the University of Notre Dame, where I am studying Government and International Relations and some unknown, often changed second major that will eventually be determined. However, I eventually want to make it into graduate school and from there we will see what I ened up doing with my life.

I live in Pasquerilla East Hall in "The Baisodrome" with my strange but lovable roommate Lisa. For all of you that don't know, PE is in the middle of nowhere, so we generally have to make our own fun, which may or may not including seeing how many shots it takes to get through Wayne's World, depending on whom you talk to. I am a Libra, enjoy playing volleyball, painting and long walks on the get the picture. If I am not in my room, I am probably either in LaFun, Reckers, CoMo, on the third floor of Siegfried or off generally making an ass of myself in some other remote corner of the campus.

I originally hail from the now infamous suburban town of New Milford in fabulous Litchfield County, Connecticut, home of Conan O'Brien, farms, more farms and well, farms. Some other famous people live here but mostly everyone is interested in hearing about Conan for some reason. I attended New Milford High School, class of 1999, where I spent my time dodging the creepy couple that made out on my locker, swimming and playing various other sports, and generally making myself a pain in the ass of my teachers. During the summmers I worked for 5 years as a lifeguard at the fabulously sanitary Lynn Deming Park, one place I recommend you never taking vacation if you really value your health. Shout outs to Bridget, John, Rebe, Bubbles, Megan, Bella, Mikey, Aurora, AJ, Kim and Rudy. Shouts to Frank Frankovich and Hoyt as well.

I have a huge family spread out all over the place, which includes my parents, my sisters Colleen, Meagan and Maura, my brother Conor, my nieces Catelyn and Claire, my nephew Ryan, brother in law Rich, etc etc...the list could go on forever. I love them, I miss them, yadda yadda yadda. Shout outs to all of them, if they are reading. I miss being home.